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Taeyoung's lips are still on mine, moving slowly, tentatively over my own. His thumb strokes my cheek lightly as he deepens the kiss. Our mouths open and close slightly, periodically, his lips practically consuming all of mine.

The sound of a door creaking causes us to look away, his hands still on my face, our mouths agape.

Junwoo stands with Minjun peaking over his shoulder, at the door. His mouth is open in shock, Minjun's face is lit up in mischief.

"Con-grat-u-lations! Congratulations!" He starts to sing before Junwoo slams the door on our dumbstruck faces.

"Those idiots," Taeyoung mutters lovingly.

"Was this your plan?" I ask.

"What plan?"

"Locking me inside your room."

"No. I had no idea you were coming over. I've been trying to figure out a way to apologize to you." He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.

I pause, looking back at the door with a smile. "I'm glad they locked me in," I softly say, not able to look at Taeyoung's face.

His hand grabs my chin, turning it towards his smiling face. "Me too."

I smile in return and he quickly kisses my lips before he moves and gets off of the bed. Then I notice that he is wearing pyjamas. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He catches me staring at his clothes and he scratches his head awkwardly.

"I haven't been able to get out of bed much lately," he mumbles this, and I barely catch all of his words.

"I have to go shower." He smiles before opening the door and going into the bathroom. I decided I should get up and face the two schemers.

They're in the kitchen, Minjun leaning over the counter with a cup of tea in his hand, Junwoo talking to him as he cooks something in a pot over the stove. They turn to look at me, Minjun's face grows into his trademark smirk.

I walk straight to Junwoo, hitting the back of his head with my palm.

"Yah, you asshole, why did you do me dirty like that?" He looks at me, puzzled by my last expression, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Noona, I'm sorry, really. But Taeyoung was like a zombie." He begins rubbing his hands together, but his face shows that he isn't sincere, a small smile hiding behind his fake apology.

"Why are you mad at him? Didn't you two make up?" Minjun pipes in.

"So? That's not the point." I turn to look at him with a dirty look.

Then I turn and smile at Junwoo, and pull him into a hug, "고마워 [Thank you]." I whisper in his ear.

"누나 왜 그래요? [What's wrong with you]?" Junwoo asks with a laugh. "You hit me and now you hug me?"

I pull away, "That could have gone terribly. You're lucky it worked out."

He nervously laughs. Minjun is just glaring at me as he sips his tea.

"What's up with you?" I ask him with my chin pointed upwards, dirty look returning. It is so much fun to mess with him.

"What's up with you?" He mocks me in a high-pitched voice, his cute Korean accent making me laugh at him.

"Are you upset that I like Taeyoung and not you?" I ask this in broken Korean, as I make my way over to him. He guffaws at me, putting his tea down with a clang, an exasperated look on his face. Junwoo snorts with laughter.

"You? Why would I like you?"

I shrug my shoulders. "You wouldn't stop harassing me."

"Harassing?" He repeats the word, looking to the side of him in mock surprise as if someone's there watching. After composing himself he says, "I'm too sexy for you."

Junwoo and I burst out into laughter, me leaning on the counter for support. Junwoo mimics him, laughs taking over his speech.

I've never seen Minjun look so upset. His face is red, eyes narrowed at us, big lips even bigger as his lower lip drops in a pout.

"Hyung. Minjun-ah, Min-min," Junwoo shakes his shoulders, trying to get him to loosen up. Eventually, Minjun's glare breaks into a smile as he tries to push the boy away.

Taeyoung walks into the kitchen, his hair still wet and with water dripping down his neck. Just like that, my laughter is halted and my attention is fully given to this boy.

He pays no attention to the two bickering children and instead makes his way towards me. I gulp the saliva that has built up in my mouth down my throat, and I lean back onto the counter as I watch him watch me.

His hair looks so sexy when it's wet.

I try to shake away these thoughts, but it gets harder to when his hands land on the counter behind me, his arms on either side of me. He leans in, face becoming level with mine. I stare at him, wide-eyed, wondering what he's doing when his roommates are right there.

"I want to kiss you again." He whispers this in my ear so that the other two, still fighting, can't hear.

My cheeks flush pink and he smirks in response.

How can someone so sweet, with the softest looking eyes, have a mouth like his? A mouth that forms into a sexy smirk so easily, a mouth that lets out simple words that somehow have such a strong effect on me.

I clear my throat, trying to look elsewhere but his face. His head moves to match my own, making it impossible for me to look away.

I laugh in defeat, "Taeyoung, stop it!"

"Taeyoung stop it!" A high-pitched voice mocks me from behind.

Taeyoung grabs a tea towel that is by his hand and whips it at Minjun. Then he leaves my presence to bug Minjun even more.

How did I end up so lucky, I think to myself. Standing here, watching these three play around with each other, knowing that one of them likes me and that I like him back. The last thing I expected when arriving in Korea was finding someone like Taeyoung, and I definitely didn't expect to feel so happy, to be laughing so much so soon after arriving.

They are like angels, all three of them.  As much turmoil they cause me, they truly make me happy, helping me forget about all the things that have been haunting me.

Or at least make me think that I've forgotten.

*at this point in the story Junwoo and Minjun's interactions with Sohee are going to be written mostly in English. There won't be a distinction between when they are talking in Korean or English for means of fluid storytelling, but just keep in mind that Sohee's Korean level is consistently increasing*

. . .

Instagram: @sooaura
Twitter: @_sooaura



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