Chapter 1: Approval and Allies

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Cybertronian Council

Sentinel Prime: What you're proposing is preposterous, Megatronus!

Megatronus: I propose that we do what's necessary! Autobots and Decepticons alike can attest to what was seen on that battlefield!

Starscream: I believe Megatron makes a good point.

Sentinel Prime: You feel that way only because he's the reason you're on this council, Starscream.

Starscream: It is true I served as a Decepticon and joined his movement against Functionism. I'm aware I was appointed to please others, but that doesn't change the fact that I am part of this council and hold as much authority as you, Sentinel.

Leonidas: Anyway! I agree with Megatronus' proposal. If it is true that Terrorcons were involved, we must take action! Terrorcons only ever arrive before he does.

Sentinel Prime: And how do you propose we defeat him? Only the Knights could defeat him! None are left.

Optimus Praetorian: That is not true. Council leaders, it has been long overdue that we address what happened in Iacon. I know where the last Knight resides. Allow us to put together a small force and gather him. I do not normally agree with aggressive actions, but I know what I saw. Scourge was amongst the Predacons during the attack.

Sentinel Prime: Optimus, what is your point?

Optimus Praetorian: Unicron is coming. If we do not act now, we may never get the chance to.

Starscream: And what exactly is your plan, Optimus?

Optimus Praetorian: After we recover the lost Knight, we will act proactively. We cannot allow any more worlds to suffer the fate too many already have.

Starscream: Are you proposing that we kill Unicron!?

Sentinel Prime: That's impossible! No one can kill him, not even the original thirteen Primes!

Optimus Praetorian: Then we will have to imprison him somewhere he can no longer harm anyone. There is legend of an object capable of doing so.

Leonidas: The transwarp key. It's a thing of legend.

Optimus Praetorian: It was.

Megatronus: My intelligence and science officers have confirmed it is real.

Starscream: By all means, we must stop Unicron!

Sentinel Prime: Say we do send the Decepticons to retrieve it. Cybertron's defenseless now.

Optimus Praetorian: My Autobots will handle the protection of Cybertron.

Sentinel Prime: Like they handled Iacon's?

Optimus Praetorian: Tell me, Sentinel, where were you during the attack?

The room stays silent as Sentinel grimaces. Truth be told, he was nowhere to be found during the attack. Some reports suggest he stayed in a city across the planet.

Leonidas: Let us vote then. All those in favor...

Starscream: Aye!

Leonidas: Aye!

The two hold their hands up. Sentinel continues grimacing, then finally speaks.

Sentinel Prime: Aye!

Optimus Praetorian: Thank you. We will depart immediately.

The two brothers turn and leave the council chamber. As they walk down the corridor, Megatronus makes his feelings known with a growl.

Megatronus: How can you do that?

Optimus Praetorian: Do what?

Megatronus: Put up with their political squabbling. It's annoying!

Optimus Praetorian: I don't like doing it...but it's the right way to do things.

Megatronus: It seems to be the only way to do things on this planet.

Optimus Praetorian: It could be worse. You could be in the Pits or the mines again.

Megatronus: True. I'd rather be in the Pits again than deal with anymore diplomats.

Optimus Praetorian: Don't forget how much fighting it took to get a Decepticon a seat on the council.

Megatronus: Of course, but there's a reason it isn't me on the council.

Optimus Praetorian: Your mental instability and short temper?

Megatronus: Funny. It's because I can't stand politicians! They take too long to make the right decisions.

Optimus Praetorian: You forget I share the same feelings you do. The council often acts too late, but we have to be an example to others. One day, I fear others will share our feelings, but they won't restrain themselves like we do. You have to admit Cybertron isn't running as slow as it used to.

Megatronus: Still too slow.

Optimus Praetorian: Beggars can't be choosers, Megatron. Now, let us board the Nemesis.

The two brothers walk out of the capitol building, then transform. They cut through different shortcuts until they reach the newly built Decepticon military spaceport that towers above what used to be the gladiatorial pits of Kaon. The brothers drive until they reach the elevator, then transform back. They activate the elevator and rise up the levels until they reach the level the Nemesis is docked at.

Once there, Megatronus and Optimus are greeted by a group of Autobots and Decepticons. Athena-1, Skyhawk, Slipstream, Fury, Nightshade, Raptor, and the conjoined twin science/demolition officers Blastwave and Pulsewave.

Skyhawk: We're ready to depart, Lord Megatron.

Megatronus: Excellent, Skyhawk. I will meet you on the bridge shortly.

The Decepticon leader turns back to look at his brother, nods, then approaches a group of Decepticon loaders. Athena-1 and Optimus walk together, no Autobot or Decepticon disturb them while they do.

Optimus Praetorian: You're not coming, are you?

Athena-1: No, I'm afraid I'm not. Sentinel has ordered that I, along with the rest of the Furies, remain on Cybertron. The Autobots here still need a leader.

Optimus Praetorian: The Autobots have many leaders, but you are suggesting I am the only one?

Athena-1: Everyone looks up to you, Optimus. The Furies, the Aerialbots, even the Wreckers for Primus' sake. The Autobots out there need you now more than ever.

Optimus Praetorian: I will return to you, Athena.

Athena-1: We'll meet again, Optimus. I promise.

The two embrace one another. Despite their kind words, they know this may very well be the last time they see each other. Before they completely part, Athena-1 steps up on her toes and plants a gentle kiss on the face mask of Optimus Praetorian. Once they completely part, Optimus boards the ship and joins Megatronus on the bridge. As they depart, Megatronus puts a kind hand on his brother's shoulder. Optimus turns and nods to him, then the Decepticon Commander-in-Chief gives the order.

Megatronus: Activate the space bridge and set our coordinates for Earth.

Several Vehicons shout "yes, Lord Megatron" in response before scurrying around to fulfill their leader's orders. Soon, a spiraling energy tunnel opens in the center of a large ring-shaped asteroid. The Decepticon leader commands his troops to fly straight through it. As they pass through the space bridge, Optimus says a silent goodbye to Athena-1 and Cybertron.


Somewhere in the United States of America, a rusty war-like truck transforms. He looks to the skies, feeling the signal from the Nemesis grow closer. Then, he turns and begins walking back to his post. The post, nicknamed "the Scrapyard", is exactly what it sounds like. Beaten up cars and trucks as far as the eye can see.

The Scrapyard

The owner of the Scrapyard, Charlie Watson, pushes a cart with spare parts stacked in a large clutter. As she walks, she looks towards a yellow Volkswagen Beetle.

Charlie: Bee, let the Wreckers know we've got there parts.

The yellow Beetle's radio hums to life. Using different quotes and song lyrics, the Beetle transmits a message throughout the yard.

Bumblebee: served!

A loud engine roars in the distance. The sight of a large truck carrying other vehicles on its trailer comes closer.

Amongst a couple of junk cars on the back, there resides a sleek silver Corvette, a shiny yellow Camaro, and at the front resting just above the cab is a large black Topkick.

As the big rig gets closer, the trailer ramps drop. Once they hit the ground, the Corvette and the Camaro roar to life. They both roll backwards out of the trailer before driving alongside it. They rush forward, then transform. The Topkick begins transforming on top of the trailer before hopping off and jogging to a stop. The large truck comes to a stop, the loud whistling of the air brakes piercing the air around them. As it transforms, the junk cars are thrown from the trailer and scattered nearby across the yard.

Charlie: Seriously!?! Gaahhh! We needed those!

Ultra Magnus: Whoops.

Ironhide: Ha. In trouble already, Ultra Magnus?

Ultra Magnus: Aren't I always?

Yellowjacket: Trouble seems to follow you, Magnus.

Charlie: Sideswipe! I've got those parts you said you needed for right wheel!

Ironhide looks over at Sideswipe, silently questioning him. Ultra Magnus looks over with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Sideswipe shrugs before answering.

Sideswipe: What? Felt a little loose.

Yellowjacket: Next time, don't roll over a land mine.

Sideswipe: How was I supposed to know it was there?

Yellowjacket: By watching where you roll. Duh.

Sideswipe: You love starting scrap, don't you?

Yellowjacket: You know me, gotta spice things up. A Wrecker with too much cool-time is a dead Wrecker.

A small buzz can be heard before a message comes through. Ultra Magnus puts his fingers to the side of his head, then nods.

Ultra Magnus: Wreckers! Word from our contact. Praetorian and Megs are on their way.

Ironhide: Optimus is coming here?

Yellowjacket: The Unicron mission's on!?

Ultra Magnus: It appears so. Until they get here, our mission remains the same. Protect the contact and the transwarp key.

Ironhide: I'll alert the N.E.S.T. teams.

He says before turning and jogging forward. Ironhide does a tactical roll, transforming mid-roll back into his Topkick alt mode and driving off.

Ultra Magnus: Contact'll be here in two hours. Once he's here, he'll take point.

Yellowjacket: Copy that, Magnus!

He shouts while jogging to meet up with Sideswipe, Bumblebee, and Charlie. Ultra Magnus stands alone in the center of the Scrapyard, his hands landing on his hips as he looks out at their makeshift base.

With Ironhide

The black truck rides through the base and out to a nearby town. Almost immediately after he reaches the house at the end of the street, the owner of the home steps out. Calaway Knight aka Skeletor and his younger brother Isaac aka Deadman walk out onto the porch and look at each other.

Without a second thought, they lock the door and climb into Ironhide's cab.

Ironhide: Our contact is coming back to the Scrapyard. He said we're being sent on a new assignment.

Calaway: How long until landfall?

Ironhide: We haven't been told. Contact is bringing the transwarp key with him.

Calaway: Think they'll try to intercept?

Ironhide: Unlikely, but there is a chance.

Calaway: Got it. Come on, cheer up, Deadman. We're goin' to see your girlfriend.

Isaac: Jealous a girl wants me over you?

Calaway: Not really. More surprised than anything.

Ironhide: I'm going to miss your little spats, humans.

Calaway: Yeah, yeah. Don't go gettin' soft on us now, big man. Just make sure you make it back. We've got a mission in a few months.

Ironhide: Wouldn't miss it for the universe.

At the Scrapyard

Autobot Wreckers and the N.E.S.T. soldiers gather around as the contact marches closer. Before he gets there, he draws a large sword from his back.

N.E.S.T. Soldier: Sir! Energon readings, off the charts!

Calaway: How many!?

N.E.S.T. Soldier: Too many for the scanner to count!

Calaway: Alright, boys, you heard him! Defensive positions!

Ultra Magnus: Wreckers! Launch the dogs!

Three large Cybertronian wolves rush out from the compound. They stand on guard, smelling the air as they search for the incoming attackers.

Ultra Magnus: Sideswipe! Yellowjacket! Meet our contact and escort him here! The rest of you, ready yourselves! Scourge and the Predacons are here!

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