The Day it began..

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Cybertron, it was once a peaceful planet. I can't remember anything wrong with this planet. But now, war has waged out for years and years. Everyone is pitted against each other, two sides, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Both fighting on this dying planet and off planet. Millions have gave their life to fight for peace or for destruction. Many Primes have gave their lives fighting the Decepticons, Optima fighting for us all was once a chance that we had to win, but now, that time is over. A new prime has been appointed and he has done nothing but bring victory, the planet is soon to go out in two days. The New prime has called on all Autobots to be ready, the next fight is sure to be our last. It's sad to see a planet that was once dead and was brought back to life only to see it end again. "......., come on, it's time to go. Prime wants us ready we're moving out." An Autobot said walking with others towards the main hall. All remaining Autobots stood their as the leader walked towards the center. He had a face mask as the only visual part of him were his red glowing eyes. He stood tall having a jet pack as well as two axes on his back with four mini guns attached as one with a shield on one side having extra armor around him. "Autobots. We have lost many, friends, close ones, brave soldiers, we will not forget them. But today is our last fight, the Decepticons have been working on a device to jump through time. This our chance! To stop this fight from ever happening. To go back to a time, where Optama was alive. It's time to move forward and fight for all! Autobots get ready to roll out." He said leaving them as they all cheered and started getting all remaining weapons and fixed up as best as they could. "Prime sir. A word please." He looked over seeing Preceptor as he nodded. They walked a little and soon stopped. "This plan, it doesn't have a very good percent of success to stop the Decepticons." Preceptor said as the current prime looked over. "I know, this mission isn't about success, it's about getting you back to the time where Optima was in charge." He said. As this happened an explosion went off. Prime groaned walking over. "Prime were under attack! We don't have enough power to fight back." One of the Autobots said. The Decepticon base fired rapidly at the Autobot ship. "Lower the ship! All troops get ready to jump, we're crashing the ship into the base!" He ordered as Auto Pilot was engaged. All troops ran out and soon jumped out watching the ship.

Decepticons saw this and started leaving the area as the firing stopped seeing the Autobot ship crash into the base. Prime landed making the ground shake. "We have our opportunity! AutoBots roll out! Preceptor stay close." He said as all soldiers ran in firing and attacking any Decepticon. Heavy gunners ran out only to see prime. He stayed in place charging his jet pack only to ram forward and knock them down. He walked in and soon started firing at everything in sight walking into different areas of the base. Autobots and Decepticons fighting all over. "Hello prime, quiet the entrance you've made, let's have a little chat, for old times I'll even clear a path for you.." the intercom went off. Preceptor looked to him. A hallway opened up as it was completely dark. He looked back and nodded as Preceptor transformed into a blaster being on the side. "How long has it been sense we've seen each other? I never would have thought you would be chosen with the matrix. Someone so innocent as you." The voice said as Prime walked faster having his weapons ready. "Enough! I was chosen because you destroyed my friends! My family! And your going to pay Megatrona.." he looked around trying to scan through the dark seeing a small faint light. He ran forward charging through the door seeing the room in front of him. Four power generators were under him. A large machine in the center seeing someone stand as he walked over. "Well I never thought we would be face to face again." She said looking to him. He looked over seeing the machine. "Is this It? The time portal?" He asked as she nodded. "Yes, it's ready to go, but we both know your not going through." She said activating the machine and looked to him. "Let's see if your right." He grabbed both axes and charged at her as she grabbed her weapon and charged both clashed and fought each other. Both lost their weapons as she gripped her fist. "As unfair as it is, you lose." He said having his weapons raised at her. She snickered. "What's so funny?" He asked. She smirked looking at him he turned around only to be met with multiple hits from gunners as he fell back using his shield for cover. Megatrona stood up walking behind him grabbing his back as she ripped through it. "Enough with this suit! I made it! I made you powerful and I can take it away!" She yelled. He groaned in pain only to stand up weak pushing her away. He ran over being fired at as he struggled. His chest opened up only to shoot the matrix and book out into the portal as he threw preceptor in. "What have you down!" She yelled. He grabbed one of the power lines deactivating the portal. Megatrona activated her arm canon looking at him. "You better have some last words!" She said. He was panting and looked up. "To all remaining Autobots, we will live, this part of history will be erased one day, but for now, survival till the end, till all are one." He said. His suit started to overheat as Megatrona took aim and fired. Prime fell back seeing the blast miss as he fell towards the generators as they soon blew up having Decepticons evacuate. Megatrona walked away and looked back at the base. "Farewell (Y/n) Prime." She said seeing the base blow up.

Somewhere else in time...

Someone was talking as a student was asleep and groaned trying to sleep. "Mr (L/n)!" The teacher yelled as the student woke up rubbing his eyes as the class laughed a little. "Care to explain the problem on the board?" He asked. (Y/n) was a bit nervous and stood up walking towards the front of the class. He tried solving the problem as it was messy and the wrong answer. "Please take your seat, try and stay up for class." The teacher said as he sat back in his seat tired. School ended as he decided to walk home alone instead of with his friends. He sighed and smelled something burnt in the air. He shrugged walking towards his house seeing smoke in the back as he panicked running over. He saw a small crater as he coughed covering his face. He looked over seeing some kind of toy blaster, a handle sticking out of the ground and something metal sticking out. He reached out only to burn his hand as he fell back in pain. He rubbed his eyes opening them as their regular hue turned bright blue and soon red and back to normal. "Their gonna be so mad at me.." he looked to his house thinking of his parents and panicked. He ran into his house wrapping his hand and went to the small crater and looked around. He saw a near by burnt rock and used his foot to roll it over into the crater as he reached out for the toy blaster and the metal object. He saw the handle sticking out and tried pulling it out struggling as he soon yanked it out from the ground seeing the strange object now in his hands. A small shock went through out the neighborhood as he held his head a little tired. He went back inside holding his head tired going up to his room. A purple car two blocks away turned on as it drove around the area slowly and parked in an alley way. "Alert lord Megatrona, a massive energy spike just occurred In my area, requesting back up to scout the area." It said transforming into a Decepticon scout waiting for his orders to come back as it looked around soon locking onto the energy.

To Be Continued...

[Must Read!!]
(Hey guys! This is a new story that I've wanted to bring back for quiet a while! I hope you'll enjoy it and please vote and comment on each chapter it will really help. This story will revolve around the original G1 series, the movies, and almost every other animated series like Transformers Prime, Robots in Disguise, Beast Wars and some of the video games like the fall of cybertron and the app games! Lots of Transformers will come together for this! This is a Harem we're most of the male transformers will be female. Each Game or series belongs to its rightful owner and creators! I do not own the images or cover images in this story! I only own my writing. Scenes from the games or series belong to their rightful owner and company. Please vote and comment and this story will have mild violence and language so be advised, if you do not approve then do not read this story. This story will take place in prime and continue as all stories come together! Thank you and I'll see you in the next one!

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