Chapter 9: Black and White

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Location: Beacon, Ozpin's office
Timeline/period: Chapter 15

(Y/n)'s pov

(Y/n): "Ozpin, you want me to greet all the people from other academies?"

Ozpin: "Yes Prime."

(Y/n): "I'm not sure why did I agree to this. I have business to attend to."

Ozpin: "I'm sure you'll have time for that later. Now head over there to the docks and introduce yourself."


(Y/n): "Fine."

I left Ozpin's office and head to the elevator.

(Y/n): "Prowl, anything on Roman Torchwick so far?"

Prowl: "So far, nothing. We will double our efforts sir."

(Y/n): "Keep up the good work Prowl, oh and tell Optimus that our business will delay for the day."

Prowl: "Roger."

I ended the call and start heading to the docks, until Velvet stops me.

Velvet: "Where are you going Prime?"

(Y/n): "Vel, I'm heading toward the docks to greet other people."

Velvet: "You wouldn't mind if I tag along?"

(Y/n): "Sure thing Vel, follow me."

Location: Vale, docks
Timeline/period: Chapter 15

3rd pov

Velvet: "Prime is so strong. So dam good. I can't believe that I'm hanging out with- "

(Y/n): "Velvet?"

Velvet snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up to Prime. Realizing her deep feelings with him. She blushed.

Velvet: "Hmm?"

(Y/n): "We're here."

As Prime and Velvet arrived at the docks, people from Vacuo were leaving the cruise.

(Y/n): "Welcome to Vale people. Today, I'm here to introduce myself. I am-"

Vacuo student: "Oh my Oum! Is that the Prime!"

As many of the people surrounded Prime. Mostly the girls, Velvet was starting to get jealous but soon stopped when she felt Prime's hand on her shoulder.

(Y/n): "Alright, that'll be enough, but please, explore Vale. Okay people?"

Civilians: "Ok."

As Prime escorts the people, he noticed the crime scene and team RWBY.  He decided to check on crime scene.

(Y/n): "Detectives. Report."

Detective 1: "Who's ask- oh, it's you."

Detective 2: "Well, there was another robbery happened here."

(Y/n): "And who do you think who caused it?"

Detective 1: "Probably the White Fang."

(Y/n): "And who do you think who lead them?"

Detective 2: "Maybe Torchwick."

(Y/n): "Correct, now do you know why they do it?"

Before Prime and the detectives could continue, he heard Weiss comment.

Weiss: "Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat and steal."

Velvet was insulted by Weiss' comment. She look down in shame.

(Y/n), who saw her feeling upset, decided to stand up to Weiss.

(Y/n): "Weiss Schnee, I appreciate if you don't insult Velvet or her kind."

Weiss: "Oh I'm sorry Prime, but these Faunus are like animals."

(Y/n): "Then I should slaughter you like one, ice queen. These animals as you so called should be treated like any other being."

Weiss not only heard a threat from Prime but also calls her ice queen.

Blake: "He's right, they need to be treated like us."

Weiss: "Hmph." (grumpy sound)

(Y/n): "If you want my respect, then you must treat all as equals not individuals. Now, Velvet let us leave."

Velvet nodded and followed Prime. Out of the scenery, they both were walking along the streets.

Velvet: "I appreciate you defending the Faunus. Thank you."

(Y/n) gives her a warm smile even though he still has his helmet on.

Coco: "Velvet!"

As team CFVY comes closer to the couple, Velvet greets them with open arms.

Velvet: "Coco, Yatsuhashi, Fox. It's nice to see you."

Coco: "Ooo, who's this guy?"

(Y/n): "My name is (Optimus) Prime. A pleasure to meet you whoever you are."

Coco: "Names Coco. The tall guy's Yatsuhashi, Fox Faunus name Fox."

(Y/n): "Bah weep graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong."

All four looked at Prime confused.

(Y/n): "Universal greetings for Cybertronians and such. It's translated to 'we come in peace' (Marvel version)."

All: "Oh..."

Velvet: "So, what's brings you here guys."

Coco: "Shopping with the boys. And you?"

Velvet: "Hanging out with him."

She pointed towards Prime.

Coco: "Can't tell what he looks like."

(Y/n): "I intend it that way, no one knows who I am. But when we all in my room, I will show who I am."

Coco: "Not bad for who you chose Velvet. But Prime, don't break heart or you'll be in trouble."

(Y/n): "I've promise not to hurt her in any way. I swore with all my heart and soul. I'll defend her even if it cost my life or the enemies' lives."

Coco was surprised. Not only he kept calm but sounded very confident.

Coco: "You better, well, see you two soon. Have a nice day."

Velvet: "Bye guys."

(Y/n): "Interesting they are. Coco seemed over protective over you."

Velvet: "I know but-"

Sailor 1: "Hey! Stop that guy!"

Sailor 2: "You no-good stow-away!"

Both Prime and Velvet saw a monkey Faunus running along the docks. Prime use his power to create a wall to stop him. Unfortunately, he manage to climb over it.

Prime sigh that he had visitors to deal with. He contacted Barricade through the com.

(Y/n): "Barricade, chase after him but keep a low profile."

Barricade: "Got it."

And with that, he started to pursuit in his vehicle mode in stealth (actual size not human size robot that transforms into smaller car.)

Velvet: "Something wrong Prime?"

(Y/n): "Nothing too much, Vel. Tell you what, let's get you a treat after this ok?"

Velvet: "S-Sure."

After dealing with Vacuo Students, both Prime and Velvet visited one of the ice-cream store to get some ice-cream.

Velvet: "T-Thank you very much for this Prime. I really appreciate it."

(Y/n): "Your welcome. Now, let's take you back to Beacon."

Velvet: "Umm... About that. Is it o-okay to... S-Sleep with you in a r-room?"

Velvet asked while blushing hard. Prime looked around the area, making sure there's no-one around before removing his helmet. His face shown handsomely (What ever face you choose), replied:

(Y/n): "If that is what you want then yes. Let us go."

Prime put his helmet back on and both walked together back to his room for a night.

Location: Beacon, Prime's room
Timeline/Period: Chapter 16, morning

(Y/n)'s pov

Velvet slept with me peacefully in bed (not yet if you know what I mean), I got up early to work on future events until Prowl message me.

Prowl: "I've got some info for you, tonight the White Fang will be stealing lots of dust. Should we intercept them tonight?"

(Y/n): "Granted but for Velvet's sake and opinion on us, make sure the guns are set to non-leathal projectiles or stun. If they refuse to stand down, put them down."

Prowl: "Roger, I shall mobilize the troops."

Prowl ended the call and continue his work. I've decided to wake up Velvet who still have her combat uniform. She looks cute when she sleeps.

(Y/n): "Hey Velvet, time to wake up."

I poke her in the cheek making sure she woke up. Which worked. Velvet got up from bed, looked at Prime, then feeling embarrassed from it.

Velvet: "U-Umm..."


(Y/n): "Don't worry, you're still in your uniform. But I must say, you did help me relieve some stress."

Velvet: "U-umm, glad I could help."

(Y/n): "Now, let's get some breakfast Vel."

Velvet: "O-Ok."

After breakfast, we decided that we tell each other our stories and adventures. Velvet was shock of my history before I received the power of the Matrix.

Velvet: "But, they're so nice."

(Y/n): "When you're young, you have the power when you are the only child. But when you have two more siblings who like to create trouble, the oldest is responsible for it. The damages are too deep to be forgiven."

Velvet: "I'm sorry for what you've been through."

(Y/n): "Don't worry, now you already know about the history of the Transformers, now you'll hear the adventures before beacon. Ready?"

She nods.

(Time skip)

She enjoyed my stories but questioned the kills. I replied that sometimes, they will escape and kill you if you don't kill them first. She understands it and she told me her story. I say, it is interesting to hear. Before I could ask any questions, a call came up. I've check to see and it was Barricade.

(Y/n): "Prime here, is there something to report?"

Barricade: "Yes, there is. Word spread that the White Fang will be raiding the Schnee dust cargo tonight."

(Y/n): "I've confirmed by Prowl earlier but some your statement reinforced the investigation. Now tonight, you will join Prowl on stopping them but don't kill any unless you have to. Got it?"

Barricade: "No big deal... Maybe. See you tonight Prime."

I ended the call and Velvet stared at me confused.

Velvet: "Is something going to happen?"

(Y/n): "Tonight, there's a Schnee dust delivery and the White Fang will take it, we're going stop them. If you don't mind, you can join."

Velvet: "No thank you, I need to go back with my team and go shopping."

(Y/n): "Ok, I will see you soon."

Location: Docks
Timeline/Period: Chapter 16, night

3rd pov

(Y/n): "All troops, on my signal, we attack."

Troops: "Roger."

While some scouts are looking for the White Fang, 5 minutes later drop ships arrived.

Scout: "They're here alright."

(Y/n): "Good, on my mark. Go!"


Roman: "What's that music?"

The White Fang troops stared with awe as Decepticon dropships came and drop soldiers with arm guns. The troops are surrounded by them.

Soldier: "Surrender at once or we will open fire."

Roman: "Ah hell, here we go aga-"

Blake: "Hold right there!"

Blake who hold Roman hostage in front of both the White Fang and the Transformers with guns aiming at them both.

Blake: "Why are you doing this, working with the human!"

Roman: "They're not working with me, we are working together."

Roman used his cage and sir the ground where Blake was. She was blown off course but the Transformers opened fire. A battle took place as each White Fang members were stun by gun fire. Some resists the stun but was put down by actual bullets.

Some members refused to fight knowing that their brothers died in previous fights. Those who surrendered, we're secured by Ultra Magnus and Prowl.

WFM: "Traitors!"

Before the soldier could shoot, a gun went through his heart and collapse. Blood splatter everywhere and the prisoners were scared. They knew that he's here. Prayed for mercy, they did not die. Only those who wouldn't surrender.

Roman: "Welp, it's nice knowing you kitty cat but I got to go. See us later Prime!"

(Y/n): "Track him Kickback."

Kickback: "I understand-stand-stand."

Kickback followed Roman as he escaped in far distance. Just then, Ruby and Penny arrived at the scene. Ruby saw Blake and to her.

Ruby: "Blake, what happened here?"

Blake: "Prime's here and took care of business."

Prime walked up to them.

(Y/n): "Blake Belladonna, I may question this, why are you here?"

(A/n: One of life's great mysteries.)

Blake: "Long or short story?"

(Y/n): "Short story."

Blake: "Yesterday, after that crime, Wiess kept insulting us and I snapped. I accidentally revealed my secret and I ran away. Sun, found me and mention about the Schnee dust drop here. He also mention about upcoming theft from it so we decided to intercept and now we're here."

Police: "Um, Sir. What did you do to the prisoners?"

(Y/n): "I scared them too much. Make sure you take good care of them."

Police: "Understood."

The policeman left the scene. Yang and Weiss arrived the scene.

Blake: "Um Weiss, I no longer part of the White Fang and I'm sorry."

Weiss: "Now, I've been thinking what happened lately and now I don't care. I don't care if you used to pay off the White Fang. I had 12 hours of thinking. You're one of us. A teammate. And we need to work together. Ok?"

Blake have her a smile.

Ring ring.

Prime answered the call through the comms.

(Y/n): "Hello."

Coco: "Prime! We need your help."

(Y/n): "Coco, what's wrong?"

Coco: "Velvet's missing.

(Y/n): "... Scrap."

(A/n: And done. Again, sorry the delays. Life's busy. So yea, Velvet's MIA. Missing in action. What will he do now? Also next chapter will finish the volume 1 in RWBY. Find out next time on World's collide.)

2107 words.

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