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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 12

Grandpa Keir and I are sitting in his office while I can hear Jelena, Dexter, and Holden being spoken to in the room right next to ours. Apparently, my grandpa hadn't talked to anyone about what he and Alpha Chris must have concluded me being an oracle, and I'm not sure why they would keep it a secret from the rest of the packs.

I do realize why though because I'm staring at my thighs while hearing all of their respective parents having to explain a few things to their children. Grandpa Keir had spoken to their parents moments prior when we had all been waiting in the hallway like we were in trouble and waiting to talk to the principal.

"Do I make myself clear?" Aleksa asks Jelena, and there are murmurs through the door. The parents had told them that they weren't allowed to tell anyone else in the pack what I am.

It becomes obvious though...

...it shows in their eyes that I'm at the very least a dormant werewolf, but at the same time, why would it matter whether or not they knew that?

"I'm sorry..." my voice is quiet when I apologize to my grandpa, hearing my friends being dismissed out of the side room while listening to the door shut behind them.

"It's not your fault, Acacia..." he replies, but I can hear mixed feelings in the way he says this. He's quiet for a few more moments before he clears his throat and I slowly lift my gaze to meet with his. His eyes search mine and I swallow the knot forming at the edge of my throat before he says, "I can't help you."

The bridge of my nose stings when the words hit me hard.

He releases a sigh and continues, "I know someone who can...but you don't belong to my pack. I can't send you away to get the help and training you need...that would be up to your mother and Dante. If you truly are a dormant werewolf, you are part of their pack and under their guidance."

"What do you mean? Send me away?" I'm perplexed because the pain in my heart continues to grow.

Grandpa Keir leans against his desk before he states, "There is a pack known as the Mercy Matrons. They take in orphan pups...however, they have an oracle among their ranks as well."

"Training?" I furrow my brows with confusion.

"You're having visions...I already figured that out with the rogue werewolf attack four years ago..." his voice trails off for a moment while he thinks over something before noting, "...but with how your friends described your eyes...there are few stories told to the younger generations about oracles due to their rarity; however, some parents do tell stories more of legend than reality...like Jelena's parents."

"But...is this a bad thing?" I shake my head as I'm trying to understand what he's getting at.

Grandpa Keir shakes his head and reminds me, "No...oracles are often revered among packs for their unique gifts," he stands from his desk and nods, "those gifts can be trained to not appear at random like I am guessing they are doing for you...with training, they can be triggered and used at your will."

"Why do you want them to keep it a secret then?" I ask him when he walks around from behind his desk.

"Until we know for sure...we should be able to feel your wolf Acacia..." his voice is somewhat pained as he comes in front and leans against the desk, "...even a dormant werewolf can be felt...however, in cases with oracles...some either have to give up their mate to continue to receive their visions...or they don't have a wolf, sacrificed for their gift."

I glare when I snap, "So what does that even mean?!"

Grandpa Keir shakes his head and releases a sigh, "I don't want others coming to you asking questions when even you don't have the answers. I don't want others speculating about you as you already have so much else circling you."

What the hell am I?!

"I feel like I'm constantly being judged for what I am and for what I'm not," tears finally come to my eyes, and it takes everything within me to keep them back. When he goes to speak I lash out, "Can everyone STOP trying to figure out WHAT I am?! Can I JUST live my life?!"

I'm breathing hard, my fists balled up tightly as I glare up at Grandpa Keir. I hadn't noticed how loud I'd been, because there is a knock on his office door and I can hear that it's Sophia's dad, "Is everything alright?"

Grandpa Keir's wolf is out when I glance back from the door to stare into his eyes. I can't tell whether or not he's angry at me for lashing out like I did or if he's holding empathy for finally saying something...

...it's clear though when he responds to Coen, "I didn't call for you, Coen...everything is fine."

I hear a slight acknowledgment of, "Yes, Alpha Keir," before his footsteps tread away down the hallway.

"Why don't you go on and relax, alright?" My grandpa encourages me as he knows I'm ready to fly off the handle on anyone. When I do go to argue he says, "I understand, and I hear what you're saying, Acacia. I won't say anything else, but I do need you to keep this oracle bit to yourself for now, alright?" He pauses a moment when I search his eyes and asks, "Can we agree to that?"

After a few minutes of me settling my heart rate back down, I finally nod and respond, "Yes, grandpa...I promise..." when I go to get out of my chair, he wraps me in his arms and holds me tight. I can feel his wolf, the way it surrounds me and wants to take away the pain I'm feeling...though I often wonder if it truly knows the extent of what that pain is...but just as we pull away from one another I ask, "Can I call Ciarán after I take a shower?"

He nods and says, "You can use the phone in the living room if you like. If someone is using it, I'll give you my cell, okay?"

"Thank you," I smile while allowing the sudden rush of emotions to release from my body, "I love you, grandpa."

"I love you too," he returns my smile with one of his own, my hand reaching for the door before I leave the office behind and head toward my room to gather items for my shower.

When I enter the hall bathroom, I set my change of clothes and towel down on the floor, looking around for a moment before I decide on a bath instead. My muscles are so tense from anger, my emotions running amuck because I can't seem to have people take me for me, wondering what the bigger picture is when all I want is love for who I am...

Sliding into the warm water, I relax with my head tilted back against the side. It's quiet, my eyelids slowly closing as the steam lifts from the water. I trace the tips of my fingers over the surface, hearing the slight pinging sound when I lift them and the droplets plop down. Inhaling a deep breath, I submerge beneath the water's surface, hearing the rush of it invade my eardrums.

Within me, I feel lightheaded, and a moment later, I slowly blink my eyelids open under water. I'm welcomed by a golden glow, and I feel it creep beneath the surface of my skin when I release a few air bubbles from my lips.

My heart rate picks up a moment later as I see flashes...images shifting across my mind. A rocky bank at the edge of the ocean. A howl of a wolf before I feel myself submerge beneath the treacherous waters. She's floating before me, tilting her head to the side as the opalescent eyes look into mine.

I feel...pain, indescribable pain...blood trickles off me and out toward the water.

Shadows overhead stand at the rocky bank...the edge, towering over the side as I drift back against the wall. She kisses me...

Exhaling sharply, my heart beats wildly. I break through the surface of the water, my hands latching onto the sides of the tub as I breathe hard. Water drips in front of my eyes as I breathe in and out like I've run a marathon.

My heart suddenly stops...my skin going numb when I glance from one of my hands to the other. Beneath my grip on the edges of the tub, spider webs span out under my touch, a wispy purple hue encircling around my wrists before I scream and pull both of my hands to the center of my chest.

They disappear a moment later, the spider webs and the wisps...

My eyes are wide with fear as I stumble to my feet, almost falling out of the tub as I reach for my towel. My eyes wildly search the bathroom, breathing hard again as my heart feels like it's about to beat right out of my chest. With my towel wrapped around me, I sit on the floor while my hair drips down my back, lifting my hands in front of my face while I look at them.

"Hey? Acacia?" Jelena knocks on the bathroom door and asks, "Are you alright in there?"

What's wrong with me?!

My hands grab my head as I try to breathe out evenly, attempting to find some calm and peace.

Nothing is wrong with you...theía ouránia. Be strong Ekáti...someone waits for you.

"Who are you?!" I call out while my eyelids snap open.

"You fry your brain in hot water?" Jelena knocks on the door again and calls, "What's wrong with you?"

It's all in my head. Once again...all in my head, but the voice is familiar. It's the same voice that came to me the night I felt so alone after seeing Taron and Sophia so close at the bonfire. My heart rate comes down, and I steady my breathing, standing to my feet carefully as I glance at my reflection in the mirror.

"I'm sorry..." my voice trails off, "...I swear I saw a spider."

"Nature girl scared of a spider? Please," Jelena giggles and then sighs, "Dexter and I are going to watch a movie in my room if you want to join us."

"Thank you," is all I respond with, knowing right now I want to get out of this bathroom and call my brother.

I miss him...and I know...I know I was scared and ran away.

Jelena's footsteps fade away while I dry off and put my new clothes on. After blow drying my hair and putting it in a braid over my shoulder, I gather my things and head to my room. Dropping off my old clothes and towel, I make my way down the hallway before moving down the stairs. Glancing around, I see the house phone, and no one is using it...

Breathing out again, I dial daddy's cell number. Leaning against the wall and waiting for it to finishing ringing, daddy picks up and asks, "Keir?"

"No...daddy, it's me," I hold the phone close, his voice a welcoming relief as I do miss my family...

"Acacia?" Daddy's voice holds concern as he asks, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, daddy," my voice is quiet, "I wanted to talk to Ciarán if that's okay?"

Daddy is quick and replies, "Sure little love," there's quite a while as I hear him climbing stairs, but he does ask me, "how are you doing? Are you enjoying your visit?"

"Yeah, I went for a hike up one of the hills," I smile when I tell him, though I keep the part about what happened with Uncle Keveon to myself, "it was raining, and Dexter and Holden ended up rolling down the muddy hill."

"Sounds like you're having a wonderful time," his voice is warm and gentle as I also hear him walking, "Christmas is soon...did you want me to send your presents from us to Keir's or did you want to open them when you come home at the end of summer?"

That's a question?


I laugh and respond, "Daddy...of course you better send them!"

He laughs and says, "I thought so," he pauses a moment, knocking coming from his side of the line before he asks, "Ciarán? Your sister is on the line."

"So?!" I can hear him...that's how loud he is.

"Acacia wanted to talk to you," daddy tries again, my heart starting to beat fast. I can see Dexter walking past the living room and heading to the stairs. He furrows his brows at me, and I wave at him, letting him know I'll be up in a bit.

He shrugs his shoulders and ascends the stairs, hearing Ciarán through the line, "Well...I don't want to talk to her!"

"Ciarán..." daddy's voice is dangerous while I turn my back on the living room and stare at the wall, waiting to talk to him. A door opens, and daddy tells me, "I love you Acacia, I'll talk to you another time, your brother is here now."

"I'll tell you when I'm done...which shouldn't belong," Ciarán snarls at daddy while I hear different things in the background. The sound of the door opening and closing is loud over the phone, hearing footsteps until there is dead silence.

A few minutes go by before I ask, "Ciarán?"

"What?" He's short and harsh, feeling him snap at me from a great distance that separates us.

"I-I...I wanted to see how you were doing," my voice drops even quieter.

He replies with, "Oh? Now you care? Not when you decided to just up and leave me?!"

"I..." my voice trails off, wrapping my free arm around the one holding the phone to my ear.

"I can't see anyone for the month! You were the only one of my friends that I could talk to and see while grounded! You LEFT me!" Ciarán's anger has me in tears, my vision blurry as I try to brush them away, a small and quiet sob leaving my lips that I don't think he hears...but he does and snaps, "What do you have anything to cry about? You ran away. You abandoned me, Acacia!"

I'm shaking now, the air caught in my lungs before I say, "I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to..." my voice trails off as I try to calm down a bit, "Mercury, he-"

"Oh yes, he told me he visited and apologized to you! Then you up and leave for no reason? What the hell is wrong with you?!" The pain in his voice makes the tears slide down my cheeks that much faster. I feel a presence behind me, turning around slowly as I stare up into Grandpa Keir's eyes...they gradually shift to golden irises, and I hear a dark growl come from the back of his throat.

"Acacia?" My grandpa's voice is cautious.

Ciarán continues with, "You are my sister Acacia! You are my twin!"

"And yet you let your friends treat me the way they did when I said the same thing to you! Remember? I'm your half-sister!" I lash out, and then my eyes widen the moment the words leave my lips. My free hand clasps over my mouth, more tears coming to my eyes.

Grandpa Keir looks at me with uncertainty, the tears still falling down my cheeks as I hiccup a couple of sobs behind my hand.

"I don't even want a sister!" Ciarán's voice is no longer angry, but pained and I hear him also crying when he snaps, "Stay with the damn dogs because that's where you belong!" I hear him inhale sharply and then he fumbles, "N-No, Ac-Acacia...I'm sorry, n-no, I didn't m-mean..."

"I hate you!" I uncover my mouth and hang up the phone, my body shaking angrily as we hardly ever get into fights...but when we do...

Grandpa Keir opens his arms, and I take the two steps forward before I bury my face into his chest, sobbing as I hiccup, "I-I-I did-didn't me-mean i-it."

"I know hunny," he holds me tight to him, rubbing my back as he says, "you'll forgive one another."

I'm feeling a little better as he holds me, but as we pull away from one another, I hear his cell phone ring. Grandpa Keir slides it open and sighs, "I need to take this," though his eyes search mine and he says, "if you need to talk later..."

"I'm okay," I smile and say, "Jelena and Dexter asked me if I wanted to watch a movie."

"Alright, have fun," he smiles while nodding his head, answering the phone and after a few seconds as he walks away I hear, "Sophia's what?"


I don't get any more from his call as he moves up to the upper levels and his office. Releasing a heavy sigh, I walk away from the house phone, climbing the stairs and finding Jelena's room. When I reach it, I see I wasn't the only one invited and Holden waves at me when I shut the door behind me.

"Hey...Acacia, are you okay?" Jelena gets up from the floor where blankets and pillows have been laid out. She walks toward me with concern lingering in her features before she stops just a few feet shy of where I have immobilized myself.

I shake my head, "No...I'm not okay..."

💫--To Be Continued--💫
Updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Due to some readers wanting an update schedule...fine by me, no need for random updates 3-4 times a week. The schedule is now set.

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