chapter 1: odd signal

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"It was just like any other day, apart from the newest members of the base jack, Raf and miko, the autobots were lounging about getting some much needed relaxation after another hard fought battle with the cons. Until suddenly the bases alarms started sounding."

Ratchet: Its an autobot signature but very weak, possibly critically injured.

Odessa prime: Then we must make haste and bring our newest sister to base.

Bulkhead: I'm ready to pound some metal if it's a con trap.

Odessa: Ratchet open the groundbridge and prep the medical supplies, we will return soon.

"The autobots then transformed and drove to the location to find a beat up rusted old truck with large holes in the doors and near the grill."

Arcee: What the scrap happened to her?

Bulkhead: Don't know, but let's hope it's not nearby.

"They then hook chains up to the bumper of the truck and start dragging it through the groundbridge."

Miko: So who's the junker?

Bulkhead: MIKO!!

Ratchet: I will attempt to bring her back online (hooks up wires and bumps electricity into the truck)

????: (distorted) CALLING ALL! Calling all autobots!

Ratchet: Its a he, I will attempt to clean up his message

????: (clear message) Calling all autobots, we are under targeted attack! Cease all contact with humans!

Jack: why where humans attacking him?

Arcee: don't know?

Miko: whoa I thought bulkhead was the only male bot who was good, also mind if I take a look at what's inside of the cab?

Ratchet: Fine not like you can do anything while he's like this anyways.

"miko then comes down and opens the driver side door and shells start falling out"

Miko: (holding a missile trying to get it to work like a idiot)

Jack: looks like a missile?

Miko: It is a MISSILE!!!!! (it starts flying around out of control hitting several walls and tools until eventually hitting the trucks exposed engine) oops, sorry

Ratchet: Miko I needed that!!!!!

"Suddenly the truck starts powering up and transforms into a 29 feet tall autobot"

????: AAAARRGGHHH I'll kill you! (His back starts sifting around as if somethings trying to be removed and reveals to be a gun handle) No NOOO! SAM! RUN!! (Collapses on the ground and groaning in pain before finally managing to stand up) AGHR ILL KILL YOU STAY BACK!!!!!

Bulkhead: (aims weapons at him)

Odessa: Bulkhead no he's scared! Youll only provoke him into shooting!

????: (starts calming down seeing that their autobots, very curvy autobots but still autobots) identify yourselves autobots

Odessa: my name is Odessa prime the leader

Arcee: arcee that's all you'll get from me

Bulkhead: im Bulkhead

Ratchet: im Ratchet, don't break my stuff

Bumblebee: im Bumblebee (never lost her voice, just doesn't talk much)

Optimus prime: my name is optimus prime. If your here then that means, my autobots their indanger!!! (Falls over with half of his helmet falling off of him along with other parts and starts coughing up energon) I need to go, I need to go now!!!!

Ratchet: your in no condition to go three steps without falling apart. To the medical station now, doctors orders

Optimus: no I need to rescue.... (passes out due to his injurys)

"Things are starting to ramp up for the autobots with the new addition to the team, but how'd he get here, what happed to his team all questions will be answered as the journey begins"

*I know I know, why make something like this? Cause I can!!!!*


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