Chapter 6: Mission

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Location: Beacon hallway
Period/timeline: Day 3

Ozpin pov

Ozpin: "I told you not to come here."

Tai: "But he is my son."

Glynda: "Everyone, please leave the area and go to your next class."

As soon students left, I spoke up.

Ozpin: "He was your son. If I knew what you did, I would adopt him. You need to know to take care of him or this will be the consequence. Glynda, please escort Tai from beacon."

Glynda: "As you wish."

Tai: "What have I become."

(Timeskip) In Ozpin's office

Sigh. If I'd notice, I would adopt him. Then I heard the elevator open.

Ozpin: "Welcome Prime. I presume you have questions."

(Y/n): "Pretty much. Such as why I was called?"

Ozpin: "There's some news about the white fang taking civilians as hostages. I need you to free them and avoid trouble."

(Y/n): "Basically, I do work mission?"

Ozpin: "Yes. And don't worry about the school. Just do this and your fine."

(Y/n): "Understood."

He left my office. I hope his powers are worth defeating Salem.

Location: White Fang base
Period/timeline: Day 3, night

(Y/n)'s pov

I'm at the White fangs' base outside while in stealth mode. Searching for hostages, I found them underground.

(Y/n): "Grimlock, I want you in T-rex form eliminating any White fangs. You get to destroy the bad people."

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock destroy bad people."

(Y/n): "Grimlock, begin the distraction."

3rd pov

As the white fang guarding the building, some were chatting. Then they heard large footsteps. All the white fang faced towards the noise only to see a giant T-rex but in machine. Some were scared.

WFM 1: "Open fire!"

All the soldiers fired at Grimlock but no effect. Grimlock then stomps on the ground shaking some of them. He stomps twice before swinging his tail injuring if not, killing them.

WF2:"It cannot be stopped!"

WF1: "Keep fitting and don-"

He was stopped by Grimlock chomping on his body, shaking it and chucked it. WF1 is dead. After that, more reinforcement came giving (Y/n) an opening. He sneak in while Grimlock is destroying everything.

Inside of the base, White Fang soldiers surrounds the hostages. (Y/n) sneak up while stealth, behind the white fang members.

WF3: "What is going on our there?"

WF4: "Probably handling the enemy."

WF3: "Should we help them?"

WF4: "We can't help them. They have their job, we have ours. Check the hostages got it?"

WF3: "Sir yes sir."

As WF3 left, (Y/n) tap on WF4. As soon WF4 turn, he was knocked out by a punch. (Y/n) then go to the area where the hostages are. While in stealth, he obsessed all the white fang's position finding a way to eliminate with no hostage casualties.

(Y/n): "Shockwave, Perceptor. Can you find a way to eliminate all the white fang in this area with no hostage casualties?"

Perceptor: "The best weapon for this situation will be gear shredder."

Shockwave: "Giving you the coordinates to shoot. Proceed when ready."

As soon as (Y/n) was ready, he shot the disk. By the time (Y/n)'s shot, his cloak was disable. White Fang saw an intruder but later knocked out by the disk. Most of the white fang was down, even some fall off. (Y/n) soon frees the hostages and tried to get them out.

(Y/n): "Stay here ok?"

Hostage 1: "O-ok."

(Y/n) walk towards the hallway with at least 10 White Fang members, one of them turned and saw him. He was scared.

WF5: "It's a demon!"

Others turned, saw a sword being ignited angled down. Soon, feared had come to them.

WF6: "Open fire!"

Every shot they take, reached was blocked. While (Y/n) walked closer, he slashed the soldiers one by one. No weapon made a dent. All but 5 and 14 was dead. 5 tried to get help on the other side but no luck. 14 tried to cover 5 but soon died. 5 was the only one left.

WF5: "P-please don't k-kill me. I have a f-family."

White Fang 5 was so scared, tears cane out from his mask. (Y/n) noticed it, then cuts down the door.

(Y/n): "Leave this area and leave the white fang. Next time if I see you with them. There won't be mercy. Now leave."

5 nodded and ran. (Y/n) led the hostages a way out. By the time all went out, they saw many dead soldiers either on flames or broken body. They all look around to see who caused it but nothing. Hostage 1 turned to (Y/n) and smiled.

Hostage 1: "Thank you so much."

(Y/n): "You are most welcome."

Hostage 1: "May I ask. Who are you?"

(Y/n): "The name's Prime."

As soon Prime said, he left the scene to where police came.

Location: Beacon school
Period/timeline: Day 5 Morning

Ruby pov

Right now my team and I are in Mr Port's class listening to his story. I notice that Prime was here and at front like 2 rows so I decided to write a letter saying we're sorry. I passed it to him hoping that he'll forgive us but the next thing he did was crunched it and passed it to the bin. By the time Mr Port finished his story, he asked.

Professor Port: "Now, who would like to test their skills?"

(Y/n): "I would."

Professor Port: "Alright, young man, come down and show your true skill."

As he came down, he was standing on the opposite from a cage to what it looks like and stood still. Then Professor Port revealed to be Boarbatusk. Next thing he did was release it and it went straight to him.

Wiess: "Shouldn't he be prepared not just standing there?"

Ruby: "I don't know..."

The boardbatusk ran towards him then jump. Prime didn't flinch, instead he smack it with his right arm, hitting it from left to right, destroyed it.


Wiess: "That was-"

(Y/n): "All too easy. Now for a joke. Since the boardbatusk died, it really killed my heart."

(A/n: Either a good joke that represents his life or a bad one that I made.)

Some people start to giggle.

Port: "Marvelous young man. You'll be a true huntsman in no time."

(Y/n): "I live to fight."


Port: "Well, I believe that is all students. Now, please go to your next lesson."

Ruby: "Prime's seems odd... Anyway, what do we have next?"

Yang: "We have miss Goodwitch's class next.


Right now we are about to eatch Prime vs team Crdl.

Goodwitch: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

(Y/n): "I'll be ready as ever."

Cardin: "Pfft, you don't scare me."

Goodwitch: "Begin."

(3rd pov)

Russel was the first, then Dove to run at Prime but Prime, walked. He grabbed his left handle, transformed to Megatron's Mace. He smashed across his face head first causing his aura to instant deplete. Dove then tries to take him as he turned right. But Prime grabbed his right handle, transformed to Riot Cannon and smack Dove. After Dove was knocked out, Prime shot twice at Cardin and Sky. Cardin blocked the attack but was hit after it. Sky ran towards him but without notice Cardin tries to warn him.

Cardin: "Look out!"

Sky turned to Cardin then back but saw the Mace smacking him down. He was at mercy.

Sky: "No waitwaitwaitwaitwa-"

His head was on the ground hard by Prime's foot.

Cardin: "You bastard!"

He swing his Mace from his left to right. But Prime dodged it and Cardin tries to swing his Mace but only to be parried. After parried, Prime kick him and staggered him. As soon as Cardin recovered, he saw a cannon aim at him then fired. He was out. The only remainder was Dove. He got up and saw Prime walking towards him. Dove was in fear.

Dove: "Please s-spare me."

Print said nothing, instead he raised his Riot Cannon and shot him. End the round.

Goodwitch: "And that is why you don't mess with Prime. Now please dismiss."

Wiess: "Dam he's tough but this is good. If I could convince him to join Atlas, it would benefit Remenant."

Location: Beacon dining area
Period/timeline: Day 5, lunch

(Y/n)'s pov

As soon class was done, lunch started. Many people chatted, some was talking about the spar. Next thing I saw was Cardin picking on Velvet's ear... Again.


So I walk towards them. One of them notice me and warned Cardin which is too late because pushed them to the ground crushing Cardin's back whole his team can't do anything.

Cardin: "Have mercy!"

(Y/n): "I warned you not to hurt her. Now you pay the price."



Multiple bones was broken. Tears from Cardin have shown. His team was feared. Cardin manage to see my visor red of fear.

(Y/n): "Leave now or it gets worse."

They were scared again, pick up broken Cardin and ran. My visor returned to normal, faced Velvet and pick her up.

(Y/n): "Hey Velvet, are you alright?"

Velvet: "I'm alright. Thank you very much for your help."

(Y/n): "For a girl like you, you should be treated well with respect, not abused."

Velvet: "T-Thank you for helping m-me."

I saw her smiling while in blush so I nod and left.


(Y/n): "Jazz, you and Cliffjumper have a mission to do."

Jazz: "Alright, what do we need to do?"

(A/n: Sorry, had school work, training and family business. But, I'll do my best to write more. Also please give me ideas on the story. Chapter 7 has been suggested now I need more from you. Thank you and sorry.)

1650 words

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