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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 12


...I'm bewildered.

There is a growl that comes from the back of his throat...and I know I must have upset him by the way I had insulted his daddy. But...

...that's not the confusing part.

The front of Taron's pants grows a little tight, my eyes quickly flickering away from his as my heart skips a beat.

"You are so rude, Acacia!" Sophia lashes out as she plays off the growl that comes from Taron's wolf. Dexter shrinks behind me, lowering himself a little down the wall so he can be out of sight, realizing that I did overstep my boundaries here...

...Dexter warned me...I didn't listen.

"No...she's not," Taron's voice finally breaks through the tension slowly growing in the air. My heart continues to beat fast, slowly bringing my gaze back to meet with his.

Sophia also glances at him as if he's lost his mind and wanting to make sure she heard him right. She gasps when she realizes what I saw moments prior, and she asks, "H-How are y-you turned on by this?"

Taron shakes his head as he calms his wolf...his eyes briefly flickering to Sophia as I see he has to explain something to her rather quickly. Dexter whispers to me, "Acacia...you turned his wolf on...how the hell-"

"Dexter, please stop talking," Taron is polite in a manner, and Dexter quickly nods his head and shrinks away. He scrambles away from me and takes off around the other side of the lodge, Sophia looking rather upset at Taron.

My heart drops when I see Sophia is close to tears, her gaze shifting from Taron to glare at me and exclaim, "I'm telling Alpha Keir!"

Just like that, she takes off running in through the kitchen side door, leaving Taron and me alone. He continues to stare at me for a while and I know I'm more than likely about to be in trouble once Sophia tells on me...so I take a step away from him, wondering if I can find where Dexter is hiding and join him.

"Don't leave," the way his voice changes...it's the same way daddies had tried to help Ciarán shift when we were eight. His voice pierces through my flesh, my muscles freezing and when I turn to look at him with uncertainty...he returns my look with one of shock.

"I'm going to be in trouble..." my voice is quiet when he takes a few steps closer to me, my heart ready to beat out of my chest. My eyes search his and fear floods through me when I ask with worry, "Why are you doing this to me?"

His eyes widen, and he shakes his head saying, "I'm sorry...I didn't know that would...I didn't mean..." he's very confused himself when he asks himself, "...how?"

"There!" Sophia's voice is loud, and I can see over Taron's head Grandpa Keir and Alpha Chris, though...there is another individual with the alpha. A hand is on Taron's shoulder when his daddy pulls him away and off to the side where Sophia is now standing.

When I look up at Alpha Chris, I finally feel the fear, knowing I'm going to be in trouble for what I said...

When Taron takes a step forward back toward us, the other man steps in front of him and shakes his head as a warning. Grandpa Keir looks down at me and furrows his brows before asking, "Acacia...what happened?"

"I told you what ha-"

I see anger flash in my grandpa's eyes when Sophia opens her mouth and starts firing it off, though he's quick to snap, "Enough, Sophia!" She gets quiet rather quickly, and Grandpa Keir then states, "I already heard what you have to say; however, I want to hear it from Acacia."

My lower lip trembles as it's my grandpa's wolf I see coming through, staring into those golden irises as he waits for me to tell him. I can't lie...

...Sophia, Taron, and Dexter heard what I said.

"I...I don't like the way Dexter is being treated," I start off, laying out the grounds for saying what I did in hopes that even if I am forced to tell the truth because of the witness from others, perhaps I can show my reasoning. Alpha Chris continues to stare at me, and I can't tell whether he is just observant or agitated. Breathing out carefully I continue with, "I understand that in your hierarchy...that Dexter is considered the bottom, yet what I can't seem to grasp is why two alphas are treating him two separate ways..."

Off to the side, I see the shift in Taron's irises again, seeing him physically puff up for a moment and I wonder with confusion what is going on.

Is he angry with me?

Grandpa Keir tilts his head to the side while remaining silent and even Alpha Chris isn't as angry as I believe he is when he says, "Go on."

"I got angry and upset..." I first look at my grandpa and then avert my eyes to Alpha Chris and state, "...because this alpha has to protect his omega by fulfilling the elitist views of another..." I pause a moment as I see Grandpa Keir's stance shift slightly and also Alpha Chris narrowing his eyes when I say, "In your eyes, it would have perhaps been disrespectful to have an omega show around your third in command's children...that's why I'm angry, because you believe his life is worth less than anyone else's."

"Acacia..." Grandpa Keir's voice holds caution when he asks, "...Dexter told you this, didn't he?"

I nod and reply, "I think that's a horrible thing...that you have to protect him by catering to the ways of..." my voice trails off as Alpha Chris and I catch each other's gaze, "...this elitist pig."

"Get her under control..." Alpha Chris' wolf is ready to lash out completely. I see his teeth are more animal like the way his claws are replacing his nails...the deadly look in his golden irises...that, that is something I do fear.

Grandpa Keir releases a heavy sigh and states, "She's right though," this causes my gaze to snap to my grandpa's with a look of shock on my face. Alpha Chris also turns his anger on my grandpa when he continues, "I respect your ways, and this pack merger is important for bringing strength on different levels to both packs...but she's right, and I can't keep always compromising on my end."

Sophia has a hand covering her mouth as she is in just amount of shock that I reflect. Alpha Chris and Grandpa Keir stare at one another, moments of silence passing and it feels like they both very well could shift right now and fight for who the stronger alpha is and by that way, claim dominance over the packs' decisions.

That doesn't happen though and much to my surprise, Alpha Chris' claws recede along with his teeth. The flicker of gold in his eyes extinguishes before he says, "Agreed...I can't change my mindset or that of my pack...but I will try in regards to our packs...see this omega as an equal within the ranks of the rest of the pack."

What just...

...did I?

I glance from the both of them, watching the way Alpha Chris regards me as it's different from the last time I was here. He speaks to other man and notes, "Tanner, this is Acacia," he then nods at me and introduces, "Acacia, I'd like to introduce you to Tanner Lytle, my third in command."

He steps forward away from Taron and Sophia to look me over before I nod and he says, "It's nice to meet you...you are the human that stays with Alpha Keir during the summers?"

Nodding I reply, "Yes..."

"You're very perceptive for your age, setting aside being human...you understand our culture and ways quite well," Tanner tells me, and I take that as a backhanded compliment, but hold my tongue as I'd just gotten out of what could have been significant trouble.

Grandpa Keir sighs and then says, "Sophia, you should probably get settled back in," he turns to Alpha Chris and asks, "Is Taron and Ridge sharing the same room?"

"Yes, their belongings are already set up," Alpha Chris responds and then nods at Tanner before noting, "Seth and Fawn will have the room next to yours."

Seth and Fawn?

Those must be the two Jelena, and Holden was showing around...

Sophia smiles and bats her eyelashes at Taron before asking, "Will you help me unpack?"

I have to play into those who don't know I'm my grandpa's granddaughter, not wanting to be judged based off my parents...and I can't call him that while members of the Crusaders Pack are here who are oblivious to my name. So, I ask him, "Alpha Keir, can I go now?"

It surprises him for a second the way I refer to him, noticing the way his wolf is somewhat hurt instead of the pride it should feel for showing respect. I'm his granddaughter though and as he's mentioned to me...I get special privileges.

"Yes, Acacia," he nods, and I don't even take a second glance at anyone else, moving as quickly as I can away from them all. I run out toward the trees, calming my erratic heartbeat as I walk past the trunks and further into the dense forest.

At least here, I feel safe.

I'd never do this on the castle grounds because there is no one around to protect me...

Stopping at the base of a tree trunk, I glance up and jump before grasping the lowest branch. I begin to climb carefully up to till I'm about half-way up. Leaning my back against the bark while straddling the branch, I close my eyelids and listen to the sounds of the forest.

Heights still frighten me...but I'd instead take my chances off the ground right now and in my world.

I'll worry about getting down later...

While the birds' chirp and I hear squirrels in trees just a couple over from the one I'm sitting on, a smile forms on my lips. The breeze is gentle, the sun up higher over the tops of the trees as I feel the warmth seep through the pine needles and leaves.

It surrounds me, feeling the chill run down my spine before I slowly blink open my eyelids. The purplish hue isn't as vivid, but the spider webs are easily seen throughout the branches. Looking across, I see her kneeling on the branch of the tree across from me.

Nimue's eyes spark with mischief as she remains kneeling. She tilts her head to the side and asks, "Do you want to play a game?"

Lifting my back away from the trunk, my hands grasp the branch in front of me, leaning forward as I ask, "What kind of game?"

A smile forms on her lips when she says, "For all the times you've seen them..." her voice trails off as she motions to the webs, "...you've never once asked about the spider webs."

"I don't really..." I release a sigh while trying to figure out why exactly I've never asked...after all; they have been honest with me.

Nimue arches a brow and asks, "Or the ones you created on your own?"

I inhale sharply as images flicker back through my mind of the bathroom. Furrowing my brows with confusion I ask, "I did that?" I shake my head and state, "I thought that was..."

"Lars?" She asks while standing to her full height on the branch, "Me?"

Nodding, my grip tightens when I glance down at the ground and quickly look back up. Nimue observes me and says, "Your fears are unwarranted."

"If I fall, I will get hurt...how isn't that something to be afraid of?" I furrow my brows while questioning her.

"You won't fall," she smiles while walking to the very end of the branch and I believe she's going to fall off, but she doesn't. She places one hand against the center of her chest as her eyes radiate purple wisps for a split second as she murmurs something beneath her breath. When she glances back at me, she says, "I have but a few moments...so I will show you this..."

One of her hands touches the branch and extending out from it; spider webs crawl across thin air, branching toward mine until it connects. When she rises to her feet, she tells me, "Walk across it."

"Are you kidding me?" I shake my head as I'm taken aback, "They're spider webs! They're fragile."

"No sweet Acacia," she shakes her head, and I'm hesitant as she motions for me to stand to my feet. Just as I do and I get my balance, I take one step on my branch before I waver. Exhaling sharply, I know I'm going to fall...but I don't. I feel her behind me, her hands light as a feather at the sides of my waist.

"I'm scared," I shake my head while she stands like a wisp behind me.

Nimue says, "Don't be...spider webs represent the passage of time...they are strong as they hold the entire length of our existence among their threads," it's her helping me as I take a few steps on the branch, reaching the webs when I set one foot on them. Sure enough, it's like I'm walking on concrete and she continues, "Weave them the way you want, and you'll learn to bend time itself and control that which separates us all."

With her, we walk across the webs, feeling as if for once, I won't fall...

It's only once we are on the branch she had been on do I hear something across the forest floor. Nimue releases a small sigh before she whispers, "Another time."


I try to call for her, but she's gone a moment later along with the purple hue and the spider webs. My heart beats fast as I glance all around me, swallowing my fear as I clutch at the branches and begin to make my way back down to the forest floor slowly. When I allow myself to fall just a few feet, I'm on solid ground.

A light ignites inside of me, and I feel the warmth all around. I was able to do something I never thought possible without the knowledge of fear leading my existence.

Hearing the sound growing closer, I hold the side of the trunk while narrowing my eyes on the spot it's coming from. A few moments later, I see a black wolf pad through the forest, tilting my head to the side as I know it's a teenage one...though...

...the black wolves are alphas.

A few seconds later, golden irises lock onto me as it pads closer. My heart is beating fast; I release the grip I have on the tree and take about five steps back and away before I hear a low growl. Freezing at the warning, my eyes stare into its...the closer it draws, the more I feel like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest.

It approaches me, sniffing my abdomen at first and then lowers its nose closer to between my legs. I gasp while trying to push its head away while exclaiming, "Hey!"

It rolls its head sideways and out of my grip before growling again low, warning me as I stare dumbfounded. The wolf then sniffs my thighs, padding around me while taking in my scent as I remain still.

I'm thrown off guard the moment the wolf is behind me, feeling paws knock into the back of my thighs before I quickly fall forward and catch myself with my hands. The wolf pads back around until I lift my gaze as I'm staring into its golden irises.

"What?" I ask with confusion, seeing the way it moves forward and I quickly move back onto my knees and away from it. The wolf pads forward, and then I feel the power behind the way its head nudges against my upper chest, right against my shoulder. I feel like I'm going to fall backward and when I push back, the wolf growls again.

"Oh my god...what do you want?!" I push back again, and the wolf snorts, bringing its eyes to meet my gaze again. The way its stance...

...are you for real right now?

I'm not a freaking wolf!

I'm not part of their packs, and I am most certainly not going to-

The air leaves my lungs when its head knocks against my upper shoulder again, and I release a frustrated sigh before I exasperate, "Okay, okay!" The wolf lifts its head, and I roll my eyes, "I get it, just knock it off," there is a hint of mischief in its eyes and also a challenge. Lying on my back I cross my arms in front of my chest before huffing out, "There...happy?"

I swear it's smirking at me, the way it prances around...

...it wanted my submission.💫--To Be Continued--💫
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