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Please read the note at the end...


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 16

"Put your clothes on," Alpha Chris snaps through Taron's anger while my stomach feels very sick.

"You said-"

"Put your clothes on!" This time, Alpha Chris' voice alters, and I can feel the way that tone seeks into my muscles and bones. Taron tenses above me before he finally gives into his dad's wishes. He's quick to get my clothes first, handing them to me as I've never felt so embarrassed in my life.

My heart beats fast, the bridge of my nose stinging all the while, Sophia stands in the hallway with Coen. They aren't the only ones who are gathering, but those members of the packs who dare get close enough to understand what's going on.

What is going on?

I'm terrified by the sound of Alpha Chris' voice when he orders, "Alpha Keir's office...now!"

"Grandpa?" My voice waivers with a watery edge to it.

Grandpa Keir shakes his head, and I see the torn emotions that are set on his face, though his voice is much more gentle than Alpha Chris' when he reiterates, "My office now," he glances at Taron and then back to me before finishing, "Taron...Acacia, now."

It's the longest walk I've ever faced because even when I was being taken to Elysium, everything seemed to shut off so easily. Here and now...I feel every emotion rushing through and crashing over my heart. Taron and I follow the two alphas out into the hallway, only to be followed directly by Sophia and Coen. I see Jelena, Dexter and Holden gathering to the sides of the hallway; even Ridge lingers closer to the office door. So many pack members are perplexed, reflecting the same thing we're all feeling...

The door closes shut behind us when we're all inside, my arms wrapping around myself as I feel so off. Taron is quick though while he stands behind me, reassuring me as his own arms snake beneath my own and hold me close to him, that warmth returning instantly. Sophia's disgusted and confused look surfaces at his actions, tapping her dad on the arm and pointing at the two of us.

"Alpha Keir, Acacia-" Grandpa Keir notices what Coen is about to mention, though he cuts him off once he stands in front of his desk with Alpha Chris.

Grandpa Keir snaps really quickly, "Acacia is Taron's mate," he narrows his eyes at Sophia, and she instantly retracts her look of hate, and one of fear and uncertainty is replaced. I can see Sophia does want to say something, but the healthy fear she feels for her alpha holds her back and her tongue.

Alpha Chris begins with informing Coen, "As I informed you when you arrived, the agreement between Alpha Keir and I changed with Acacia being Taron's true mate surfacing..." he pauses a moment as his eyes scan over me, "...she is his granddaughter and a fitting match regardless."

Coen is the one to fume and snap, "Yet she is pregnant with your son's child," he motions to Sophia, and my heart nearly falls out of my chest at the confirmation. Taron's muscles tense as Coen declares this, my heart skipping a beat as well.

They've already talked for a little while about this, that much I can tell...

When no one says a thing, Coen directs his next angry comment toward my grandpa, "Alpha Keir! Have you nothing to say for the way my daughter has ruined herself for your agreement?! You dismiss her honor an-"

"Coen, enough!" Grandpa Keir's voice makes me jump slightly, Taron holding me a little tighter in his embrace. His frustration shows, and I've never seen my grandpa lose such control over his emotions. He rubs his forehead, releasing a sigh of irritation before telling him, "I will not be the reason my granddaughter's heart shatters...the choice is Taron's to make...not mine."

There is but a brief moment of silence before even Alpha Chris confirms, "I will not force my son into an agreement when his mate stands by his side ready to fulfill her place as rightful luna to both packs," he pauses a moment, and I see the look of pain and anguish fill his features when he tells Taron, "an alpha must make the toughest of choices...and though I do agree that to leave your child's mother honorless, her future mate having a greater chance of rejecting her for her impurity and bearing the child of an alpha, it's not my choice to make..." he says this next part through gritted teeth, "...you must do what is right."

My eyes are already tearing up because I know in Taron's heart, he'd never abandon a child...especially his own.

So...it comes as no surprise to me when I hear him speak from behind me, "I have no choice...regardless of how you present this to me, I have absolutely no choice," I feel the grip slowly loosening from around me, my heart nearly ripping in two when he snaps at Sophia, "I will fulfill the original merger however...you will never carry my mark."


Coen is immediately cut off again when Alpha Keir snaps, "It's his choice so your daughter can live with that or do right by these two mates and put her selfish desires aside."

"No," Sophia's voice is defiant when she glowers angrily, "I don't care if he doesn't mark me because his child is enough of a tie I'll ever need."

My heart lies bleeding on the floor, and no one can see it except for myself...

I turn away from everything, tears cascading down my cheeks as I throw open the door to the office before I bolt out and down the hallway. There are those who linger, hearing everything from inside that office...the way they flatten themselves back against the walls as I tear a line through the center, I can't even look up. My blurry vision carries me down the stairs, not even bothering to slip my shoes on, though I can hear my friends calling my name.

What was once warmth...it pierces the center of my chest with an icy numbing feeling, hardly able to see in the darkness of the night, but I don't care. I stumble while running through the tree trunks, crying loudly before the air leaves my lungs. I trip right over one of the low fallen branches on the forest floor, landing on my arms and skidding forward a few feet before I feel my shoulder hit one of the tree trunks.

Dirt mixes with my stained cheeks as the tears continue to fall. I lift myself onto my hands, pressing off the ground and looking at the tree trunk next to me. I grasp onto it, pulling myself away and behind its safety as I bury my face into the tops of my knees. The world feels slightly out of balance with the way my vision crosses, my nails almost digging into my skin as I sob, a low scream ripping from my lips at the pain and frustration I feel.

"Just..." I can't even form my thoughts into sentences because all I know, is that I can't feel my skin and I can't feel the way my heart once beat for a love I believed was crystal clear.

It's maybe minutes or hours later; I don't know because even though time moves on, I feel the same way as I did in that office the second Taron was forced to make a choice. It's a very low whine that startles me, slowly lifting my face from my knees and seeing a very large black wolf approach me...though it creeps on its belly toward me.

It's not my wolfie...

...why would it be now anyway?

Tears continue to fill my eyes as it moves closer, my heart beating fast when it lifts its head and brushes the side of its muzzle against my face. It's head moves down the back of my shoulder, holding me close...but it only makes me cry harder. I feel it...the same love...

...it's Grandpa Keir's wolf.

My arms lift and wrap around his wolf's back, my fingers entangling in his fur as I bury my face into his side. Everything hurts and even the warmth I should feel from the love of my grandpa...it's not there, just an icy shard stemming from the center of my chest. Everything I've seen and been told, especially when you want to be with your soulmate...

...it's wrong, all of it.

If this is only a fraction of the way, Ridge felt when Ciarán officially rejected him...

It's not just Grandpa Keir's wolf, but I start to hear and see others that approach, yet don't come as close as my grandpa. Ridge's wolf is recognizable as he does move closer to my side, though gives space for his alpha. Their eyes hold nothing but sympathy for the pain I feel, for the hurt of Taron having to choose what's right over what his heart wants.

"Why...?" Is all I can say over and over again as I cry against Grandpa Keir's wolf, though there is no response because none needs to be given. It must be...Alpha Chris' wolf because I see another large wolf like my Grandpa Keir's that moves closer, his eyes holding mine when my gaze quickly flickers to his golden irises.

When all the wolves begin to howl, I feel a very eerie shiver travel down my spine. I continue to hold onto my grandpa's wolf, the tears hardly subsiding, but I begin to feel myself slipping away slowly. I don't know when I fell asleep, but my eyelids flutter open slightly, and I see the dark outlines of the furniture in my bedroom. I feel a hand running through my hair, soothing me as the rhythm continues until I finally slip back into a dark sleep where even the brightest of lights can't find my broken soul.

I can hear slightly off in the distance, my bedroom door opening and closing. Slowly, I rub my eyelids and open them carefully, the morning summer sun streaming in through the window. When I glance around, it's just me, and I notice I'm still in my clothes from last night. Trying to gather my bearings I can hear running down the hallway and Ridge calling, "Marcus!"

Furrowing my brows with confusion, I lift from my bed, heading toward the bedroom door before opening it slowly inward. I glance out into the hallway, seeing Ridge walking swiftly from the direction of the stares, I follow his gaze to see Marcus running up to...

...Taron. He's paused a moment with Sophia next to him, more than likely the two of them heading downstairs for the morning.

I also step out into the hallway, keeping a distance ahead of Ridge where Marcus runs right up to Taron. Taron glances down at him, and I see something different cross his features, something I've never seen before...the way he's shutting himself off also.

Marcus balls his hands up into fists before he lashes out, my eyes widening when he slams his fists against Taron's groin hard while growling, "My Cacia! Hurt my Cacia!"

Taron exhales sharply while recoiling with a slight growl he keeps to himself, though Sophia is quick to defend him, shoving Marcus as hard as she can. He falls backward, his head hitting the floorboards before he slides back a few feet. He starts to cry loudly, Ridge quickly moving toward him and kneeling down.

I snap...

...for the first time, I see red in my sights.

I walk right past Marcus, Ridge trying to calm him, heading directly until I'm in front of both Taron and Sophia. Taron's irises quickly flicker with the golden glint, and I recognize the way he fights his wolf down as I've seen it so many times in my parents. Sophia gives me this ugly glare while my hands slowly draw into fists beside my thighs.

I feel that darkness rise from within me and before anyone realizes what I'm doing, I draw my arm back quickly before punching Sophia square in the face. She cries out loudly as I see blood spill from her nostrils, my furious glare staring with hate as I snarl, "Don't you ever fucking lay a hand on my little brother again."

"You bitch!" The blood trickles down over her lips, staining Sophia's teeth as she snaps right back.

"Come at me, really do...because I know you can't shift when you're pregnant!" I glower with such hatred for her.

Sophia doesn't care, taking a step toward me before I move to the side and punch her once again in the face, my other arm drawing back and readying to land on her abdomen. I never get the chance to though...

...my back is against the hallway wall, Taron's grip on my upper arms harsh and tight. I cry out under his hold, and I see the way he waivers, his grip loosening just barely.

My eyes fill with tears, and I release a shaky breath when Taron warns me, "You will not harm my child."

💫--To Be Continued--💫

I am posting this note here because the next time I update, Chapter 60.5 will be available on Inkitt. I have no way of separating this chapter out like I can on Wattpad so BE WARNED AND READ BELOW!

Chapter 60.5 can be found in Transgression: Private Chapters which is on my profile once I've updated it. I have quite a few works, so you may need to scroll through to find it.

Warning: This chapter involves graphic depictions of rape brutality.

If you are easily triggered by this subject, DON'T READ THIS CHAPTER.

Chapter 61 will hint at the overview without going into detail, so you are not missing any important story information by opting out of this chapter.

If you have difficulty reading this chapter, the members of the Leomi Eislyn Pack are here you can private message if you need help coping.


New Wattpad "Hashtag Rankings"

My husband posted this in the #RPH, but I wanted to share it here also...

There is no more "Genre Hotlist", even though they are showing right now, they mean absolutely nothing.

First of all, the category genres mean nothing. Don't trust these anymore for finding good works any longer.

Secondly, mature works are ranking on the "Hot List" which is a big Wattpad No-No.

Rankings are now done by Hashtags and how that's determined in rank proportion is still unclear from Wattpad.

What was once a number one book in werewolf can now be found under cursed, because that's what you think to search for when thinking of a good werewolves book to read.

Here are some screen shots for your reference:

Unless Wattpad can actually show rhyme and reason to what they are doing, rankings within the hashtags makes no sense.

In the words of Kay, "It looks like everyone needed a cookie to feel special and crushed the ones who'd worked hard to crumbs."

It's a nice idea to get other authors visibility, however, it was at the expense of those who'd worked hard and followed the guidelines.

Thank you as we wanted to keep everyone informed.

-Alpha Jay

This is like a participation award for writers now...well that's all fine and wonderful, it's going to take more time to sift through poorly written books to find even half decent ones. This "let's make everyone feel special" notion, it's not at all preparing writers for eventually moving past Wattpad.

I got rid of all my tags except vampire on the Walking Among Vampires and now it's ranking in vampire...shocker. Guess if you want people to find your book specifically in the "genre" you want, can't have as many well rounded tags.


-Updates on Mondays & Thursdays-

Fandom Pack: TheRegiisHibriziPack where everyone and anyone is welcome to join.

If I'm not able to, the comments are monitored and responded to by members of the:

☽The Leomi Eislyn Pack☾

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