The Great China Battle Part 2

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Last Time On Transformers: War On Academy City...........

"Okay lets review our situation. Optimus, Alex and the others were still on that ship. And we are here in the city." Said Mikoto.

"And we got just about a fraction of Megatron true army coming at us at full force." Said Kuroko.

"And clearly, we are outnumbered." Said Saten

"I will say. The Autobots can hold back the army just by maybe a few minutes. But after that.... Were toast." Said Uiharu.

The Autobots know what they mean. Clearly, they don't enough ammo for all the Cons that are coming.


With Optimus..............

"Optimus. What are my orders with these humans? We are going to get surrounded by Cons in a few minutes." Said Hound over the coms.

"We need backup soon Prime!" Said Jazz.

"There in trouble." Said Optimus as he realized that his friends are in grave danger.

"What can we even do?" asked Alex who was sitting on a large rock. "Megatron has just about a fraction of his massive army in the streets."

"We have to do something Alex." Said Dante.

"I know Dante. But Megatron clearly has us outnumbered. We need more fire power to take on that army." Said Alex as what he said sparked an idea in Optimus head.

"Whats the play Prime?" Asked Crosshairs. He saw Prime walking back to their damaged ship.

"Its time for reinforcements." Said Optimus.

Optimus walked inside the ship until he walked up to a large sword with a red and blue guard on it.

"Recognize one of your knights." Said Optimus as he placed both hands on the handle on the sword. He begin to pull on the sword as the armor on his arms begin to change into a more knight look. He then was able to pull the sword out. He then picked up a huge shield.

With the sword in his hands, he ran back to the cell block area in this ship and swing it downwards on the huge cage. As it the prison cell door fell apart, the being that is upside down in that cage looked at Prime before growling at him.

"You?" asked this metal being.

"The legend exists." Said Optimus in his alien kind language.

The Autobots are trapped are going to get surrounded by tons of Cons soon. Optimus has reclaimed his old sword and shield. He has freed the begin that was in the huge cage. What is he Optimus planing? Can his plan help to save his friends?


With Mikoto........

The Autobots that were in the city transformed into their vehicle forms and trying to drive like normal vehicles. Mikoto had to hop on Arcee vehicle form. It will bring in attention if a motorcycle was driving by itself.

"Okay that's good. Go ahead Hound but drive normal." Said Mikoto as she ordered Hound to drive ahead slowly.

"Remind me again Sissy." Said Kuroko as she and the others are walking right next to Mikoto. "Why are we doing this?"

"Yeah." Said Saten as Cliff car from pulled up right next to her with both of his windows down. Uiharu and Saten have the Seed in the car with them.

"To hopefully to blind in with the normal people here. I know it is a long shot but can buy Optimus and the others a few extra minutes to get back here and keep us alive a little bit longer." Said Mikoto.

"Well lets hope it works Misaka." Said Uiharu.

"I hope so too Uiharu." Said Mikoto as she is not happy of their situation. Optimus and the others aren't back yet and they are clearly out gunned and out numbered by the upcoming Con forces.

"Man. I never thought I had to take orders from a human girl." Said Jazz.

"She knows what she is doing. Lets just hope the Cons don't spot us yet." Said Sideswipe.

Suddenly a missile crashed near Bee. It caused any humans in the area to flee for their safety. Mikoto look ahead to see a Con missile user has found them on the railway tracks.

"They are here! The Cons have found us!" Said Mikoto as she hop off Arcee as Arcee transformed into her Robot form and fired at that Con.

"Go! Hurry!" Said Arcee. Uiharu and Saten got out of Cliff car form and picked up the Seed. Cliff transformed and fired a Con that was coming down the street.

The girls begin to run as the Autobots transformed back into their Robot forms and begin to armed themselves for the upcoming fight.

"So, I guess we can say that didn't work out." Said Kuroko.

"Clearly!" Said Mikoto.

The girls quickly took shelter being a old damaged brick wall. "Stay behind me. I will cover ya." Said Hound as he was looking down at them from the other side of the brick wall. "If I have stop covering ya, that means I am dead. But that ain't going to happen."

A Decepticon then fired a bullet at Hound, causing him to turn around and fired his three barrel sub machine gun at the Cons. All the other Autobots begin to fire at any Cons they can see.

"Take that!" Said Hound. "I'm a wicked warrior robot!"He then cast it aside when it ran out of bullets. He then pulled out a pistol weapon and begin to fire at the Cons.

"Girls! Go find a place to hide! We will handle things from here!" Said Ratchet as he pulled out his weapon and fired at a sniper Con that was on the roof.

"Bee! Cover fire at 12:00!" Said Ironhide as he used his left cannon to slam it on the ground to send a wave of energon to the Cons to destroy them.

Bee had this missile launcher come out of his back and fired at the Cons and destroyed them instantly.

"Good work Bee!" Said the girls as they ran past him.

"Quick! Hustle hustle!" Said Mikoto as she and Kuroko help Saten and Uiharu carry the Seed as they begin to run to a temporally safe area.

"Missile! Duck!" Said Kuroko as they ducked their heads as a stray missile flew over their heads.

They continue to run until they ran into a small shop that has some tables in it. "Oh great." Said Uiharu.

"This just the perfect place to hide Sissy. A big glass box." Kuroko sarcastically said.

"Hey! We all ran into here so it is all our fault." Said Mikoto as she pointed it out.

"Oh right." Said Kuroko.

"Look. This little shop might as well be our last stand." Said Mikoto. "We will make sure we will help out the Autobots in any way we can."

"Lets hope we can." Said Saten.

"I just hope the others will get back soon." Said Mikoto as she pulled Alex alien riffle that she was holding and had it in her hands. She prays that they will do some kind of last minute rescue when the situation gets worse.


With Alex..........

"What could Optimus hope to find in that damaged ship?" Asked Alex as he pointed the damaged ship that they once had.

"Maybe he will find some kind of weapon to help us before we head charge back to the city?" Breakaway guessed.

"No. I think it is something else. But I just don't know what." Said Dante.

Alex, Crosshairs, Dante, Breakaway, and Drift turned to the sound of large footsteps. And they were shocked of what Optimus has brought out of that ship.

"By the Allspark!" Said Breakaway.

"You have got to be kidding me." Said Crosshairs.

"What am.... I seeing guys?" asked Alex as he is seeing giant robots that are bigger than Optimus Prime.

"The legendary group of knights of cybertron.... the Dinobots." Said Dante as he is seeing all the members of the Dinobots.






And Scorn:

"Legendary warriors, the power that create us, is now in the hands of evil to bring destruction to this world." Said Optimus as he stabbed his sword into the ground. Scorn was about to approach Optimus abut Grimlock gently pushed him back and slam the bottom of his spiked mace to look down at Optimus.

"What do you want from us Prime?" asked Grimlock.

"We must join forces or forever our kind will be forever slaves to the Decepticons." Said Optimus. The Autobots gently stepped back from the giant warriors. Dante gently picked up Alex and placed him on his shoulder.

"So today you stand with us or you stand against me." Said Optimus as he give the Dinobots a choice.

"We will not follow you orders Prime because you asked us!" Said Grimlock.

"Why is he saying that?" asked Alex. "I am confused."

"Grimlock doesn't believe Optimus has what it takes to lead the Dinobots. While he has great leadership, Grimlock doesn't believe Optimus has the power to back it up." Said Dante.

"You mean....." Alex has a guess of what Optimus has to do to earn Grimlock trust.

"Yep." Said Dante as he turned his focus back to Optimus and Grimlock.

"How can I make you join the Autobots and join our cause?" asked Optimus.

"If you want us to follow you, you must prove me in battle!" Said Grimlock. 

"Very well." Said Optimus as he pulled his sword out of the ground and pulled out his shield and ready to fight. "Come at me!"

"With pleasure!" Said Grimlock.

He then roared at Optimus before slamming the spiked club down where Optimus used to be as Optimus dodged it.

"We will let Prime figure this one out." Said Crosshairs as he was walking away to a safer place.

"Very wise." Said Drift as he followed Crosshairs and so did Dante.

"There is no freaking way I am staying down there with them." Said Crosshairs as he climbed on top of a small waterfall and sat on it. "No way. No way!"

Grimlock tried to swipe his club at Optimus but Optimus did a barrel roll to duck on it. Grimlock then stabbed the bottom of his mace to stab Optimus but he dodge it. He then used his spiked mace in his right hand to crush Optimus but Optimus dodged it and ran up on Grimlock arm.

"Only together, can we survive!" Said Optimus as he then slammed his fist at Grimlock face. This caused Grimlock to spit out some of his Energon."Let me lead you!

Grimlock shook off Optimus and slam both of his fists into the ground. He was then changing into his alter form. His alter form is not a car. Grimlock has turned into a metal robotic T-rex. He let out a roar as he was breathing fire.

"Oh no!" Said Crosshairs as he was bot surprised and scared.

"Unbelievable." Said Breakaway as he was speechless about what he is seeing.

"That is Grimlock alter form!? A giant T-rex?" asked Alex.

"Was not expecting that were you?" asked Dante.

"I was expecting a giant car." Said Drift.

"Come here!" Challenged Optimus as Grimlock begin to charge right a Optimus. Grimlock roared very loud as he was getting closer to Optimus.

"We are giving you a reason to fight for freedom for all beings!" Said Optimus as he slammed his shield against Grimlock once he was close enough.

Grimlock was knocked to the ground and begin to role across the ground as he was kicking up a lot of dirt.

Grimlock tried to get up but he failed. He saw Optimus approaching. He felt Optimus climbing on his neck. "You will protect my family or die!" Said Optimus. Grimlock then got up as he accept Optimus strength.

"Autobots! We are going to prove who we are and why we are here!" Said Optimus as he draw out his sword as he was riding on Grimlock.

"Ah you just want to die for the guy. That's leadership. Or brainwashing or something." Said Crosshairs as he and the others begin to walk to the other Dinobots.

"I think you are misunderstanding something Crosshairs." Said Dante.

"That's Optimus Prime." Said Drift.

"You are correct Drift. He is a true leader of the Autobots." Said Alex.

The other Dinobots begin to change into their Alter forms.

For Scorn, a Spinosaurus........

For Slug, a Triceratops..............

For Sludge, a Apatosaurus.............

For Swoop, a two headed Pteranodon............

For Snarl, a Stegosaurus................

"Autobots, we charge together!" Said Optimus as each Dinobot was roaring. Drift was riding on Slug, Crosshairs was on Scorn, Dante was Snarl and Alex and Breakaway was on Sludge. Each Dinobot was itching to join the battle.

"Now roll out!" Said Optimus as the Dinobots begin to charge straight to the city to help their Autobots.

Optimus battle Grimlock for the legendary Knights the Dinobots to join the Autobots. Grimlock has acknowledge Optimus as a worthy leader. Prime and the others begin to charge back to the city to save their friends who are pinned down. Its time for the Autobots to make their stand!


To Be Continued..............

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