Chapter 4: Fight!

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Location: initiation cliff
Period/timeline: Day 2 of rwby, 12:00pm

3rd pov

As the whole beacon school was watching Prime as he was prepared. Most was shock of how Prime said that he wants to fight two teams after it.

(Y/n): "Ready to roll!!!"

As Prime was launched, his boosters activated giving him extra speed boost. He flew almost like Superman, landed on the ground without any scratches. Many people was very impressed except team crdl.

Cardin: "Pfft. I can do better than that."

As (Y/n) landed, he knew what to do. He ran towards north fighting off grimm. Later he was trap by dozens of ursas and beowolfs.

(Y/n): "All too easy."

As Prime grab both of his handles, he activates, not any weapon but energy duel swords. He attacks every single grimm. His reaction time was so fast, when a grimm got close, it died instant. Many of the people was shocked including Glynda. By the time Prime is done, every from within metres perished, so he ran towards north.

He found an old ruin and saw a unique chess piece. It was king piece with (f/c). He took and ran North. Once he was there, the old bridge was broken and there was more grimm. Large nevermore and king Taijitu. Prime did not panicked, instead he used his handles and transformed into A-4 Pulsar Cannon or known as grenade launcher.

Prime shot towards king Taijitu. The grenade landed under it and destroyed it instantly. Ruby was jealous that her friends can't kill it that easy.

Ruby: "What?!"

(Y/n): "One down, one to go."

Prime look up to see a large nevermore heading straight to him. He stood still, many people thought he was going to did. Due to his fast reaction, he dodged at the last second looking like it hit him. When the nevermore crash directly at Prime, it creates smoke around the entrance to the bridge. Silent from everyone. Glynda was worried but Ozpin remained calm.
As soon the smoke vanished, Prime stood still, unharmed whereas for the nevermore, sliced, lied on the ground dissolving.

Random student: "Impossible... How did he do that?"

(Y/n) then ran towards the broken bridge and jump off.

Wiess: "Is he crazy?!"

The camera slowly come to where Prime jump off. Unexpecting, blue energy string known as the grappling hook flew high. The camera tilt upwards to see an unknown aircraft. He flew straight up holding the aircraft known as Jetfire. Jetfire flew to the cliff letting Prime land safely. As soon as he finished, he flew far away making sure no one can see him and vanished.

(Y/n): "Now that's why I am a one man army."

Location: Beacon
Period/timeline: Day 2 of beacon, 2:00pm

3rd pov

Ozpin: "Congratulations to Prime for not only finish his objective, but demonstrated why you are the best. Prime will be a one-man team known as team Prime for the rest of the school and please be respectful as for he would, eliminate anyone. Before you are dismissed, Prime would like to fight two teams. Any volunteers?"

Rwby: "We would!"

Jnpr: "So would we!"

Ozpin: "Ah team Rwby and Jnpr. Prime I suggest finding a suitable place to fight as well as entertaining everyone."

(Y/n): "Very well."
Location: Beacon arena
Period/timeline: Day 2 of beacon, 2:30pm

Ruby's pov

As we were preparing the fight against Prime, some of my friends was worried.

Wiess: "Ruby, are you sure we can do this? I mean, were are fighting against the best and no one know his weakness."

Ruby: "Relax Wiess, we got this."

Jaune: "This should be easy. It's 8 against 1."

Yang: Better hope he can crash while we bash."

Blake: "No, just no."

Nora: "I want to break his legs so let's do this."

Ren: "No breaking Nora, but we are ready."

As we're prepared, we head to the arena where everyone is watching. I heard whispers.

Random student: "Do you think the two teams stand against?"

Random student 2: "Not really, I mean Prime took an army of grimm without a scratch and simply dodged from a direct nevermore attack."

I was starting to get worried by the time we got to the arena. We saw Ozpin and he said.

Ozpin: "Today is the day. The New student known as Prime, will be taking head on against team Rwby and team Jnpr."

Yang: "Relax sis, we got this."

Ozpin: "Teams get ready."

We were ready but it looks like Prime is not using his weapons. He is using his fist. And his pose looks like he's ready.

(A/n: He pose it look this)

I wonder why he isn't using his weapons.

3rd pov

(Y/n): "Since it's 8 against 1, the field will be my choice. Arena, activate fall of Cybertron.

Everyone except Ozpin and Glynda was confused, then the field changed to this.

(A/n: Hard to find the right image. This arena had no decepticons. Credit to Port forward for getting this image. Please don't report.)

(Y/n): "Let's begin."


Prime was calm scanning their weak points.


Both teams were ready to fight.



As the round began, Yang ran to Prime and tried to hit him, unfortunately Prime dodge but able to counter it and damaging more by his hands.

Ruby: "Yang!"

Ruby stats to fire here snipper, Pyhra, Ren, Nora and Blake followed Ruby and starts to shoot at Prime. The battle gets intense, while Prime was blocking the range attack, Weiss, Jaune attacks though melee. Prime, using his one hand, knock back Jaune with a simple push, later to dodge. Wiess goes straight for attack only for Prime to dodge and to hit one of Nora's grenade. Both wiess and Yang got hit, giving few minutes to recover.

(Y/n): "Too easy, let's have more fun."

As Prime used his right handle, he summoned a medium melee known as the energon Axe.

He went directly straight towards Ruby. Ruby, transformed her sniper to scythe blocking the attack. Then she noticed something, Prime Axe startes to glow brighter. Next thing she knows, her weapon breaks.

Silence from everyone, Ruby's weapon broke. As soon Yang recovered from the attack, she saw Ruby's weapon broke, her eyes turned red and her hair was on fire. She dashed forward to Prime with pure anger.

(Y/n): "Predictable. Hey Yang, why are you on fire? Is it because you broke their life to bits or is it because you want to hurt more?"

As Prime said, he switch his Axe to a Mace, dodge Yang and hit her with a with a Mace knocking out of the arena. Her aura was red meaning she's out.

(Y/n): "Usually she's get back but I think she remembered."

Prime turn to team Jnpr and dashed forward. Jaune got up and used his shield but the impact of the Mace pushed him back to the wall directly knocking him out for the rest of the round.

Phyra: "Jaune!"

Phyra rushed towards Prime and attack him, Ren and Nora followed her. By the time they reach, Prime dodge later smashing them. Pyhra tried to use he polarity but no effect so she used her shield to block. She was lucky enough to reduced the damage whereas for Nora, she is knocked out. Ren, dodge with the attack. Phyra, Ren, Blake, Ruby and wiess that remains.

Blake now used her weapons to attack. Prime countered it and tried to hit with his Mace. As Blake's semblence activates, her clone takes the hit but due to the Mace effect, she received the damage till her aura was at 46. She step out of the way. Wiess used her glyths to attack Prime. Every glyths she sent, was destroyed by a simple smash from the Mace. She then uses speed and her rapier to hit him. Unfortunately not only Prime parried, he grab his left handle, transformed to Riot Cannon and shot her. The Cannon hit her directly causing her aura to be 10 and she is out. Ren then ran around him shooting trying to make a dent. Prime used both of his handles, transformed to the shield to block the attack. While blocking, Phyra and Blake tries to hit him through his back, so they did. Unknown to them, when they were close, Prime use his hover mode then smash into them knocking out Blake and Phyra. It just Ruby and Ren.

(Y/n)'s pov

Well that was entertaining, just Ren and Ruby. Ren was avoiding me from direct attack, it's smart but not enough so I use my right handle and transformed it to sling shot.

(Y/n) thought: "Shockwave, calculate his next step, need to get him out."

Shockwave thought: "Calculating.... Shoot right now."

I shoot to where shockwave said and the sling shot hit him. Ren is out, just Ruby remain.

3rd pov

While Ruby tries to recovered her weapon, she saw all her friends was out. She look up to see the scoreboard to see that Prime is at 95. She got up and tires to fight Prime without her sycthe. She try to this throw punches but she heard.

(Y/n): "Still try to punch, so bad. What ever happen to the past when you kill their life for it?"

Ruby stumble to what he said. She remembered how her family abused him.


Ruby's pov

Ruby: "Hey Yang, have you seen (Y/n)?"

Yang: "No, why?"

Ruby: "He's gone."

Yang: "Don't care, he's not my brother anymore."

Ruby: "Well, I don't care about him, he's done nothing."

Yet I start to miss him.

(End if flashback)

3rd pov

Ruby's eyes widen, shock that Prime said it. Next thing she knows, she got punched through the face, later got kicked throughout the stomach and her aura was red.

Glynda: "P-Prime is the w-winner!"

Random student: "H-how did he do that, h-his aura is at 95. Impossible."

Ozpin then came down and said.

Ozpin: "Congratulations Prime, you have defeated two teams while your aura is at 95. Very impressive. Welcome Prime to beacon academy. Please take off your helmet."

(Y/n): "Of course Ozpin. Everyone, this is a one time only, of anyone tries to take the photo will be dead."

Silence came as Prime took off his helmet. It reveals his (f/c) eyes and (s/f/c) hair. His face shows young skin and some scars. After he took it off, some of the people mumbled then put his helmet back on. Both team Rwby and Jnpr recovered and took a look at Prime showing his face then putting back. Ruby and Yang gasp as they recognised his face.

Ruby: "I-It can't be."

Jaune: "Who is he?"

Yang: "(Y-y/n). Our brother."

Wiess: "Brother? Go talk to him before he's gone you dunce!"

Both team Rwby and Jnpr followed print only to be stopped by Glynda.

Glynda: "I'm sorry but you cannot see him. He requested to not let Ruby nor Yang talk to him."

Ruby: "But he's our brother!"

Glynda: "Then why did you abused him? The rest of you may go expect Ruby and Yang."

Ruby and Yang was shocked that Glynda knows. Unable to pass, both Jnpr and WB nodded and followed him.

Location: Beacon, (Y/n)'s dorm
Period/timeline: day 2 of beacon school, 3:00pm

(Y/n)'s pov

I was in my room meditating, talking to Optimus and Megatron.

(Y/n): "So, did I go well?"

Optimus prime: "What you perform was, exceptional."

Megatron: "Lucky for us, you did not show your full ability. Job well done."

Knock Knock knock

(Y/n): "Well, I have to go, someone wants to see me. See you soon."

Optimus and Megatron: "Till all are one. Goodbye (Y/n)."

After the talk I woke up, rise and walk to the door. I open just to see team Jnpr and WB.

(Y/n): "What do you want?"

(A/n: Well that's a lot. Try to make the fight more... Interesting. Next chapter might be about reunion. I have nothing to say.)
2040 words

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