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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 8

As soon as I'm awake, I'm already packing my bag with clothes, shoes and everything else I'll need for the rest of the summer, smiling as I gather everything. I can't wait to see everyone...Sophia, Jelena, Dexter...all of them!

When I turn back around from the drawers I'd been unloading into my bag I nearly run into someone. Releasing the air in my lungs, I glance up, and my smile expands even wider.

"Grandpa Keir!" I exclaim and easily drop the bag from my hand. I jump up, and he catches me in his arms, pulling me into a tight hug while he chuckles lightly under his breath. When I pull back a little, I say, "I missed you!"

"I could hardly tell," he pokes fun, and I give him one of my many faces, making him laugh while he looks down at my bag and asks, "so...I take it you were more awake than your dad thought."

I look away bashfully and nod, muttering, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Acacia," he bops his finger against the tip of my nose, and I smile. Bringing my eyes back to meet with his he asks, "did you need help with anything else?"

"Nope!" He allows me to crawl down from his arms and grab my bag, practically ready to walk right out the door until her clicks his tongue at me.

Stopping in my tracks, he chuckles, "You want to change out of your sleepwear first?"


I glance down and mentally slap myself. Grandpa Keir walks toward me, reaching for my bag as I let it loose from my fingers. He nods and says, "I'll be waiting in the main hall if you want to get something to eat first then we can head out."

"Alright then," I agree, and he winks at me before leaving the room.

I rush to change into a pair of jeans after putting on fresh underwear and socks, tying up my sneakers before grabbing a light jacket. After brushing my hair, trying it up and down a few times before I roll my eyes and slip a hair tie around my wrist, opting to figure out what I want later. I'm out the door of my room after brushing my teeth, a renewed feeling rushing through me at the excitement of seeing all my friends and getting to spend time hanging out with them.

Once I reach the kitchen, I duck down inside and grab a waffle, ignoring the rest of the breakfast choices that have been laid out. I want to get out of here as fast as I can, wondering precisely what fun adventures we'd have these few months.

It's when I'm in the hallway, waffle between my teeth while I'm zipping up my jacket that I hear daddy call, "Acacia..." I turn around, the corner of his lips tweaking up into a smile as he chuckles.

"Wrg?" I say with the waffle in my mouth, finishing pulling the zipper into place and grabbing the remainder of the waffle into my hand. I'm munching on it while arching a brow, daddy walking toward me as I do so.

"Listen," he kneels down in front of me so that we are eye level. His hands rest on my shoulders while I give him a funny look, "You need to be on your best behavior, okay?"

I swallow the waffle and state, "I'm always on my best behavior," I give him this sly look and state, "I think you have me confused with the other twin."

"Smart ass," he smirks and shakes his head, "your grandpa is hosting another pack for the summer, a potential tie between the two could unite the two, and I want you to make sure you don't do anything to disrupt that. That's not our world, that's not our place."

I open my mouth wide before chomping down on another bite of waffle, staring at him like he's still confusing me with Ciarán.

"Acacia?" He arches a brow, waiting for me to confirm the restrictions of my behavior.

I tilt my head to the side, still chewing on the latest bite of waffle.

"Acacia Arin..." his voice lowers.

I finish chewing my bite and swallow, shrugging my shoulders while I say, "What? You taught me not to talk with my mouth full." I tease him, watching his features shift and I can't help but giggle however when I see the seriousness cross his face I nod and promise, "Daddy, I promise I'll behave. I always do."

"That's all I needed to hear," he smiles, standing to his feet before he nods in the direction of the entryway, "your mom should be waiting with your grandpa to say goodbye to you."

As daddy and I walk together, I do question, "Daddy?"

"Yes, little love?" He asks in turn, taking a few steps quicker to keep pace with him.

"Where's my other daddy?" His muscles tense for a moment and it also makes me wonder because usually, I've seen him by now even when he's trying to avoid me, "Where's Ciarán?"

We walk closer to the entryway, mama and Grandpa Keir laughing about something as they stand to wait for me.

"Daddy?" I ask again once he's gone quiet.

I glance up at him when he finally notes without looking at me, "Dante and Ciarán...they're away for a little while," he pauses a moment, almost as if he's trying to reassure me without saying anything of significance to me, "...just like how you get to spend the rest of the summer with the Silent Stars Pack."


"Where did they go?" I continue to push.

"Away," daddy cuts me short and I know I'm not going to get much from him. It's easier to trip mama up than daddy; he always has a way of turning the conversation around on me and bringing me up on the defensive fast. I hope one day I can be just like him, and he always knows how to get out of most situations with his words alone.

Grandpa Keir stops mid-sentence with mama as he catches sight of me and says, "Much better, now you're ready."

I turn to mama, a small smile on her lips as she leans down, my arms wrapping around her neck as she cradles my back. She picks me up into her arms, holding me tight as she whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too, mama," I hug her just a little tighter before we release one another. She lowers me to the ground, daddy coming to stand next to her, placing an arm at her lower back and drawing her into his side. I look at the two of me, knowing I'll miss them so much, but this is only for a little while and I know I'm safe with my grandpa.

"If you're ready," Grandpa Keir opens the door inward to the castle, holding my bag in his hand as he ushers, "let's get ongoing, we have a bit of a drive ahead of us."

I nod and wave goodbye to my parents, smiling as I say, "Bye, bye, I love you both!"

Daddy and mama are standing at the steps, waving goodbye to me as Grandpa Keir opens the door to the backseat of his car. I slid in, buckling myself up before he closes the door and walks around to the driver's side. I look out the window, staring at my parents while he opens the backseat door, placing my bag in next to me and climbing into the driver's seat.

I wave through the window as we pull away from the driveway, watching as the trees begin to blur past my vision. When my grandpa asks, "What have you been up to?" I turn away from the window and look forward, catching him glancing back at me from the rearview mirror."

I look at him and say, "Nothing...except reading," I mean, remembering the proper number of books I'd packed for nights that I might not be able to get to sleep.

"How's your brother doing?" Grandpa Keir asks, driving down the highway until we start to head off into a split road.

I shrug my shoulders, leaning my arm against the door and tilting my head against the window. It upset me, the way he treated me in front of his friends, the way he let them push me around. He should be standing up for me, not allowing others to pick on me...

"Acacia?" He asks, noticing the shift in my demeanor, my gaze flickering out toward the trees beyond the barrier.

"He's okay I guess," I reply, not getting to know or understand Ciarán lately as he continues to pull away from me. All he wants to do is hang out with his friends along with Mercury and his older friends as well.

They're vampires.

I'm human.

I guess some things never change with time. After all the history books I've read, it makes sense in a way how they treat me, but that doesn't mean it's right or fair. Mama and daddies are the ones who put the world back on track, so we can all live together without prejudice...but you can't always change what's genetic and ingrained into someone for so many years.

My eyes water, the bridge of my nose stinging for a moment as I hold back the tears forming.

I want my brother back.

I want Ciarán back to the way it was when we were about five.

Where did that Ciarán go?

"Are you okay?" I hear him break through my thoughts, using the back of my hand with my sweater wrapped around it as I wipe away any tears that might have escaped.

I reply quietly, "Yes."

There's a tension that fills the atmosphere for a moment, my eyes moving away from the forest to glance back at the rear view mirror. I see Grandpa Keir's eyes briefly flicker with a golden glint, knowing full well that even his wolf is concerned and wants to protect me.

"I'm okay, I promise," I offer a somewhat forced-smile, though it does slowly shift to one of genuine the moment I recognize the familiar offbeat pathway to the pack house. I glance around outside of the window, the trees providing shade away from the slowly setting sun.

"I assume you are already aware of what I was discussing with your parents?" Grandpa Keir arches a brow after discovering that I wasn't that asleep last night. I catch his gaze and sheepishly nod, a deep red color forming under my eyes on my cheeks. He chuckles and says, "It's alright, I just want you just to be aware especially with another alpha visiting, certain customs and standards are held."

I scrunch my nose up and tilt my head to the side, slightly confused at what he's trying to get at, and he sighs, "Just be yourself, Acacia, behave as you always do and there won't be any issues, okay?"

"Did I do something?" I question him as we pull up closer to the large lodge, many of the pack members millings.

"No, you didn't do anything," Grandpa Keir nods as he turns off the car, "just be mindful of who you're interacting with."

You're not much better at getting to the point than daddy.

He opens the car door, opening the door to the back seat and while he grabs my bag, I unbuckle myself, my gaze shifting outside as I try and see if I can catch sight of my friends. My door opens, and Grandpa Keir nods for me to step out, my sneakers touching the mix of dirt and grass beneath of them.

We're not even half-way toward the large wrap around front porch when I'm suddenly knocked off my feet, the air leaving my lungs as I tumble around on the ground with another. I hear loud giggling, ending up laying flat out on my back and staring up into her blue eyes, her long brown hair tied behind her shoulders.

She looks triumphant as she sits on top of me, crossing her arms in front of her chest before she states, "I knew it was you! I saw you coming a mile away!"

I laugh and smile, "Jelena!"

Jelena's grin stretches from ear to ear, the young tracker's daughter starting to hone in on her skills before the wolf has even emerged. She stands to her feet, offering me a hand before she helps me up. Grandpa Keir is shaking his head at the steps, and she quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry Alpha Keir!"

"Acacia, I'm going to put your things in your room across from mine," he nods as he already knows I want to get caught up and states, "don't get into trouble."

I giggle and nod my head, however, my right-hand rests behind my lower back, just like Jelena's as we cross our fingers. He narrows his eyes at the two of us, and we look to one another before he finally leaves and enters into the lodge.

Jelena giggles and turns to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward one of the trees nearby. She asks with excitement, "So how have you been? Living in that big old castle with the rest of the vampire royalty?"

A dry laugh leaves my lips, and I say, "I'd rather live here some days..."

She shakes her head and says, "No you don't. You only like it because you're the alpha's granddaughter," she pauses and narrows her eyes and points toward a few others who appear to be on edge, "you'd be a lot more on your toes and making sure you didn't slip up if you were one of the pack."

I roll my eyes at her and cross my arms, "I've been told I'm supposed to make sure I behave."

"Well duh," she gives me this goofy face before pulling me around the back of the lodge, sneaking as if she's afraid we're going to get caught by someone. When we are at the corner, she pauses for a moment, motioning me to kneel down with her. We crouch down on the grass, and she lowers her voice, whispering, "The Crusaders Pack, Alpha Chris Regan is here visiting, that's probably why as Alpha Keir would expect you to blend in with the rest of us, so nothing goes array."

That's not too hard; it's not like I'm trying to offend anyone or anything. I want to have a fun summer with my friends, what's the matter with that?

Jelena waves me forward once she glances around the corner, motioning me to do the same. I peer around the edge of the lodge, catching sight of a few men and two young boys, maybe a few years older if that than I. One of the men is talking to the boys, but he pauses a moment and casts a look directly in our direction, his gaze locking with mine before I quickly duck down and away.

"Uh..." I don't like the way he regards me, but Jelena keeps her voice down as she looks around us.

When she does inform me, she says, "The alpha's son, he's going to be Sophia's mate."

"I thought that stuff was all predetermined hippy dippy magic moon goddess stuff," I shrug my shoulders with confusion, and she tries not to laugh hard when I say this.

She shakes her head and says, "No, when a wolf's mate dies, they are no longer bound, their moon no longer existing, so.........." she rolls her tongue and states, "...Sophia is going to reject her true mate if she ever does come across him and be a choice mate of the alpha's son. It'll make the packs strong, bringing them together and merging the two!"

"Oh," I say and shake my head, "I guess that makes sense," I'll go with that one. Jelena giggles and nods in the opposite direction we'd come down, working our way back toward the front of the lodge.

It's not long before we turn a corner, Jelena accidentally knocking right into Sophia. They both crash down hard to the ground, Sophia pushing Jelena off of her before she states, "Jelena!"

Jelena laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "Sorry Soph."

The moment Sophia brushes herself off and sees me, her eyes are warm, walking toward me before we both embrace one another. Her blonde hair is in curls today, those bright blue eyes of hers meeting mine before she says, "It's so good to see you, Acacia! Alpha Keir said he might be bringing someone back with him, but I didn't expect we'd have the pleasure of having you stay with us!"

"No way! No way!" His voice gets louder and louder, the excitement increasing as I hear the laughter increase before I see him. Turning to my side, I know the son of the omega, Dexter Garrison running straight toward us.

"Dexter!" I laugh when he almost knocks me over, embracing me tightly before he looks at Jelena and Sophia with a small smile. They both laugh at his antics when he steps back away, scratching the back of his black hair while his light blue eyes light up with joy in my presence.

I giggle when he asks, "You're here?" I nod in return, and he continues, "How long are you staying for?"

"The remainder of the summer," I tilt my head to the side when he begins to list off all the fun activities we can do, including but not limited to, swimming, hiking, and camping.

"It sounds like fun," I nod and agree, the sun slowly falling further down behind the trees, the long drive having consumed the day as dinner would soon be ready.

I laugh and we all joke around about what we are all going to do first thing tomorrow, but that all changes the second Grandpa Keir's beta, Coen Hale call from the front porch, "Sophia."


"Yes, daddy?" She asks with an innocent tone, trying to hide behind Jelena and me.

Coen eyes us all before he parts his lips to say, "I need you to come here," he pauses a moment when I see someone walk up beside of him, my muscles tensing as it was the same man who'd caught me earlier. Coen continues, "I want you to meet-"

"Why is your daughter associating herself with an omega?" The man's voice is harsh, cut straight to the point and his words wound Dexter like daggers.

Sophia's cheeks are bright red, Dexter taking a step back and edging behind me. Next, his eyes land on me, looking me up and down, an uncomfortable feeling washing over me at the way he continues to size me up, regarding me in a way I've never felt before.

I see the two boys from earlier; they also come to look at what the man is talking about. One of them has brown hair with matching eyes, while the other retains blonde hair and brown eyes. The brown haired one scans us all the same way the man had, but he stops when his eyes land on me for a brief moment.

They only drift away when Coen breaks the silence and states, "Sophia, come here," and the boy's eyes are quickly drawn to my friend. She walks away from our group, climbing the steps with her head bowed as if she's done something wrong.

Sophia didn't do anything wrong though...

It's when Grandpa Keir emerges from the door to the lodge that he asks, "Is there a problem, Alpha Chris?"

Alpha Chris' eyes search me once again, and he asks, "Who is she? She's not a werewolf."

Okay, ouch...thanks.

Grandpa Keir follows his gaze until his eyes hold my gaze, Jelena edging away just slightly while Dexter moves with her, hoping to be removed from the spotlight. It's only a few more moments later that he informs the alpha, "This is my granddaughter, Acacia Arin-Valentine."

Alpha Chris' eyes darker, that deep golden color reflecting and surfacing at his words. His facial features shift slightly, and I can partially see his teeth coming through, claws out for a split second before he places a hand on the back of one of the boys' backs. He narrows his eyes at me, drawing the boy closer to him before he points directly at me.

Alpha Chris states, "Taron...you stay away from her."

What did I do?

I don't get a second of peace before he's making me feel small and insignificant when he states, "She is worse than that omega right there."


...I didn't do anything...

💫--To Be Continued--💫

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