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1.     “System” implies a set of unified components working together to make/create an useful overall

2.     Keyboard, monitor, disk drive and printer are hardware devices.

3.     Characters and images that we see on the screen are made of dots called picture element.

4.     The office staffs  uses many applications of computer such as word processing and databases.

5.     The finished products are called turnkey

6.     The various/different peripheral devices such as card readers, keyboards are connected to the central processing unit.

7.     The first analog computer was built by an American in 1930 to be used in the word war II

8.     the reading head can transfer information from the disk to the computer’s memory

9.     Floppy disks are made of soft plastic with the magnetized surface.

10.Data can be stored on the secondary storage devices such as magnetic tapes and disks.

11.The data is usually stored in the computer’s memory

12.A complete computer system includes processor ,memory and peripheral devices

13.Monitor is controlled by a separate circuit called the display adapter

14.portable computers use a flat liquid crystal display instead of the picture tube

15.Computer can eliminate a lot of tedious and boring work from our life  so that we have more time for what we love

16.Computer includes two main parts, they are hardware and software

17.A computer system refers to processor and internal memory

18.Computer have changed our working conditions a lot.

19.Computer is considered as a system which includes hardware and software

20.Computer is an equipment which receive information in the form of command called program and characters called data

21.Mainframes are powerful and huge machines.

22.Today computer have more circuits than they did.

23.Minicomputers are only used for a fixed application and run a single program

24.Digital computers are sometimes called multifunction computers. Data provided for them are the codes.

25.Digital computers are used more than any other kinds of computer.

26.Digital computers are like giant cash registers . They can calculate very quickly and accurately

27.A computer can solve a lot of the arithmetic logic operations at the same time

28.A complete computer system need both the hardware an software

29.One of the most important feature of a computer is its ability to store information in its memory

30.What we see on the screen is created and stored in the RAM

31.Software system is simply called “system”. It directs computer to perform different tasks.

32.Software application can be provided together with the hardware as one part of computer products to meet a certain need/requirement.

33.Computer hardware refers to parts of the computer system that you can see/visible parts of computers.

34.Computer software can be divided into two categories/types: application software and a system software

35.Computer software refers to computer programs or instructions which directs hardware to perform the particular tasks

36.the more picture elements our computer has the clearer images we can receive.

37..All computers have the similar general features, not to mention the design or manufacture

38.Peripherals include/consist of input devices, output devices, secondary storage devices… so on

39.. Peripheral devices of mainframe occupy a lot of space.

40. Sliding rules were invented hundreds of the years ago.

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