The Great China Battle Part 4

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City........

Drift jumped on a railroad tract and being slicing an dicing some cons with his fancy swordsmanship skills. He raised his sword in his left hand with a mighty yell as Grimlock walked right next to him to let out a roar and his fire into the air.

Mikoto smiled as she was glad they were back.


With Bee..............

He climbed on Swoop back. He turned around to see his copy cat, Stinger getting on Swoop back as well.

"You are not getting rid of me that easy!" said Stinger before punching Bee.

Bee did a counter attack as he begins to fight Stinger while they are in the air. Stinger did a uppercut attack that knocked Bee off of Swoop. Swoop had to dive bomb and used his right head for Bee to land on.

Swoop gently lifted his head back for Bee to launch himself at Stinger as he punched and kicked him off. But Stinger grabbed on one of Swoop tails. He begin to fire his weapon at Bee.

With having two Transformers on his back, Swoop was having a hard time flying right. He eventually crashing into a large white metal pole on one of the tallest glass buildings. It caused everyone to get knocked off Swoop and crashed on the building glass roof.

'Uh-oh!' Thought Bee.

Swoop tried to stop his falling by slamming into the building sides. Bee and Stinger landed on him. Swoop glided close to the ground and crashed.

Bee turn his right hand into his cannon and pointed it very close to Stinger head. He then fired his cannon. Causing Stinger head to be completely severed from his body. Bee continue to fire at Stinger main body, destroying any remains of it.

Swoop gently walked up to Bee. Bee grabbed Stinger head and presented it to Swoop. "I hate cheap knock offs." Bee used the radio channel to speak again.

Swoop right head grabbed the head and begin chomping at it.

Optimus and the gang have finally returned to their team. The Dinobots showed everyone the power they had to destroy the Decepticons. Bee finally took care of his copy cat Stinger.


With Mikoto........

"Awesome job!" Said Saten as the girls got out of the hiding spot and walked close to see Optimus riding Grimlock.

"Hey we do what we can." Said Alex as Sludge walked up the girls and lowered his head for Alex to walk off.

"You dropped this." Said Mikoto as she tossed him back his alien riffle.

"Thanks. I see you have been busy with the Cons." Said Alex as he put his weapon back into his holder that is strapped around him.

"Yeah." Said The girls.

"You know..... the usually. I see you have got some new friends." Said Mikoto as she points to the Dinobots.

"Oh well... we thought we could use some extra help to get back to the city.." asked Alex as he shrugged his shoulder like it was no big deal.

"Okay. If you say so." Said Kuroko.

"But where did you find them?" asked Saten.

"Remember the ship that we 'borrowed' from Lockdown ship that had those large prison cages?" asked Alex.

"Um..... yeah?" said Uiharu.

"Well, that was in that large cage. The Dinobots. A group of legendary Transformer knights." Said Alex.

"Wow." Said Mikoto.

"Yeah I know. But enough about that. Please tell me you still got the Seed?" asked Alex. Uiharu and Saten lifted up the Seed gently for him to see.

"Great. This is good news. Optimus it seems that the Seed we have recovered from the Cons is still with us." Said Alex.

"Excellent. We will lead you out of the city. Get that Seed safely to the hills." Said Optimus as he made Grimlock go forward.

"Lets find something to travel in." Said Alex. "Like a big car."

"Use this car." Said Drift as he pointed to a blue vehicle that was big enough for five people to get it. Kuroko got in the trunk. Saten and Uiharu are in the back seats holding onto the Seed. Mikoto got into the front passenger seat and Alex got into the driver seat.

"Where the keys?" asked Alex as he poked around and he found the keys in the visor on his side of the car.  "HA HA! Found it."

Alex put the key in and turned on the engine and put the gear lever in drive mood. He pressed on the gas petal and begin to drive.

IN just a like about thirty minutes, the Autobots are either in the land base vehicle mode driving on the road, or Autobots like Breakaway and Dante are flying in the air, following the vehicle that the humans are in.

The Dinobots are following the humans either on land or in the air, AKA Swoop. In the vehicle the girls and Alex are in, the Seed suddenly expanded a blue light was blinking off and on.

"Uh-oh." Said Uiharu as the others started to notice the problem that is happening. 

"What just happened?" asked Alex.

"I don't know but this is a issue." Said Uiharu.

"Did you press something by accident?" Asked Mikoto.

"Um no. I don't think so." said Uiharu.

"Is it going to blow up?" asked Kuroko.

"I don't know." Said Uiharu.

"Can you shut it off?" asked Saten.

"I don't think so Saten." Said Uiharu.

"The bomb is beeping. That is signifying the problem Uiharu." Said Alex.

"I think it a steady blinking light which could be a timer of some kind. Unless.." Uiharu paused.

"Unless what?" asked everyone.

"Unless its signalling its location." Said Uiharu concluded.

"To who? Who is getting the signal from the Seed?" Asked Mikoto as she was confused.

"I have one idea on who." Said Alex as he can already identify one being that signal is transmitting to. "Lockdown!"


With Lockdown..................

Lockdown ship has finally reached Guangzhou and his ship was traveling currently over the ocean approaching the city every closer by the second.

"Optimus Prime and human girl. Come to me." Said Lockdown. He was looking out into the city through the pilot control room window.

He was using the Seed that the humans and the Autobots manage to recover and turn its signal beacon on. The thing they were so hard trying to protect is giving away their coordinates.

He then pressed a big red button. The bottom of his ship begin to open up wide as the opening in that part of the ship begin to glow blue.


In the Streets of Guangzhou..........

Somewhere in the roads of Guangzhou, three people in a convertible car were listing to music while the other one was playing with his guitar.

The one playing with his guitar notice the people were panicking and running away. He turned around to see something.

"Oh god." He said as he was beyond shocked.


With the Heroes..........

Lockdown ship is somehow lifting up things like boats, cars, and pieces of a building and bringing it closer to the ship.

Just as the ship begin to hover over a boats, it begins to pick them up. Anything that gets sucked completely into the ship is gone forever.

"There is the bridge!" Said Saten as she points the bridge.

"Lets hope we can make it in time." Said Uiharu.

Just as Alex begins to turn the car around the corner, he saw Lockdown ship.

"Alex!" Said Mikoto.

"Oh my god! Hand on!" Said Alex as he hits the brakes hard. The braking machines

Just in time to because Lockdown ship device stopped for a moment and the objects that were in the air were beginning to fall back down to the ground.

A large boat landed right infront of the humans a the ship propeller landed nearly close to the car and bounced over it in slow motion.

"Get us out of here Alex!" Said Kuroko.

"On it!" Said Alex as he put the gear into reverse and begins to drive backwards.

The ship cargo begins to fall out of the ship and begins to almost falling on the car the humans are in.

Optimus and Bee transformed back into their Robot forms to either push the cargo containers back or hold it give the humans time to escape.

"Get cover!" Said Optimus as he tells the humans to get to safety.

"Back up! Back up!" Said Mikoto

"I am doing my best!" Said Alex.

A large cargo container crashed into the sea which created a large wave that knocked down Optimus.

"Autobots! Fall back!" Order Prime as the Autobot begins to go the opposite way they came.

The Dinobots had to turn around so they don't get suck into that ship. Slug was having a hard time escaping as he was about to get pulled off the ground by the ship device. Lucky for him, Swoop was able to wrap his two tails around his back feet and pulled him out of there.

As Alex continues to back up the car, they were eventually surround by people trying to run the way Alex was driving in reverse.

"Get out of the way!" Said Mikoto as he leaned out of her window to tell them to move.

"Oh please move!" Said Saten.

"Its no good. They don't understand our language." Said Kuroko.

"Does anyone knows how to say 'Please get out of the way!' in Chinese!?" asked Alex before he did a 180 degree turn and turn the gear into drive. He then pressed very hard on the gas pedal and floor it.

Alex begins to drive back into the city as Lockdown ship continues to follow them. The ship device suddenly turned off and the the things it was lifting begin to fall down again.

"What is that thing?! What is it doing!?" asked Kuroko.

"Its like a big magnet!" Said Uiharu.

"Its sucking up metal and then dropping it!" Said Mikoto.

"And trying either catching us and destroy us in the process." Said Saten.

"Um.... I hate to bring this up but this car is made of metal!" Said Alex.

Alex continues to drive as fast as he could while driving all around any falling objects Lockdown is dropping from his ship magnet.

It was getting hard to avoid things and have to focus with a bunch of backseat drivers telling him what to do.

"OH MY GOD!" Said Everyone as Lockdown ship lifted up a very large ship.

The ship fell down on a building rooftop. Pieces of it begin to destroy everything in that block that building was in. Like destroying cars, pieces of the road or destroying a train.

Alex had to drive into a old wood building. He let out a sigh relief breath. He then noticed metal objects like kitchen knifes and cooking tools begin to float in the air. "Oh no...." Said Alex. The car begins to float up slowly.

"The magnet! Everyone get out!" Said Mikoto. Kuroko teleported out of the car and Mikoto and Saten got out. 

Just as Uiharu begins to get out and brings the Seed with her, she begins to float. "Um.... Misaka? I am going up! Help!" Said Uiharu.

Mikoto grabbed Uiharu legs trying to pull her down but she begins to float up as well. Kuroko and Saten grabbed Mikoto legs to help her pull Uiharu back down.

"I can't get the seat belt off. I am stuck." Said Alex as he was trapped in the car as it begins to broke through the wood building roof.

"Pull down harder!" Said Mikoto.

"We are trying!" Said Kuroko and Saten.

"Misaka! This thing is crushing me!" Said Uiharu as she was up against the roof support beams and the Seed was crushing her from the magnetic pull.

Alex was still trying to get his seat belt off. Acting quick he pulled out his Sword-Gun and used its sword mode blade to cut off his seat belt. He then jump on top of the building roof and landed on it perfectly.

Just in time, as Lockdown ship temporally turned off the magnet. The girls fell back down to the ground.

"Car!" Said Mikoto as they jumped out of the way as the car crashed into the ground and exploded.

"Alex! Are you okay?" asked the girls.

"Don't worry." Said Alex as he climbs down to the ground. "I am okay. We need to find the others. Like now." Said Alex.

"Right behind you." Said the girls. Alex begins to run first and the girls begin to follow behind him and carrying the Seed as they travel.

The attempt the get the Seed out of the city was delayed. Lockdown is back and has found the location of the Autobots and his escaped bounties. The humans have narrowly escaped a crushing experiences from Lockdown ship magnet. Can the Autobots and the humans get the Seed out of the city and defeat Lockdown?


To be Continued.............

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