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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Meliorist Sanctum

Ciarán returned to school after a month in Elysium...

...the change in him was quite drastic.

I don't know if he's mad at me or not, but I understand the way he distanced himself the moment he returned. Even when we did end up passing one another, he did greet me, but it was very solemn...he couldn't look me in the eyes.

Surprisingly, for the better part of the school year, Mercury kept his distance, though I'd see him spending a lot of time with Niamh. The one who trailed my movements...was Cypher, though he never interacted unless I was alone and it was only to remind me of my place. It was a long year with the way Ciarán and I's relationship shifted, but I could tell he regretted ever doing what he did.

As a king, he needs to learn from his mistakes and at least with being in the school it was more of a trial and error for him. So long as he was sincere...I can forgive him, he's my brother, and we're stuck with each other for life whether or not he ever wanted me as a sister waiver now and then. Second guessing my very existence is something I tend to do more often than not now.

Rian and I hadn't found anything in our many trips to the library in regards to blood memories and how he was able to see what others couldn't. I'm beginning to suspect he's some magical unicorn in disguise, though he denies it every time I bring it up. We...also went on quite a few more dates...

One of my favorites, was when Rian and I went to the grove directly on the opposite side of campus from the shops. We made sandwiches and packed water bottles, a few of my favorite books and a blanket. The two of us had sat with our backs to the tree trunk, reading in silence, though enjoying each other's company. The day had passed us by quickly that day, and when I reached for the second half of my sandwich, it wasn't there. When I'd glanced down, and then around the tree trunk, I saw Rian smiling at me, and it was then that he asked me to be his date for the end of the year ball.

No part of me wanted to say no.

That was over a week ago, and now, I sit at the edge of my bed in the dorm room, examines having finished a few days prior and now...the end of the year ball will commence tonight. Releasing a small sigh, I stare at the dress that Dante had delivered to my room this morning...

...it seems that regardless of Ciarán's actions, he'll be attending the end of the year dance. Once again, neither of us have a choice in the matter.

Once I slip into the dress, the grayish sky material reaches my knees. Sequins that look like scattered stars litter the dress where they gather in clusters in some areas while sparse with others. It's a one shoulder strap over my right side, stepping into matching silver heels and setting the straps in place.

"I just love my dress!" Fae is giddy with excitement as she twirls in the air, a gorgeous little violet cocktail dress fit for a faerie princess wraps around her body, a flowing train spiraling around her legs as she moves. She doesn't wear any shoes, her bare feet touching down on the top of my strapless shoulder. It's just Sinéad that we are waiting for before we start to do our hair as she's been in the bathroom for a while now.

After a few moments, I walk toward the door with Fae on my shoulder, rapping my knuckles against it while calling, "Sinéad? You okay?"

Fae tilts her head to the side after a few more moments of silence and asks, "Did you trip and fall in the bathtub?"

"Fae," I roll my eyes while she giggles in return.

Sinéad suddenly opens the door wide open while she stands before us in a most attractive gown. My mouth nearly drops open the second I see the slate cobalt blue dress she's wearing. There is a long rectangular slit that rests just above her navel...but that's not the worst of it. The dress comes just above her knees, the fabric tight as can be, however, I've never seen higher slits on either side than this dress has...it goes all the way up to the sides of her chest, revealing side cleavage easily. The only thing the fabric covers solidly is her arms...

"Holy..." Fae's jaw is nearly on my shoulder as she stares with wide eyes at our friend.

"Uh...Sinéad..." I don't even know where, to begin with, this dress.

Sinéad runs both of her hands through her hair, practically attempting to tear it out of her skull as she groans loudly, "My mother thinks I'm a siren...I'm not a siren!" She pauses a moment to place her hands on her hips, turning from side to side while asking, "Does it look like I'm a siren?!"

"Well...actually..." my voice trails off as I try not to laugh.

"Acacia Arin!" She yells at me, and I almost fall backward laughing. She does look like quite the seductress in that dress, regardless of what she indeed is. This makes me wonder...

"If you're wearing that dress...I wonder what Niamh's looks like," I speak it out loud while Sinéad shudders at the thought.

She shakes her head and says, "Oh, don't get me started with her..."

Oh goodness, not this again.

Fae can't help herself, lifting into the air and using her wings to flutter closer to Sinéad while asking, "What did the serpentine sister do this time?"

"My sister's a snake and trying to jump on any dick she can," she rolls her eyes while finding matching cobalt heels and strapping them on. She sits at the edge of her bed while huffing out, "Can either of you guess who her date is?"

Fae and I glance at one another before looking back to Sinéad.

"No?" She arches a brow before setting the last strap in place on her heels, "Any takers?"

Fae shakes her head and questions, "Who is it?"

Sinéad smooths her dress out before rising to her feet and stating, "She's got her head so far up Mercury's ass I'm not sure where each one of them begins and end."

"Good for her," is all I say, not realizing what I say until Fae and Sinéad stare at me like I've grown an extra head. Shrugging my shoulders, I ask, "What? They deserve each other, and if she's looking for power and influence, she's barking up the wrong tree."

Fae takes a moment before nodding her head and agreeing, "It's a good thing the king to be doesn't care for her," she pauses a moment before asking, "why Mercury?"

"Niamh thinks just because Mercury inherited a name that derived from the original council that put into effect the Code of Conduct, that she'll somehow gain favor and influence," Sinéad laughs sarcastically before continuing, "the code isn't coming back and after what happened to Ciarán as a public display...his punishment will be remembered by those for a long time. It's good to keep everyone in check, to be honest."

The wrong type of check.

I'm worried though...

...none of this bodes well, but for the meantime, Mercury shouldn't pay me any mind since he has his date and I have mine.

Shrugging my shoulders, I ask, "We almost ready to go then?"

Fae lifts both of her hands before a cloud of ethereal earthen runes appear before her. She weaves her arms and hands a few times before the cloud disperses and a second later, I see the beautiful hairstyles both Fae and Sinéad now sport. I can feel that my own is now in curls down my back, though it's pulled taught around the back of my head. The half up style is quite cute and brings my hair away from my eyes, a small smile on my lips.

"Sinéad...who's your date?" Fae asks suddenly as we walk down toward the common room. After crossing it, opening the door to the steps and making our way to the courtyard area to meet up with Rian and Aven, she remains completely silent.

Sinéad shakes her head and sighs, "I don't have a date."

"Awww, did you want to call the beta of the Vindicator Wardens Pack?" Fae teases her but is ready and quick to flutter out of harm's way when Sinéad reacts.

"Oh ha-ha!" She rolls her eyes and states, "No! But I met a lovely she-wolf on one of my walks outside of the campus on the weekend. She comes every so often to the forest near the water's edge."


"Ohhh," Fae giggles, though the second she sees Aven, she's quick to fly away, greeting her future prince.

"Are you okay though?" I ask her sincerely as I catch Rian's eyes suddenly landing on me.

Sinéad giggles and replies, "See, not coming with a date means no strings attached."

She's very accurate to that point.

When I walk closer to Rian, his eyes continue to look me over, and once I'm a few feet away, I ask him, "Uh, is everything alright?"

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world..." is a voice is in awe as a light redness tinges my cheeks.

He's wearing a dark tuxedo with a tie that matches his eyes, a smile on his face as he remains slightly awkward. Shaking my head, I tell him, "You're quite handsome, Rian."

He's slightly embarrassed himself, though Sinéad comes to our aid. She wraps her arms around both of our shoulders and pulls us close before saying, "You kids play nice, no funny business."

"Sinéad!" Rian and I are ultimately in sync as we chastise her. We both end up laughing as we all head toward the building the dance is being held in. It's already in full swing, music playing as I see mom at the back of the raised platform with the rest of the council members.

Dante and dad stand off to the side slightly as it appears they are talking. The rest of the council is mingling briefly before returning to overseeing the dance.

Sinéad immediately spots the buffet and calls, "If anyone needs me, I'm just going to pig out."

She's gone before anyone can say another word. Fae and Aven flutter in front of Rian and I before she says, "I'm going to visit with Nyx!"

"Have fun, Fae," I nod at her as Aven attempts to catch up. I can't help but smile, feeling happy in these moments.

I'm also relieved when I see Grandpa Keir...

...the last time I 'saw' him, I was being taken to Elysium.

My heart stops though at this thought, unsure of exactly how my grandpa must see me now...

"Acacia," Rian smiles and I hadn't even noticed...

Aohdan and Rochelle are now standing off to the side of him, their eyes trailing on me as I quickly snap out of my thoughts and say, "Oh! Hi!"

"It's so nice to see you again," Rochelle is sweet as she nods at Rian and says, "he's been saying nothing but good things about you."

Aohdan is next to inform me, "I'm glad to see you're much better than the state you were in last time..." as his voice trails off, I quickly see where his gaze has gone.


He walks through the doors, though he causes a lot of hushed whispers to break out. It's hard...I feel bad for him because they don't know his real self, his wolf that wouldn't hurt anyone. Elysium helped him...I hope others can learn to forgive and trust as they'll be looking to him as their future king.

Ciarán doesn't stay isolated long though as Cypher is with him...along with Niamh wrapping herself around Mercury like she's his piece of clothing. The whole image gives me weird vibes, but I'm drawn back from my thoughts as Aohdan shakes his head saying, "He's a true Valentine-"

He's cut off though by Rochelle saying, "Hey now, don't start that here."

"Whatever..." his voice trails off while he snarks, "...whether or not you want to admit it, you know I'm right."

Rochelle blows a few strands of curly hair away from her face before saying, "And...we'll be on our way and visiting with your parents, Acacia," she turns to Rian and says, "be good."

"I know mom," he grins back while Aohdan squeezes his son's shoulder before they both head in the direction of the platform. I get glimpses of them talking to my parents, but Rian is also rather quick to distract me.

He dances with me, and we're both somewhat of awkward ducks trying to dance with two left feet. Sinéad comes over, and we all three end up dancing as the music picks up a few paces. It's fun, keeping away from those I don't want to be near while enjoying the company of friends.

Fae twirls around on Rian's head while Aven and her dance away from others so they don't get stepped on. She nearly toppled off his head, but he catches her with open hands before the faerie gives him an embarrassed grin.

When Rian and I do a slow dance, it's calming being in his arms, and we block out everyone around us...

...though I do catch the seething look of hate from Mercury a few times when we pass by. He doesn't do anything though, keeping his distance and enveloping himself with his date.

When Rian and I take a small break, drinking some of the fruit punch, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I'm still half laughing at a joke from Rian when I turn around, and my laughter teeters off. Ciarán stands before me, his eyes slightly averting from mine and I feel Rian move just a tad bit closer to me charmingly and protectively.

"I'm..." Ciarán's voice trails off, the air catching in his lungs for a moment. When he breathes out again, he finally brings his eyes to meet with mine, those reddish-orange irises I've known all my life are filled with sorrow and pain...guilt and regret lingering, "I'm so sorry...I...I don't even-" he cuts himself short as I see how hard this is for him, "-I just..."

Nodding, Rian takes my drink, and I turn toward my brother. A few moments later, I slip my arms between his and his sides, wrapping them tightly around his waist. I bring my cheek to rest against his shoulder, breathing out softly as he slowly raises his arms and hugs me back. I can feel him release a sigh, his chest rising and falling gently as I whisper saying, "I forgive you and I know everyone else will also..." my voice trails off as I finally get the courage to say, "...don't follow anyone, be who you are meant to be."

His muscles tense when I say this, as he knows all too well I'm not just referring to his friends in general, but more specifically toward Mercury and Cypher.

Ciarán whispers back, "Thank you...for never giving up on me..."

Even when you wouldn't believe me...

...I'll always believe in you.

When Ciarán and I pull away slightly, a small smile forms on his lips when he asks, "Would you dance with me?"

I glance back at Rian, and he scratches the back of his head while holding my drink, nodding with a smile of his own on his face. I think he's happy to see that we're mending our sibling bond and as I turn back toward my brother, I nod and say, "Just don't make me look like an idiot, alright?"

Ciarán chuckles as my hand slips down his arm, his hand catching my own as we walk toward the dance floor. A friendly tone sets around us, feeling that numbness edge closer to the center of my chest and I can't help but instinctively glance toward where Lars stands next to Edeline. He doesn't lift his gaze from what she's showing him, so I slowly turn back to face my brother as he sets my arm around his shoulder, his other hand resting at my waist.

Mom peers at us carefully, moving slightly away from the platform where I see we're also drawing other attention. Ciarán begins to walk across the floor with me as others have moved away to allow for us to dance, what should have been our dance freshman year. It feels...


I can't even describe it, and when he spins me out before bringing me right back to him, he has a smile on his face. It's genuine, the way he feels in this moment. Dad and Dante are no longer on the platform, their eyes set hard on the two of us, and I even catch Aohdan walking around the outskirts toward my dad. Still trying to find them out of the corner of my eye, he whispers to dad, mixed emotions of looks crossing their features...however, the one person who hardly looks my way...

...is Lars.

Though I feel the coolness slip through my skull the second Ciarán, and I come to a close with our elaborate dance...that I now realize...

"Ciarán and Acacia Valentine," mom's voice rings out across the room, all eyes turning toward us and then her. The music is but a soft symphony in the background, playing almost a haunting melody as we both glance at one another before walking closer toward the platform. The rest of the council moves forward as well, murmurs having broken out briefly between them all.

Dad and Dante stand on either side of her while I see Rian and Sinéad standing off to the side, a perplexed look on all their faces. Ciarán and I come to stand but a few feet before the platform, everyone watching as mom raises her arms and informs everyone, "So ends another year at Meliorist Sanctum," she pauses but a moment to acknowledge the two of us, "the age of sixteen the twins will turn before the start of the next school year. With that age, comes many different and significant moments in the lives of many of our species."

I know she's referring to soulmates...

...though I have no idea why she's bringing this up here.

Dad and Dante move forward away from the rest of the council with mom as she takes a few steps forward to say, "Tonight, we announce in front of their peers, teachers, alumni and the council," she pauses before her eyes quickly flicker over the two of us, "the heir to the Valentine throne who will take on the responsibility of ruler and head of the council when they reach the age of twenty-one. Taking on a more guiding role and learning from the council itself, the one who will become the next ruler will attend the bi-annual council meetings."

I don't even know why mom is bothering to place me beside my brother...

Ciarán and I both lower our heads as mom announces, "Without further ado," she pauses, and I feel my heart stop in my chest the second she announces, "Acacia Valentine."

My pulse suddenly races as I slowly lift my chin, the air catching in my lungs as I stare up at our parents with apprehension.



I inhale sharply as I finally remember I need to breathe, though my thoughts immediately go to...


  💫--To Be Continued--💫
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