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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

Whatever coldness I once felt, it dissipates.

Light slowly brightens my eyes, looking up into the eyes of Lailoken. He's sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding me on his lap and in his arms. One of his hands cups my cheek, his other supporting me delicately as I stare at him without a single word passing my lips. It's his reddish-orange irises that meet mine, my heart feeling steady and secure.

When he parts his lips to speak, his voice is calm and gentle as he says, "You've relied so much on the darkness to take away your pain," he pauses when my heart flutters the second the pad of his thumb brushes over the skin of my cheek. Lailoken states, "You truly did become cold and numb, falling into darkness and shutting everything down."

My voice is hesitant as I ask, "What happened?"

"You did what was required of you, what some part of you is destined for...a purpose, a meaning," his words are almost obscurely hiding the entire truth, but then again, I can hardly grasp the meaning of my life to now and he doesn't want to frighten me any further. After a few moments pause of the two of us just remaining in silence, Lailoken informs me, "After you helped strength the veil, your body subconsciously took over and shut down all feeling...light, it was replaced by the darkness that has surrounded your heart."

The bridge of my nose stings when I tell him, "I'm sorry, I-"

"You never have to apologize to me, Ekáti," his brows furrow with concern at the way I'm so quick to give in and admit that I was the one at fault. Lailoken continues, "you don't need the darkness to surround and be your escape, your comfort, the one thing you turn to when everything else seems to spiral out of control."

Tears finally fill my eyes as I whisper, "How do you know...how...how do y..." I can't even form the words into a sentence. It's like he knows everything emotionally I've been through...

"Shh," he's calming when he holds me closer, hearing the rhythm of his heartbeat through his solid chest. He rocks me gently, and I feel myself lulling away in his embrace while he tells me, "Ekáti, our souls touched again and this time, you didn't icy me out, you didn't show any sign of rejecting our existence together."

I inhale a shaky breath as I can't help the sob that also leaves my lips, the hard and reinforced barrier I've thrown up is slowly crumbling away.

I don't know if I want it to...

...I don't want to get hurt.

Not again.

I won't let myself.

"H-How di-did you d-do that?" I ask him, recalling the way those creatures fazed out of existence.

Lailoken rests his chin on the top of my head as he breathes out, "Ekáti, just as you are charged with your destiny, so am I with mine," he pauses for a few minutes, understanding the way he must be collecting his thoughts. I breathe in and out steadily, the tears silent as they trail down my cheeks, though his scent calms me, his touch soothes the way my heart feels like it's been broken into finite pieces. When he does speak, he informs me, "We match each other. A compliment we are for one another. It is I that possess the light of this world, sending those who'd destroy the peace we attempt to keep back across the veil."

"I?" Is all I can squeak out.

"You," he chuckles and releases a sigh, "you are the guardian of these crossroads. You are so much more powerful than you truly understand, though in time...you will. You are my goddess, my mate..."

Fresh tears gather in my eyes as I ask, "Then why am I so weak?"

"You are not weak," he chastises me for the way I continue to pull myself down, "though your form is mortal, you are stronger than your enemies...regardless of your mortal form, it reflects how fragile your heart is for this world and those who reside within it." My head tilts back slightly when he lifts his chin, Lailoken's lips pressing delicately against my forehead as a wildfire ignites beneath my skin and extends through my body. When he draws his lips away slightly, he tells me, "I don't understand this glamour and I can't remove it," his eyes meet mine with he says, "perhaps that's the reasoning behind your mortal form?"

My words are in a whisper when I reply, "I don't know."

"We'll figure it out together," a small smile forms on his lips, tilting his head to the side while he looks over me.

The way Lailoken's face is so close to mine, his hand cupping my cheek...

His lips are near mine...

...it's easy to get lost in the way his gaze captivates me...

...though a split second later, memories...painful ones, imagines of Ciarán and those haunting eyes that have scarred me of that from a true born hybrid...

My hands press against Lailoken's chest, the air catching in my lungs before I manage to breathe out, "Stop."

Lailoken nods silently before pulling away and asking, "Did you want me to still make you breakfast?"

"Yes, please," I quietly respond while glancing away from him. He's considerate with me when he helps ease me off his lap. When we both step off the bed, he looks at me once more before he heads toward the bedroom door. Not wanting him to feel this way...I try and I ask, "Should I be worried about imps if I take a shower?"

Lailoken's features lighten and he chuckles, "You're safe," when his eyes lock with mine, he reassures me with, "I promise you...and I never break a promise."

I don't know why my cheeks suddenly warm when he says that, knowing they're slightly filled with color as he leaves the room. While Lailoken makes me breakfast, I take a quick shower to release the tension and how my body feels about everything happening around me.

I'm thoroughly confused by the fact that it appears my period has already ended after just a couple of days. Not that I don't mind it, feeling like I'm being stabbed with a knife in my abdomen isn't very fun to endure...

I'm dressed in fresh underwear and jeans, pulling on a light long sleeve shirt before resting my hand on the handle of the bedroom door. With a quick inhale and exhale, I open it and move out into the hallway.

Closing the door silently behind me, I glance toward the stairs, walking quietly as I hear Mandy giggling, "Alpha Loki never cooks for us."

"That's because he's too busy winning his mate's heart," I can hear the over-enthusiastic tone in Em 'n Em's voice as I come to the top landing of the stairs.

"Where's my eggs and bacon?" Kermie releases a loud humph sound as she sits at the table. I catch her looking at me out of the corner of her eye the second I walk down the stairs. She whispers, "Pst!"

A few seconds later, I see those who are not on duty at Elysium take a quick glance at me before Brilite pops her head out of the kitchen. A twisted look filled with amusement crosses her features when she muses, "Oh Alpha Looooooki, Ms. Acacia is here to seeeeee you."

My eyes widen the moment she says this and a few giggles erupt from the group. Moments later, it's Lailoken that appears in the archway of the kitchen. He sets a hand on the back of Brilite's upper shoulders and guides her toward the door while stating, "You're supposed to be on patrol."

"I'm hungry," she pouts and crosses her arms in front of her chest. She walks away from the group and releases a sigh, throwing her arms up into the air when no one sympathizes with her, "Alright, alright! I'm going to have to take one for the team..."

"That's a first," Em 'n Em snorts and the two of them exchange a few select words in a rather playful manner that wouldn't appear so to outsiders looking in.

Lailoken walks toward me when I remain standing at the bottom of the stairs, my eyes averting from his out of habit when he halts his movements. He asks gently, "I thought you wanted breakfast in bed?"

"I..." my voice trails off as I reply, "...I wanted to walk around a bit."

"Can I take her on a tour of the territory?!" Kermie is the first to gasp and raise her arm, motioning 'pick me, pick me!'

Lailoken doesn't even turn around to tell them, his eyes remaining fixated on me, "No," he pauses when my eyes trail back to meet with his, "Ekáti is not mine yet, so she may not leave this lodge."

He really meant what he said...

A bit of disdain crosses my features, not giving him the time of day as I decide to move away from him. I walk right around him, stopping only when I come to a chair in the living room. Releasing a small sigh, I sit in it, curling up...

...though at my actions, Em 'n Em purrs, "Meow."

"I'm not a cat!" I snap at her.

"You need to bed your girl..." Em 'n Em rolls her eyes and then shrugs her shoulders, "...she needs freedom in many ways."

Lailoken clears his throat, but the second he does, Brilite is back through the front door. Kermie arches a brow and asks, "Weren't you supposed to-"

"We've got company," Brilite rolls her eyes before informing everyone, "Royals."

My eyes widen and the air catches in my chest.

My parents?

Lailoken catches the shift in my features and immediately walks toward the door. When I raise slowly off the seat of my chair, his eyes snap on me and he orders, "You will stay here."


"Ekáti..." the way he says it this time, a shiver trails down my spine and my muscles restrict much movement. It's his alpha tone that forces me to remain where I stand, anger crossing my features...

...I just want to know.

Lailoken is out the door, Brilite glancing at me once more before she also goes outside. The rest of the pack also leaves, supporting their alpha while the one to remain is...


Her gaze lands on me and she whispers, "It's probably better that you-"

"Don't," I shake my head, biting the inside of my cheek before I release a small exhale, my eyelids fluttering shut for a brief moment. There...I can still feel the darkness ebbing closer with ease, tapping into it without a second thought. What I've been so afraid of and unwanting to accept, I allow it to consume my soul ever so slowly.

My eyelids snap open and I take my strides around the chair, Vitna's eyes widening as she stutters, "D-Don't, li-listen to Al-Alpha Lo-Loki."

"He's not my alpha," I retort, not having accepted him into my life as he continues to control what I do, say where I can and can't go...he's treating me no better than others have...controlling me...

Vitna doesn't get a chance to stop me, apparently...she knows her 'place' because she remains where she is. I open the door and immediately, Mandy turns around and sees me, her eyes widening at my presence.

"You have no right to keep my daughter here," it's mom's voice that resonates.

"I have every right to keep your daughter here," Lailoken retorts back, watching the way the rest of his pack members don't stop me. I edge toward the patio, standing at the top of the steps until I see them all...

Dad's eyes immediately find me and I see so much concern when he calls, "Acacia!"

Lailoken doesn't even glance over his shoulder when his voice holds a dangerous tone, "I told you to wait inside...did I not?"

Dante snarls angrily, "You're holding her hostage!"

"No, I'm not," Lailoken's voice is even when he replies, "I'm doing what none of you have been capable of doing...I'm protecting her and sometimes...love is tough."

"Acacia," mom's voice cuts through as she states, "you don't have to stay here. You can leave with us now-"

Funny enough...

...this...this right here is my choice when I angrily snap, "I don't want to leave with you!"

Lailoken is right...

...they've never been able to protect me. I only want to remain here because it's my choice, not something someone is forcing me to do...though I see, he's stronger than anyone because my parents have yet to attempt to push past him to get to me.

My fists are in tight balls at the sides of my thighs when I angrily cry, "You never once made me believe I could say anything and everything to you! You made me believe that my word meant nothing...that I couldn't be trusted!" I'm breathing hard as I feel the shift in demeanor from Lailoken's pack members now standing around me. I have tears streaming down my cheeks when I continue loudly, "I felt like I couldn't come to you with my problems! Do you even know how that feels?! To not have people who are supposed to love and care about you...to have them disregard anything you say or do?!"


"NO!" I scream and lash out when Dante gets the nerve to take a step forward. The wood beneath my feet splints slightly and a few of the pack members take a step away. I feel everything around me, a swirling energy as I retort, "It took me trying to KILL myself to get all of your fucking attention!"

Lailoken's muscles tense visibly when I say this...

Dad's eyes are the only ones that hold sorrow...regret...pain...pain that's similar to mine...he's the only one with tears in his eyes.

"I'm tired of just trusting everyone!" I feel it...darkness wraps tightly around my heart before I already feel the purplish wisps...the blackened specs entwining around my arms as I see my parents' eyes widening with complete shock. My anger escalates when I cry out, "PROVE YOUR LOVE AND EARN MY TRUST!"

I take one step forward and I hardly believe what I witness...even with my own eyes.

The ground between my parents and Lailoken erupts with a dark explosion, knocking ALL of them back from one another. Lailoken is quick to recover though, flipping backward and grasping the ground with his fingers before he skids to a halt. My parents aren't as prepared for the force of what's just happened, their eyes staring at me with complete and utter shock as they are knocked on their asses.

Mom and Dante say nothing, too stunned to reply...

...though dad is the one to say softly, "I'm sorry...little love..." his voice trails off as I unclench my fists, the energy slowly dying away.

"For what?!" I snap, the list goes on and on-

"For not believing you..." his voice interrupts me as he claims, "...you really do possess an affinity for...magic."

What surprises me though, because Lailoken has been so up front and constantly explaining that I am a goddess when I don't believe it myself due to my mortality...

...Lailoken states, "She's much more than that and time will show you exactly who the true inheritor of this world is."

💫--To Be Continued--💫
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