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The Mature Version of Chapter 27 will be Chapter 27.5 and can be found in Transgression: Private Chapters which is on my profile. I have quite a few works, so you may need to scroll through to find it.

The Mature Version involves rape.

If you are easily triggered by this subject, just read Chapter 27 here.

The beginning of Chapter 28 will hint at the overview without going into detail, so you are not missing any important story information by opting out of this chapter.


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 13


I'm cut short as he continues to walk to the side of the castle grounds once we have returned. Daddy takes my bags while I can see mama and Dante talking on the front steps before we are out of sight.

"Stop it," he snaps back at me as I continue to follow him. His pace is evenly set as he continues to the furthest point of the grounds before the forest line. My heart beats fast in my chest when he suddenly whirls around, and I take a step back. He narrows his eyes at me and states, "Unless you want to hang out with my friends and me...I suggest you turn around and go home because I'm going into the forest."

I shake my head and say, "Ridge...he's nice and sweet an-"

"Shut up!" He snaps right back, his eyes glowering down at me as he says, "It's my choice to make, not yours, not our parents, no ones!"

"It was also Ridge's-"

"Oh, my...for fuck sake's Acacia!" Ciarán's eyes become dangerous as I continue to press him until he finally snaps, "The only reason I lost control and hurt you the first time...is because you just wouldn't back the fuck off my case!" He's glaring at me with so much anger and hatred, the blame now resting on my shoulders when he states, "You push and push until there's nothing else I can do! So...just give me space! I don't care what you think or how you see me!"

"Ciarán, I-"

He shakes his head before he looks away from me. He's quiet for a few moments before he states, "You're human. I should remember that when taking into account you don't understand what a mate bond is and whether or not you think I made the wrong choice in regards to 'Ridge,' think again because I'd rather not deal with multiple mates! It makes you weak! It holds ties to you so...Acacia, do me a favor..." his eyes come back to meet with mine as he finishes, "...fuck off."

"You protected me!" I snap back.

"That's my job," he snorts and finishes, "once that's done, I don't care. Live how you want, but stop judging me for how I choose my path!"

"Ciarán and Acacia Valentine!" Mama's voice calls across the grounds, both of us drawing our attention to her. She's got her hands on her hips, daddies standing off to the side while we remain silent. She continues, "What are the two of you doing?"

Ciarán lowers his voice to a whisper so only I can hear him say, "I'm giving you one last chance to be my sister...you keep ignoring me, stop isolating yourself for only when it's convenient for you to be in my life as a sister," he lifts his chin and calls to mama, "I'm going to meet up with my friends for a few hours..." he glances at me and then continues, "I've already extended the invitation to Acacia...so don't think I'm not including her."

Mama throws her arms up in the air and says, "Acacia...if you're not going with Ciarán, we need to have a little talk..." as her voice trails off, I don't like the sound of where this is going.

Turning to capture my brother's eyes, I see him challenging me, wanting me to not chose him so he can continue to throw up this wall between us...I can't lose him...

"N-No, I'll go with Ciarán...we have a lot to catch up on..." even in my voice I'm unsure. Mama stares at us both while daddies release sighs of their own before they head into the castle. At least for now, I can avoid anything having to do with Taron and the mistakes I have made...

My brother turns on his heels and doesn't wait for me before I have to catch up with him, leaving the safety of my home behind. I need to fix this between us...I can't have him resenting me the way he is...

"You know...that shit they gave me..." his voice trails off as he jumps over a log while I scooch over it, "...by the end of the second week, it only lasted a day," he pauses as we round a few more fallen logs, his eyes catching mine when he continues, "after that day, it wouldn't last more than an hour..." his voice is even more dangerous when he releases a sigh once we come to an area that is off the east side of the grounds, "...now, now my body has built a tolerance to it. Glad to know true born hybrids don't have a weakness once I've built an immunity to the only thing that could once restrict me."


He arches a brow when he halts his movements and tells me, "So I want to thank you for allowing me to become that much stronger."

There is a canyon area we approach, seeing down the line a few of his friends running back and jumping across is. Some of them are scaling the side of it while focusing on their grip strength while others are figuring out ways to avoid it altogether. I see Cypher laughing with another of Ciarán's friends, stopping only when they look at us coming closer.

Cypher glances to his right, and it's then that I see Mercury talking to someone, but in the next moment, they disappear like a shadowy imagine printed on my mind. Mercury lifts off from where he's sitting on a rock before he comes closer to Ciarán and me.

"Did you have a nice summer?" Mercury asks me, no malice in his voice...though his intent isn't hidden from me.

Nodding quietly, I look away while Ciarán is the one to say, "Acacia got in trouble and also put some of those around her in trouble."

"I didn't..." my voice trails off while he glances at me before turning his attention to Mercury.

Ciarán is quiet for a moment before he snaps his fingers and says, "Oh! That's right...I almost forgot to tell you," I see the way he has some sick satisfaction of announcing, "apparently, I found my mate."

"Oh?" Mercury arches a brow as he sees the way my features shift in my brother's words.

"Apparently?!" I exasperate while I see Ciarán rolling his eyes, feeling a few more eyes on us while I state, "What you did was horrible!"

"What did you do...exactly?" Mercury is quite curious because now I see, he did not influence the decision...my brother made this decision on his own.

Ciarán shrugs his shoulders and says, "I rejected him."

"Him?" Cypher asks while arching a brow before sizing my brother up, analyzing him.

He nods in response and says, "I like both..." his voice appears to lose its strength in that moment. I don't care if my brother is bisexual...I care that he just tore Ridge's heart out for no reason...

Cypher shakes his head with a grin on his face laughing, "Oh yeah? Nice..."

"It's because he is a werewolf...isn't it?" I finally ask my brother, wanting to know whether or not he spoke the truth in his words in Grandpa Keir's territory.

Ciarán shakes his head before he turns to me and says, "You are so stupid for being so brilliant...you know that?" He pauses a moment, and I am about to interject when he finishes, "I don't want ties! Bonds make you weak... the other party can manipulate bonds...I will not allow someone into my life to drag me down."

"I can't do this anymore...Ciarán..." my voice trails off. I don't want to be around my brother...not like this. Something inside of him is different, and I can already tell that we have many walls between us that perhaps time might break down...but until then, I do need to listen to him.

I have to give him space.

I have to stop acting out on my impulses of wanting to be in every aspect of his life.

I'm not going to be able to, and I can't keep fighting for something that I can't win...I'm only pushing my brother away by trying to be part of his life...

I release a sigh and turn on my heels before muttering, "Have fun with your friends..."

"I will," he retorts with a huff, tears coming to my eyes as I slowly walk away. I didn't realize how much...how much those around me are changing and how everything is affecting me. I don't know what I want anymore in life because the only thing worth living for is perhaps my little brother...

"I'll walk her home," Mercury's voice makes my skin crawl, glancing over my shoulder just as Ciarán shrugs his shoulders as if it doesn't matter to him. What was it that made my brother want to protect me at Grandpa Keir's anyway?

"I'm just fine, thanks," I don't look at Mercury, breathing out as I begin to walk away.

It's my brother that teases and says, "Acacia is just a scared little girl...maybe you should make sure she gets home all right, so our parents won't flip at me that their precious baby girl got lost and hurt herself."

"Ciarán!" I turn around and snap at him, "Stop it!"

"Just go away, Acacia! You're my problem that I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life! Let me have a damn break from it!" He turns away from me while running off down the edge of the canyon way. Cypher chases after him, the two of them jumping across the way with ease and leaving me feeling completely broken. My brother...

...I am a burden.

I always have been and always will be...

"Let's get you home then," the glint in Mercury's eyes tells me otherwise, and my brother wouldn't listen to me at this point anyways...even if I wanted to tell him what's going on. It's too late for anything, my parents completely blinded at the liar I have become, and it's only going to get worse because I had already back-talked to Mercury and also came along with my brother when I knew I wasn't supposed to.

All to avoid the confrontation I know I'll get with my parents in regards to what happened with Taron...

I walk in front of him, his strides evenly keeping up with mine as we walk a good twenty or so minutes away from the canyon...though I don't recall Ciarán taking this route and I'm not used to this forest. In Grandpa Keir's territory...I feel safe that I can explore anywhere and not be afraid. The castle grounds don't hold that security, because different covens build closer to us, never knowing who might be lurking in the woods.

"This is about a good distance..." his voice trails off, sending a chill down my spine when he orders me, "...stop."

I slowly turn around after halting, the two of us near a very large almost hallowed out tree. He stares down at me while tilting his head to the side and asks, "Why did you run away...Acacia?"

"You," my voice is quiet, anger building within me at the way he treats me.

I'm going to lash out...

"You thought everything would just disappear the second you left?" He asks, the evil glint in his eyes making my heart race. When he reaches his hand into his pant pocket, I flinch, and he merely chuckles at the reaction he gets from me. He withdraws his cell phone, swiping the screen open before he searches for something. A few moments later, he motions for me to come closer.

Walking the two feet toward him, I stand beside him, watching as he presses play on a video. My stomach churns, my heart ready to drop into my violent stomach when he shows me clips of what appears to be different vampires...some belonging to mama and daddies coven...somehow eluding and evading my parents. It could be in the middle of the night or clear daylight...but Marcus trips here, falls there, scratches himself on the edge of the table. He falls down the stairs, breaking his leg and arm...he slides around a sharp turn and ends up falling to the marble floor only to split his chin open.

All of this...

...none of those behind the incidents were ever caught...

...he made them all look like accidents.

My parents probably believe after a short while that Marcus is perhaps just clumsy.

When the video clippings end, my eyes remain on the black screen once he's locked it. I don't look at him when his voice surrounds me, almost an altered tone as he continues saying, "Whatever game you think you're playing...you don't know who all the players are. For a daughter of Cormac Arin...you make even worse calculations then he does when it comes to snap decisions," he pauses a moment as the hair on my arms stand on end, my breathing uneven as he continues, "you're in it for the long game...but you're now learning that whatever move you make doesn't just affect you...but those around you."

"Don't hurt him again..." my voice is weak.

"Don't defy me again..." his voice is dangerous while my heart begins to speed up when he orders, "...give me your blood. I want to see exactly what your brother was talking about...what you did this summer."

Shaking my head, I take a step back away from him. I breathe out, "You violate my blood memories...the one thing that can be kept hidden..."

"I'm going to do a lot more than violate your blood memories if you keep denying my request," it's then that I see he's going to force bite me and make it a hell of a lot more painful then before. I can't though...

...I need to stop being treated like this and stand up to him...

...even if I tell my parents, Mercury has already shown me how easy it would be for him to order Marcus or me dead. Even if they knew...they can't stop everyone...

Mercury grasps my upper arm and something triggers within me. I lash out, one of my hands drawing into a fist before I quickly punch upward and strike him right in the nose before he realizes what I've done. I hear a crack and see small blood droplets coming from one of his nostrils, my other hand quickly slamming into his forearm and loosening his hold on me. He staggers once backward, shifting my stance and setting my leg out behind him.

Mercury quickly trips back, but due to his grip remaining on my upper arm, he drags me down with him. I cry out when he suddenly throws me to the side, skidding across the grass and cracking my rib against the tree. My breathing is uneven and hard on my lungs as I gasp for regulated breaths.

Mercury's eyes are a bloody red, anger pulsating through him as he gets to his feet. Walking over to me, I try and get up on my hands and knees, one of my hands grasping at the tree bark. He hardly bats an eye when he forcefully kicks me in the stomach, my eyes widening from the strength of his blow. He doesn't just do it once either...he kicks me over and over again, tears falling down my cheeks as I can't even get a scream to surpass my lips.

His breathing is uneven when he finally stops repeatedly kicking me, holding my stomach as a very quiet cry leaves my lips. He snarls down at me, "That wasn't your brightest move," he crouches down in front of me, my eyelids blinking the tears away as he asks, "where did you learn to fight like that?"

I shake my head, holding my stomach tighter as it's hard to breathe.

He arches a brow and asks, "No? How about you tell me where you get the nerve to think you ever had a chance at overpowering me?" I remain silent, and I can tell he's losing patience as he reaches down and grasps my hair. He drags me up onto my knees as I continue to cry, telling me, "You are weak. You are worthless..." his voice trails off before he says, "...I'll show you just how powerless you are, just how stupid that little attempt at protecting yourself did for you."


💫--To Be Continued--💫

☽The Leomi Eislyn Pack☾

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