Rules/Basic info

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Hello! Welcome to the roleplay ☺️
Here's some basic things you should know

-I get busy with IRL stuff or have low motivation at times, if I don't reply for awhile feel free to dm me or check my activity status in my bio!

-One on one only, no group roleplays/multiple people in a roleplay (I get overwhelmed sometimes !)

-No Mary Sue or Gary sue types if you use an oc, making someone OP won't be any fun (even though we all know Optimus usually has plot armor 🙄)

-Dont worry about sticking to any exact canon, I'm not strict! I go way off canon so many times, believe me-

-No spamming please! I'll reply when I have the chance, and if it'll take a bit I'll let you know ! (Also check my status in my bio if it's been a hot sec)

-Keep it PG 13, fluff is alright. (I won't do nsfw but please take note of the fact that I'm 18, should've clarified this sooner)

-Things can be casual! If you ever ventured onto AO3 and gone to the transformers tag you might've seen all these fancy fan made words for anatomy like "optics" "intake" "pedes" or "skid plate". Using those aren't necessary but feel free if you want!

I am most familiar with the ~Aligned Continuity~ so I'll be using that for a basis of how I roleplay as the characters! If you have any questions lmk, if you've got some free time feel free to watch the video above to familiarize yourself! If you don't have the time or just need a small refresher here's a basic run down:
-There's a caste system that assigned everyone to jobs prewar based on what they transformed into

-Upper classes were bots that later supported autobots, while lower classes were bots that ended up supporting the decepticon cause

-Higher ups didn't care about forced labor or slavery of those below them and willing let bots die as they worked in factories

-Megatron (previously Megatronus) became a gladiator to help spread awareness and became the face of the revolution

-Optimus (previously Orion Pax) was an archivist who was taught and mentored by Megatron about the struggles and issues in the lower class

-Optimus is made a Prime by the council because his speech was better and less threatening than Megatron's, which somewhat unintentionally made him betray Megatron

-Megatron became corrupt and soon only wanted vengeance again Optimus

Soo in short
Autobots: Made from the previous upper classes, didn't care too much about all that robot slavery or forced labors

Decepticons: Made mostly from the lower classes and fought for the caste system to be destroyed, Megatron's thirst for vengeance made him a corrupt leader

There's a lot I didn't cover but I tried to make it brief
Also, I've been in this fandom for a few years but I am in no way shape or form an expert. Don't be upset if I make a mistake!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro