Chapter 1: The past

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(A/n: this chapter gives you war for Cybertron, rise of the dark spark and fall of Cybertron. First part talks about war for Cybertron, ending to it. Rotds talks about the dark spark. Obviously. And fall of Cybertron talks about the exodus or Till all are one. Enjoy)
Location: Cybertron
Period/timeline: War for Cybertron
3rd person
Optimus Prime: "Log entry: 001. I am Optimus prime, leader of the Autobots. Before I was a prime, Zeta was the one. He died into the hands of Megatron while protecting omega key. Megatron, leader of the decepticons, gained control of the dark energon, corrupting the core in order to control Cybertron. Unfortunately, it has consequences, it was infecting almost destroying it. The high councils, made myself the last prime and lead a small group to save the core but we were too late. Cybertron or the core said that if to remove the dark energon, it must shut down repairing itself for over millions of years. Most of the people was forced to leave Cybertron while some stayed behind. Building the largest transport, the ark, traveling amongst the stars. Optimus prime, end log."
Location: Cybertron
Period/timeline: rise of the dark spark
3rd person
Optimus Prime: "Log entry: 015. Legend speaks of the power, every force has an equal and an opposite. Unfortunately the dark spark is in our world. Megatron wants the dark spark to defeat the Autobots. We are on a verge of defeat. Our ark is almost complete. We must prevent Megatron from using the dark spark. End log."


Megatron: "I will rip the Matrix from you with my bare hands."

Optimus Prime: "You want the matrix?" As prime opens his chest revealing the matrix. "Take it!"

As prime uses the matrix, a beam shoots at Megatron, he dodge the beam. Megatron uses the dark spark to counter it. Both spark, beam at each other trying to overpower the opposite, Optimus prime took steps forward overpower the dark spark. When the matrix's beam touch the dark spark, both Megatron and Optimus fly out and crashes both damaging each other. The Dark spark vanished while the matrix stayed intact, Megatron suffered heavy damage, unable to move.

Shockwave: "Lord Megatron!" He went up to him and retreated with the body.

Optimus still tries to recover the damage, trying to get up, while shockwave carrying Megatron. Optimus had a call from Jazz.

Jazz: "Optimus, come in! Are you there, Optimus?! Roger me! Wilco me! Hello, prime?!"

Optimus: "I am here, Jazz. Order there remaining Autobot forces to regroup at Iacon. Our struggle, and all our hopes, now hinge on the Ark. The Dark spark is no longer an obstacle to us leaving Cybertron. Though I fear its terrible presence will yet be felt elsewhere."

As he was talking to Jazz, a dark spark had left Cybertron and travel to unknown location where different generation will be affected.
Location: unknown
Period/timeline: after rotds. 5 years before (Y/n)'s events happen

As time by, a unknown entity known as the dark spark entering the atmosphere with a shattered moon, crashing near Atlas.

Scientist: "Ironwood sir! An unidentify object has crash near here."

Ironwood: "Send a team to pick as soon as possible. If we can get it, then we can use it."

Scientist: "Yes sir!"

Ten minutes later.
As Ironwood starts to get impatient, he now asked for a report.

Soldier: "Ironwood, this large object doesn't seem to do anything except emmiting some sort of energy. We cannot touch it, one of our solider who touch it, is now in medical bay."

Ironwood: "Alright, I'm sending Atlesian Knights to pick it up, scientist get ready to study it."

Scientist: "Yes sir."

As they move the object to the study room, they have learned nothing for two years and still try to use it. Nothing new, nothing powerful. Yet Ironwood believed that one day he'll get what he wants.
Location: Cybertron
Period/timeline: fall of Cybertron
(Defend the ark)
Optimus Prime: "Cybertron, the home world we Autobots have strive to protect from the decepticons, can no longer sustain us. Eons of civil war has caused the greatest of casualties. Our planets very core had shut down, halting it's production of life giving energon. Most of us have abandoned our home, in hopes of finding a new life among the stars. I, am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We do not know how many of our brothers escape, Megatron's blockade. I can be only certain of this, just one transport remain."

Optimus Prime: "Whoever you are, I can feel your presence though the matrix."

As Prime said it, another door open a leading to the control. He followed a path and there was emmiting blue light behind a switch.

Optimus Prime: "I ask you, no I order you. Help us in this dying time of need."

Add he pulls the switch, multiple objects are moving. Another scene after the switch, the bridge starts to seperate leaving the gap, another area opens up revealing the chest spark. Shoulder missile Cannon extends higher meanwhile, been the right side and the head, Red cannons pops out. Later, his hand comes out and the fingers extended. After all the transforming, his head comes out and was activated with red lights. He took out his right foot and crushed a decepticon tank.

Metroplex: "Metroplex heeds the call of the last prime." His left hand opens reveal Optimus while standing and standing next to the damage Ark.

Perceptor: "Optimus, w-what just happened?"

Optimus Prime: "Easy perceptor, he's one of us."

Metroplex: "Awaiting your orders."

Optimus Prime: "Metroplex, you must destroy the decepticon warp cannon on the outskirts of the city!"

After Megatron's defeat the decepticons finally retreat but a cost of the energon fuel to the ark and missing of Grimlock's team also known as lighting squad.


Before the nemesis ship began, Megatron was revived by soundwave with a new body. After returning and claiming the leader of the decepticons.
Megatron went to visit trypticon. Though trypticon failed Megatron, he was transformed by a nemesis protocol to take the rest of the decepticon army to battle against the Autobots.

(Till All are one)

Space bridge Grimlock found had been destroyed. Large energon pulse launched towards the blue sportal creating an unstable orange portal.

Ratchet: "Prime, the space portal Grimlock identified is becoming unstable."

Optimus Prime: "How much time do we have?"

Ratchet: "Impossible to know. The sooner we launch the ark, the better."

Optimus not knowing what to do, trying to find solution until Metroplex speaks.

Metroplex: "Optimus, take whatever spark that remain within me. Use it to light your way across the stars."

Optimus Prime: "Metroplex my friend, you don't have to do this. There's no guarantee you have enough energon to even us to the space bridge."

Metroplex: "This is my choice."

As Metroplex uses the cable to give energon to the fuel, all of the Autobots are entering the ark leaving their base, their home. An image of the ark gaining fuel from Metroplex.

Bumblebee was about the enter the ark but turn to see his home for the last time before entering. When the ark is full, Metroplex ran out of energon. He fell down to his knees while the ark launch.

Optimus Prime: "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten."

In Metroplex's final words, he look up to see the ark fully launch and said.

Metroplex: "Till all are one...." He has shut down.


While ark is heading towards the portal, the decepticon ship also know as the nemesis had approached the ark, attacking to stop them from reaching the portal. The decepticons went on offence while the Autobots are on defence. Cables was launched from the nemesis, but destroyed by Jetfire. Bruticus came, destroying the fuel. Jazz stop him knocking off from the ark. Optimus and Megatron fought with swords at each other for the final time. When Optimus is down, Megatron grab a heavy cannon from a ship and said.

Megatron: "Ah, this will do the job."

Optimus Prime: "Even if you destroy me Megatron, others will rise to defeat your tyranny."

Megatron: "Then I'll just have to destroy you all!"

As Megatron shot the cannon, Bumblebee rushed in, jumped in front of Optimus and took a hit. Both Bumblebee and Optimus was knocked back towards the ground. Optimus recovered and picked up Bumblebee.

Optimus Prime: "Bumblebee!"

Megatron: "What a waste of energon!"

Bumblebee is dead, Optimus look up and said.

Optimus Prime: "After eons of conflict, I finally see the truth of your words Megatron."

Megatron: "And what that might be Optimus?" He got out his sword and attack Optimus.

Optimus Prime: "This university no matter how vast, will never be bigger enough for you and I to co-exsist!" He stop Megatron later knock him back to attack.

After the fight between Optimus and Megatron, the portal had become very unstable, thus sucking everything in.

Megatron: "No, the portal!"

Optimus Prime: "The vortex is treating the ship apart!"

Megatron: "No! I will not be denied!"

Both the Autobots and the decepticons vanished into the unknown. Never Too be seen again. Till all are one.

(A/n: that's the chapter. This was meant to be the recap. The next chapter will be about (Y/n) and his events. I want to make this longer around 1500 so it will take a while. That's all. Leave a comment if I did good or something I should add. New chapters update weekly EST Saturday.)
1598 words.

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