Egypt Part 2

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City........

"Are you nuts Ironhide!? Look at thing! It is going to take more than your arm cannons to take care of this Con." Said Mikoto.

"Enough! Here it comes!" Said Optimus. He was right as the giant Con was about to attack.

"Devastator! Destroy the Autobots!" Order Megatron.

Devastator raised his large right arm and swing it across the ground, causing everyone to be knock back on their backs on the ground.

"Man that hurt." Said Ironhide.

"Agreed. That Con is dangerous." Said Sideswipe.

"I sure hope Alex is okay." Said Mikoto as she was slowly getting back up.

"I am sure he is. But right now, we need to focus on surviving." Said Arcee as she fired her weapons at the giant Con but it only tickled it. Devastator opened his mouth very wide. He begin to suck up everything into his mouth. The Autobots have to transformed into their Vehicle forms to get away from this attack. Mikoto quickly hopped onto Arcee Vehicle mode as they try to run away from this monster.

Devastator stopped his attack to go after the Autobots as fast as he could. Mikoto only turned back to see the area where they left Alex.

'Please be safe.' Thought Mikoto.


Back with Alex........

"I have been walking in this weird place but the more I explore, the deeper I go." Said Alex as he was walking down a very long flight of steps.

When he reached the bottom, he was fascinated. Their were many unique drawings of things he never saw before. He saw a drawing on the metal wall of a giant metal planet and saw giant metal beings.

"These must be the Transformers. But how could a human back then know about all this? Unless... It wasn't a human that did all this. It was someone else." Said Alex.

"You are correct human." Said a new calm voice.

Alex turned around to see the wall torches lighting themselves up. Their was a large metal being that has a large gown bird wings. He has three metal claw toes. He has five sharp fingers. He has a mask that has a bird beak on the top. He has a yellow and brown metal armor plating on his shoulders, knees and wrists. He is hold in his left hand a black metal sword. ( A OC Transformer)

"Who are you?" asked Alex as he slowly approach the new being infront of him.

"My name is Dante. And we have much to discuss human." Said Dante.

Megatron as introduced himself to the Autobots. Alex as meet a strange new Transformer. Is Dante a friend or foe? Stay tuned.


With Alex........

"Wait wait. Are you a Transformer?" asked Alex as he approach the new Transformer infront of him.

"The proper name is Cybertronians." Said Dante

"Oh right sorry. Well, my name is Alex. Why are you here? How long have you been on our planet?" asked Alex.

"A very long time. Longer than your kind life span." Said Dante as he beginning to walk towards a wall. He raised his sword as it begin to be surrounded in flames.

Alex got closer to see something on this wall. It had the picture of a twelve robots that have armors that similar to a knight. And above this twelve knight is a floating robot that looks almost humanoid.

"What the... What is all this Dante?" Said Alex.

"I was there during the beginning of our kind birth. or I guess, 'created' it the proper word." Said Dante.

"Wait. Your kind was created? As in someone created all you guys?" asked Alex.

"Yes. See these twelve knights in this drawing? These are the Guardian Knights. They and me included, once served one of our most evil creators, Quintessa." Said Dante.

"Who is that?" said Alex.

"This is her. Quintessa." He said as his eyes glowed to show a hologram of their most ruthless god, Quintessa.

"She had a lot of names back then. One of these names was called The Great Deceiver. She treated our kind like slaves and was going to use us for war and destruction across the universe." Said Dante a he turned off his hologram projection.

'Whoa. That is one messed up lady.' Thought Alex.

"Then one day, me and the Guardian Knights rebelled against her. We took her source of power and then, to make sure she never returns or harms our kind, I killed her. With this very sword." Said Dante as he lifted his sword up high to make Alex see the very weapon that killed their god.

"But then, why came here?" Asked Alex.

"We wanted to find a place to throw what remains of her into a volcano. Your planet as the perfect choice. And, we wanted our kind to left in peace so they can live in freedom. But along the way, our ship crashed." Said Dante as he walk to another wall with Alex following him. The sword reveled a man with a sword fighting against a group of other humans. And above this man was a metal like three head dragon and a metal like griffin.

"The ship crashed into your planet around the time of King Author was alive. The Guardian Knights choices to stay out of the humans way but one human named Merlin was able to get them to help King Author and his allies. I of course helped out as well." Said Dante.

"So the the stories of King Author were true but not telling the full story." Said Alex.

"Correct. After the war was over, I took what remains of our former god body and throw it into a volcano, and I stayed their for a while to watch her body burn. Then I came to Egypt because I sensed something. Two pieces of the Allspark Fragments." Said Dante. He opened up his left hand to reveal a square like pieces of the Allspark.

"The Allspark Fragment! Said Alex.

"It came to my understanding that something must have happen back on Cybertron for something like the Allspark to be sent here. From there, I gave the other piece of the Allspark to the Knights for them to protect, and I built this very room to guard my piece as well. Tell me Alex, what is going on back on Cybertron." Said Dante

"There is a war that still going on between two sides. The Autobots and Decepticons. The war has destroyed their planet and it is void of life now. The Autobots are here, hoping to get the Allspark to restore their planet and life so peace can be restored. The Decepticons want to use it for war to bring forth a massive army." Said Alex.

"I see. Even after millions of years, war will always be a part of us and our history." Said Dante.

Suddenly, their was a large rumble coming from the surface as made Alex flinched. "What the heck is going on out there?" asked Alex.

"It would seem that your friends are facing one of these 'Decepticons' now." Said Dante.

"Then you need to help. Optimus Prime wants the future and freedom for all live in the cosmos." Said Alex. "My friends would never give up and neither will I!"

Dante looked carefully at Alex eyes. He would see the fire burning so clearly in them. Dante smiled. "Alright kid. Let me ask you this, do you want to arrive in a normal entrance or a amazing one?" asked Dante.

"Um... Amazing one?" asked Alex.

"Then lets get this party started." Dante begin to transform into something that is not a vehicle. His very shadow begin to show that he is transforming into something Alex never though he get to see. Alex is smiling on this.


Back with Mikoto.........

The Autobots and Mikoto were handling the situation quite well......

"AHHH!" Said Mikoto as she was sent back into the ground.

Oops. I meant to say, they are in a very bad situation. Devastator is knocking them back easily.

"You alright Mikoto?" asked Arcee as she helped her get back up on her feet. "I am okay." Said Mikoto as she shook the dizziness out as she saw that the Autobots weapons are not working.

Optimus large hand blaster is only making the Con angry. Three missile launchers pop out of Devastator back and fired about 100 missiles at Optimus. 

Optimus had to transform to escape all those missiles by driving at full speed. Drift tried to slash the Cons leg with his swords but all it was doing us creating scratches on the armor.

Crosshairs fired at one of the Devastator eyes and it ticked him off. "Uh-oh!" Said Crosshairs as he was knocked back by a back slap.

Hound fired this sub machine gun at Devastator but all it was doing was creating dents into that thing. "I don't have a enough ammo for that thing." Said Hound.

From where Megatron is, he is watching the fight from the pyramid he is sill latched on to. "Ha Ha. Devastator will turn the Autobots into scrap metal and our long war will finally be win by the Decepticons!" Said Megatron.

"Yes Lord Megatron. Victory is so close!" Said Starscream.

Suddenly, something zoomed right by them. At the speed it was going, it create a backlash that the winds were powerful enough to knock the Deceptions off the Pyramids.

"What in Primus was that?" asked Barricade.

Megatron was able to see a being in the air flying towards the battle. This begin fired a large fire ball at Devastator back, which causes him to roar out in pain.

This being then landed infront of the Autobots, revealing itself in all of its glory. It had the front legs of a eagle that yellow metal, while having the back legs of a lion that are metal brown colored. It had large white metal wings. A black and brown tail. It had the face of bird with a yellow metal beak with white metal face. The Autobot symbol was showing on the forehead of this creature. Its eyes were blue optics. This was Dante Alternate form, a Griffin.

Alex popped out from behind Dante form and fired at one of Devastator eyes. 

"Hey guys. Sorry I am late." Said Alex as he got off of Dante.

"Alex?!" Shouted Everyone.

"Were have you been!?" Asked Mikoto.

"Ah you know... find this guy." Said Alex as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Don't need to worry Autobots. I will take care of this monster!" Dante spread his wings and took flight.

Devastator slowly opened his mouth to begin suck everything in. Dante released one massive fireball into Devastator mouth, which caused him to cough a lot. Dante then speed right next to one of Devastator arms and slashed at the upper joints.

It may of seeming like nothing work but in a few seconds that entire arm was separated from the huge body. Blue Energon was leaking out of the wound. The Con roared out in pain. Devastator was having a hard time standing up right now. Dante released a couple more fire balls at the Missile Launchers on Devastator back.

"Get ready Villain! I am about to show you what it means to go up against a Knight!" Said Dante.

Dante flied high into the sky and once he reached the clouds, he dived bomb at Devastator. In the middle of this dive bombing, Dante Transformed back into his Robot Form and had out his flaming sword.

He sliced right through Devastator neck and then he throw that sword straight through Devastator chest, killing him instantly.

He landed in a cool fashion as the body of Devastator collapsed behind him. Then the body exploded just as he called back his sword.

From where the other Cons are, they were angry and furious that Devastator was taken out so easily by a new Autobot.

"This isn't over Optimus Prime." Said Megatron. He transformed back into his jet mode and flied away. Starscream and Barricaded Transformed and begin to get out of there.

Dante walked towards the Autobots. He had his left hand out and opened it to reveal the Allspark fragment he was guarding.

"Autobots. You not only showed me what it means to fight against something bigger than you, but also showed me the importance of teamwork. And with that, you not only gained this Allspark fragment but also one more ally." Said Dante as he tossed the Fragment to Optimus.

"Thank you brave warrior." Said Optimus

"Welcome to the team buddy." Said Alex.

"'Buddy?' What does that mean?" asked Dante.

"I guess that number one on our to do list. Get you up to speed on our language." Said Mikoto. Everyone, including Dante laugh at that little joke.

"Ratchet, we need a Ground Bridge." Said Optimus as he pressed the communication device in his helmet.

The Ground Bridge portal opened infront of the Autobots. Everyone walk right through the portal as they got a mission done.

The Cons so called ultimate Decepticon was destroyed. Origins of the Transformers were revealed to Alex. A new piece of the Allspark was now in the hands of the Autobots. A new member has joined the team.


To Be Continued.........

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