Painful Night

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Universe: Prime
Plot: when the pain keeps a mech up at night, he probably needs more comfort than he would ever admit.
Warning: Spoilers up to Evolution, season three.

It was one peaceful night. The new Autobot base was completely silent, no one moved as a deep slumber took over all the bots' frames. Well, not all.
One bot laid on a spartan berth, in his new quarters. His blue optics were wide open as he stared at the ceiling above him, trying to find a way to fall into recharge. His wounded servo was burning, the triple hook nothing but an hassle, something he felt completely useless. It wasn't part of his body.
The large Second in Command sat up slowly, his expression twisting in pain as he groaned. He looked around, knowing everyone was recharging but also knowing the mech who had his quarters right beside him had a superb hearing. And a really light sleep. He waited for a moment, but when he heard nothing stood and decided to leave his quarters. Maybe checking everything was going smoothly and no youngling was doing something against the rules would help him get distracted.

When Ultra Magnus exited his quarters, he looked around glancing a last time toward his leader's quarters door. He hoped really the mech was recharging, and wasn't awakened by his previous groan. He needed his rest more than anyone else. The teal commander continued down the hall, going toward the main room. Only his steps, echoing softly, could be heard. Suddenly though he felt his pede trip on something and the last thing he knew was that he laid face first on the floor. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was the agony crossing his healing servo. Hot flashes of pain started on his wrist and rose up to the shoulder, making him hiss loudly as he tried to get back up. He was truly struggling as his right arm was completely unresponsive and useless. He started getting up using only his legs and his left arm, when suddenly strong servos grabbed him by the shoulders, helping him up. The commander looked up as he stood and immediately recognized his leader, who stood in front of him frowning.
"Ultra Magnus, are you alright?" he asked quietly with his baritone voice.
The blue mech nodded, mumbling an awkward:"Thank you sir."
He then turned to look at what he tripped on and growled seeing he tripped on some speakers that odd, loud girl just left in the hall like it was nothing. Anger sparked in his optics as he stiffened, but a servo was placed on his shoulderplate.
" At ease Ultra Magnus." the leader said quietly, bringing him away without much effort. He knew the Second in Command would have never resisted even a small order from him.
When they arrived to Optimus' office Ultra Magnus looked up at him and was just confused. Why did he bring him there?
" Sit. " the bigger mech ordered gently, and the other mech truly could not refuse.
Optimus then just touched his commlink and the SiC felt his spark drop hearing the word Ratchet. How could he think his leader would not have called him seeing him in pain? But he didn't have the strength to protest just leaning against the chair.

The medic arrived in really little time. His blue optics blazing in fury and concern as he hurried over and started scanning his arm.
"What have you done?! ' Ratchet snarled at Ultra Magnus, but realized the mech wasn't really responsive. Half passed out for the pain and exhaustion. He grumbled softly also feeling Optimus glare at him and focused on trying to help. Sealing the just reopened wounds. Painfully aware of how a messy job the claw was. A try to get him at least able to hold something like a weapon in battle. Or to wound enemies with his long metal digits. But he was losing any hope for this to be functional. His optics dimmed sadly as he finished and looked at Optimus.
"I did my best." he muttered softly "force him to bed for a while. Doctor's orders. He continues straining himself."
He had to seal also his other wounds already ten times.
"Yes Ratchet." Optimus said quietly and sighed watching the weak, half sedated commander as the medic had injected painkillers into him. When he was left alone with his right hand, with his friend, he picked him up gently, his optics dim as he laid him on his own berth. Wanting to keep an optic on him as he worked. Tucking him in and sighing as the teal bot huddled up like a sleepy sparkling. Worry sparking inside him.
He sat back at his desk but most of the time just found himself checking on Ultra Magnus, deeply concerned about his health.

Ultra Magnus stood in a cave, looking around. His blue optics wide to catch the dim light that shone against the rocks. Trying to understand how he even arrived there. His servos becoming blasters quickly. Looking for a way out.
Suddenly a roar echoed in the distance, getting always closer. Terror clawed at his spark, wrapping it in its icy grip. The commander never felt something like that. He wanted to move, to back away, but his legs didn't respond. The roar was now deafening, the rocks trembling.
Then silence. The commander vented, thinking whatever it was had stopped coming over.

He was wrong.

The wall right in front of him seemed to explode, rocks' shards flying everywhere, digging in his armor.
A huge helm came out of the shadows, jaws open and ready to close around him. Ultra Magnus' optics went huge.
The beast jumped.

The cry that erupted from the lieutenant's voicebox startled Optimus, who jumped on his pedes for pure instinct.
"Ultra Magnus." he said quietly as he went over, seeing the mech sit up shaking violently "Ultra Magnus it is okay. You are in the base. Nothing will hurt you. It was a nightmare. '
Ultra Magnus looked up at him with huge optics, his clawed servo spasming a little in fear. He then vented slowly.
" Optimus... " he muttered softly, before realizing where he was. Confused, he went to get up slowly, and not understanding why he was laying on his leader's berth. Optimus though pushed him back down gently and shook his helm.
"Ratchet will have both my and your helms if you get up now." he said quietly "you need to rest. You are off duty until further notice, your systems need to heal. '
Ultra Magnus wanted to protest but knew better. He didn't look forward to have his helm whacked by the old medic's wrenches. And he knew Optimus would not have helped.  He just felt like he was a bother to his leader, laying on his berth.

"Sir, I should not be here..." he muttered softly "It is your office... I am a bother..."
The leader just gave him an almost invisible smile.
'Don't worry. " he said quietly" I would do anything for my brother. "
At that sweet nickname, that expressed all the care they felt for each other, Ultra Magnus felt himself smile as well. His respectful, dutiful mask falling. While his optics started flickering and turning off, his last, slurred words were:" Thank you brother... "

Author's note: this is my first one shot, and I decided to start off with a bit of fluff between my favorite BROTP. This is so cute! Magnus really needed someone to take care of him and keep him company, and who is better than his oldest friend? Brother in arms?
Tell me what you think of it!

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