Getting Ready For Travel

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Last Time On Transformers: War On Academy City.......

"Our planet was once a powerful empire. It was peace and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron. Leader of the Decepticons. Before all this, he and I were close. We were like brothers. But his ideals become twisted and he has turned the dark side. All that defined him were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet and the Allspark was in the stars." Said Optimus.

Another hologram showed Optimus and Megatron(Think of them in their G1 style but more real-life like) battling on a large tower that looks like it sends out pods into space.

"He would have gone after the Cube, had I not stopped him." Said Optimus as it shows in his Hologram that he kicked Megatron into a small round pod. Optimus sealed the pod door shut and pressed in some coordinates to the far edge of the galaxy.

"I will be back Prime! You can count on that!" Shouted Megatron before he was launched into space. The hologram then ended.

"But everyone in the Autobot ranks knew that was a small victory." Said Hound.

"Megatron would one day returned." Said Drift.

"And it is something none of is excited to see." Said Arcee.

"Trust me, you don't want to face that guy." said Cliff. Bee nodded to what Cliffjumper said.

"If the Decepticons found all the Allspark Fragments and located the Allspark, it will be disastrous." Said Sideswipe.

"He will use the Allspark to not only transformed Earths machines into new Transformers but all use it to revive his fallen warriors." Said Ratchet.

"And all live in the cosmos would be become extinct." Said Optimus.

"But I just survived an encounter with Starscream. I am sure that we can handle one more Con." said Mikoto. Alex shook his head in disagreement.

"You don't get Mikoto. Megatron is strong enough to go toe to toe with Prime here. Starscream has noting compared to Megatron." Said Alex.

"If Megatron does indeed one day return to his forces, than the Decepticons will come at us for the Allspark with all they got." Said Optimus.


On the Decepticons Ship.........

"Ahh! Can't believe my plan was foiled by the Autobots." Said Starscream. Soundwave walked right up to Starscream. "What is it?" asked Starscream.

"Decepticon signal approaching." Said Soundwave.

"Can you identify who is it?" asked Starscream.

"I can identify that it matches the signature of one Decepticon we all know." Said Soundwave.

"Can it really be who I think it is?" asked Starscream.

"Affirmative. Lord Megatron has returned." Said Soundwave.

"Get all Decepticons to the hanger! We must welcome the return of our master!" Order Starscream.

In the void of space, their is a single flying vehicle traveling at high speed approaching the planet. It paused to transform. It transformed into a large metal robot with a long sword and a cannon on its right arm. It has metal like teeth in its mouth and evil red eyes. It is Megatron.

"DECEPTICONS! I have returned!" Said Megatron as he looked at Planet Earth with a evil smirk.

Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots has arrived along with a few friends of his. Not only that, the Leader of the Decepticons is back from his long journy in the void of space.


On the Decepticon Ship..........

Starscream got the hanger area along with other Decepticons that arrived to greet their master. Soundwave walk right up next to him. Barricade was near a terminal to begin opening protocol for the hanger door to be ready when their lord Megatron is about to enter. Their were other Cons here that their is a green robot with twin barrel gun on his left arm and a giant metal claw on his right arm. Onslaught.

"Man I am itching in my servos here! I can't wait for lord Megatron return!" Said Onslaught. He was waving his hook around as he was exited. It almost knock down a Con as the others try to dodge it.

One the left of Onslaught is a Con with red car armor plating. Knockout.

"Careful were you are swing that massive claw, you going to run my paint job!" Said Knockout.

"Oh. Sorry." Said Onslaught as he calms down.

The long wait was over as the hanger door to the outside was opening. The being that entered was Megatron. The moment he landed, a loud thud was heard through the entire ship. 

"ALL HAIL LORD MEGATRON!!!!" Said all the Cons as they got to one knee and bow to their true master.

"Starscream. Report. Have you located any of the Allspark Fragments?" Order Megatron.

"Well.. uh.. You see.... We did find one yes... but it is now in the Autobots hands." Said Starscream. Megatron grabbed Starscream by his head as he begin to squeeze him. 

"YOU LET THE AUTOBOTS GET ONE OF THE ALLSPARK FRAGMENTS!!!??" Yelled Megatron as he throw Starscream at a group of Con soldiers who were knocked down when Starscream crashed into them.

"Ouch." Said Starscream


"Yes I know. Please forgive for my failure. But at least I got some better news for you. Soundwave, tell him." said Starscream

"A few hours ago, eight Autobot signatures has entered the Earth atmosphere. One of them was the Autobot: Optimus Prime." Reported Soundwave.

"Prime! So he is here on this planet!" Megatron growled at remembering the Autobot that sent him the corner of the Universe.

"And we have proof that their were four human girls that have the location of the first Allspark Fragment. All we have to do is wait to see where they are going." said Starscream.

"But to be warned Lord Megatron, one of those four girls have powers I didn't not expect to have. If she wasn't holding back her true strength, I would be scrap metal by now." Said Barricade giving his report as well.

"Excellent! We shall wait and when the moment is right, we will ambush the Autobots!! Nothing will stop Operation DR!!" Said Megaton as he laughed evilly.


Back with the Autobots......

"As you can see Prime." Said Alex as he presented the alien marks that were created when the girls had that headache not too long ago. "This was created by the girls when one Allspark Fragment gave them the clue we need to find the others." Said Alex.

"Can you one of you Autobots translated it please?" asked Mikoto

"Hmm. It says 'At the highest Peak you will feel a Wonder but you will always be Dry in the Shadow of the largest Triangle.'" Said Optimus.

"What is that suppose to mean?" asked Hound.

"It is a clue in a form of a question." said Drift.

"I am drawing a blank." Said Uiharu

"Same." Said Saten.

"I can't figure it out either." Said Mikoto.

"My brain is hurting from trying to solve that clue." Said Kuroko.

'The highest Peak. That must mean the tallest point of a building or object. The dry part must mean something that can make your body feel so hot that you will become dry. And Largest Triangle, than that means.........' Thought Alex.

"It is talking about Egypt." Said Alex.

"Egypt? Why there?" Asked Mikoto.

"I don't know but that the best place I could come up with. Problem is, we are in Japan. Africa is miles away, even by hitching on boats." Said Alex.

"I have a plan on how to solve the travel issue. You will see in five days. For now, I suggest getting helping me set up a secret base under this warehouse." Said Ratchet.

'Good idea their Ratchet. Can't have normal people spotting alien Technology out in the open.' Thought Mikoto.

With that, the Autobots went onto construction for their own secret HQ. Arcee and Cliffjumper took the girls back to their dorms and continue guarding them.


The Next Five Day...........

"Where is everyone?" asked Mikoto as she and Arcee, in her robot form, were in the Warehouse. 

Cliffjumper had to stay back as he was still guarding Saten and Uiharu and he won't be bringing them to the new secret hideout until those two have available time to meet back at Alex Warehouse. Kuroko had to go Judgment so she won't be here for right now. The only person in the warehouse in the moment is Alex.

"They are in the secret base." Said Alex as he pressed a button on the wall. The floor that Mikoto and Arcee were standing on begin to go down as it was revealed it was a secret floor elevator.

Once the Elevator reached its destination, the new secret HQ was a sight to be amazed. A giant super computer with tons of small screens underneath it. Each Screen has the Autobot symbol.

Their were multiple tunnels into the walls that go somewhere. But their was a sign that it was still going under construction.

One tunnel was only going about a few feet with a metal equipment inside of it. That was their new Ground Bridge.

"What is that?" asked Arcee and Mikoto.

"A Ground Bridge." Said Ratchet as he walked up to a terminal to push some codes into it. "It will allow us to open a portal to any place on planet Earth.

The Autobots that were in the Secret HQ begin to line up infront of the ground bridge. Ratchet pull down a handle and the portal opened up to Egypt.

"Autobots, Roll out!" Said Optimus as he and all the other Autobots transformed into their vehicle mode and drive into the portal. Bumblebee transformed into his car form and Alex hopped in and Bee drive as fast as he could.

"Hey Ratchet, how come you are not going with the others?" asked Mikoto.

"Some one has to stay behind to operated the Ground Bridge. Besides, can you figure out how to operate and get the coordinates right for the ground bridge to open up a portal back for the others? Now go before the portal close." Said Ratchet.

"Well you heard the Medic." Said Arcee as she transformed into her Vehicle Mode. "Well? Are you going to miss out a adventure like this?" asked Arcee.

"Your right. Lets go." Said Mikoto as she hopped on and drive into the portal.

Once she exited through the Ground Bridge, they were in Egypt. Whats even more cool is that they were driving towards one of Pyramids.

"Wow!" Said Mikoto as she was fascinated of how far they traveled in that portal and now she is in Egypt.


Back on the Decepticon Ship......

"Lord Megatron." Said Soundwave as he walked right up to Megatron. "Autobots located in Egypt." said Soundwave.

"Excellent. Get Starscream and Barricade ready for deployment. And make sure you summon 'Those' Decepticons allowed for this little trip. I will be glad to reunited with Prime and be kindly show him my rage for sending me into space and be more than happy to give the Autobots a little surprise from me." Said Megatron.

"As you command Lord Megatron." Said Soundwave as he begin to summon the Cons he is requesting to be sent along with Lord Megatron to Egypt.

The First Clue of the other location of the Allspark fragment has been solved and now the Autobots are traveling to the said location. Megatron is ready to face Optimus Prime again. Who are these Cons that Megatron is talking about. We shall see.


To Be Continued.......

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