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I try to take my leather jacket off, half of it successfully sliding off my shoulder, but Taeyoung shifts it back up over my bare arm. I try again and the same thing happens.

"Please keep your coat on," Taeyoung says, putting it back over my shoulders. I giggle at his concerned tone.

"But I'm too hot!" I whine, pouting at him. He sighs at me, his hand running down his adorable face.

"Sohee, my best friend." Koko's arms come around my shoulders. She seems a bit tipsy too. "Are you drunk? You didn't have to drink so much," she says when she sees my flushed cheeks.

I wave her away, "I'm fine," I exclaim with a relaxed demeanour.

"Ah, Taeyoung, I think she drank too much," Max says to him, an apologetic look on his face.

"You think?" He replies, putting the jacket over my arms again.

"Oh here it is," Koko says as a late night bus pulls up to the stop we are at.

Taeyoung wraps an arm around my waist and leads me onto the bus. He asks the driver for two people and taps his card, paying for me. We sit across from Koko and Max this time, me in the window seat again.

My tongue is incredibly numb.

Taeyoung only took one shot, again claiming he doesn't like alcohol that much. I had kept taking shots with the others, since it didn't seem to be affecting me at all. But then all of a sudden I got hit with the drunkenness. Koko and Max are fine, just a bit buzzed, maybe the slightest bit tipsy. Next to me, however, they all look sober, and I am greatly embarrassed, or I would be if I could actually control my brain and body right now. Why am I such a lightweight?

I'm sitting with my knees turned towards Taeyoung, touching his own knee. I'm poking his face, watching him get irritated at me. I giggle at him getting annoyed and squeeze his cheeks like he always does to mine. Then I take both hands and hold the sides of his face, turning it towards me. I squeeze his face so that his lips pucker and his eyes turn into slits.

He tries talking but it just sounds way too funny. I pucker my lips at him in imitation and shake his face side to side. His hands come up to grab mine, engulfing them. He puts my hands down.

"Sohee," he groans.

"Oppa," I respond in a sing-song voice.

"아이구 [aigoo], what am I going to do with you."

I squeeze my own face now, lips puckered and cheeks blurring my sight. He chuckles at me while he puts an arm around me. My head leans against his shoulder now and he kisses the top of my head. If I was sober I'd probably blush and get butterflies and all of that cliche shit.

The rest of the bus ride is spent with me being a nuisance to Taeyoung.

When we get off the bus Koko tells us that she's staying over at Max's.

I "ooh" suggestively in response and she shakes her head at me.

"Man... can you take care of her? I can bring her back home first if you want."

"No it's okay," Taeyoung responds.

I turn towards him, "Ooh, oppa, can I go to your house?" I look up at him with round eyes, hands clutching his shirt.

His hand runs down his face, Koko and Max laugh as they walk away.

"Please," I pout at him. He looks at me, mouth in a small rectangle shape.

"God help me." We start walking in the other direction.

"Can I?"

"You should go to your own bed," he says.

"Why! Taeyoung," I whine. "I'll just leave my room once you're gone."

"No, stay in your room." He sounds a bit stern, like he's disturbed by the idea of me walking around drunk. Heck, I would be too if I was in my right mind.

"Why, why, why!"

"You can't walk around like this by yourself. There are a lot of men with bad intentions here."

I pause, thinking about this. "Then let me stay with you? Keep me safe?" I say this sweetly now, head cocked to the side in an effort to sway him.

After some thought, he sighs. "Fine. Let's go."

I squeal in delight, holding onto his arm and slightly shaking my head in happiness. He laughs at me. "You're going to be the end of me."


We make it to his apartment, and I immediately yell out "Hello" when I step inside.

"Junwoo-ah!?" I look around the dark room. Taeyoung turns on the light. I pout when I hear no response. "Junwoo!"

"Yah, why are you looking for Junwoo?"

"I like Junwoo." I mean this in a totally friendly way, he is the first platonic guy friend I've ever had. We have been texting each other more lately, often talking about Taeyoung and the annoying things he does.


But Taeyoung reads this the wrong way.

I continue walking towards the bedrooms, still looking. I hear Taeyoung follow me, his footsteps urgent. I'm about to peek into Junwoo's room when Taeyoung grabs my wrist, turning me around to face him, my back lightly hitting the wall. The fast movement surprises my heart, making it beat hard against my chest.

"What did you say?" He asks me again. I stare at his face, not in fear because I know he'd never hurt me, but instead just in shock.

"Oppa..." I mumble. His hand still holds onto my wrist tightly. His ears are red, but not from embarrassment.

"That was a joke right?"

"No..." I mumble. His hand leaves my wrist to rest on the wall beside my head.

"He's my friend. I like him as a friend," I add on. This causes his face to change a bit.

"That's it right?"

I nod at him. "Oppa, are you mad?"

"What? No, sorry." His eyes are soft again, his face looking a bit guilty.

My face slowly turns into a small smile. "This is like a sexy scene in a drama." I giggle and he looks at me in shock.


I push off the wall a bit so my body touches his, and he moves backwards until he hits the other side of the wall. I giggle as I put my arms on either side of him. But because of the height difference, my hands are beside his biceps and not his head.

My giggles get uncontrollable as he looks at me, an incredulous look on his face.

"You little peanut, you couldn't trap me even if you tried."

"What?" I say before within the blink of an eye, his hands grab onto my waist, flipping us so that I'm against the wall again. His hands come to either side of my head, and he leans in, plump lips tickling my neck. Now I'm nervous and more aware of what's going on.

He starts to kiss my neck and I place my hands against his chest.

"Oppa, what—what are you doing?" I stutter out. His hot breath against the sensitive skin of my neck brings chills to my body. I feel myself shiver all over, and he chuckles against my neck.

"It was so hard to be around you today, in public," he begins saying, lips smacking against my skin every so often.

"You look so beautiful today, I didn't want to take my hands off of you."

Another kiss, this time with teeth softly biting me. I gasp, hands grasping onto his shirt. His lips finally leave my neck and are close to my own lips now.

"Everything you do drives me crazy."


His lips crash into mine. He's never kissed me like this before. It's fast, passionate, his tongue immediately running against my lips, his hands moving through my hair. I don't even think before his arms move to grab my thighs, my legs wrapping around him in response. He moves without breaking the kiss. Backwards until his back pushes against his door, then backwards still until the back of his knees hit his bed.

He sits down, me sitting in his lap now. My mouth leaves him and his lips move right back to my neck.

I'm getting sober quickly, the adrenaline waking me up. And now the nervousness hits me like a brick wall.

What is about to happen? I'm not ready for this. Does he know I'm not ready for this?

His devilish lips gradually moving down my neck and towards my chest answers this question for me.

"Wait! Taeyoung!" I yell out, closing my eyes in embarrassment of what I am about to say. His head pops up immediately from the urgency in my voice.

"Yes baby?"

I grimace. Baby. Don't call me baby right now or I'll end up doing something I'll likely regret.

"I can't do this," I mutter out. He stares at me, realization slowly crossing over his handsome face.

"Oh? Oh..." He becomes flustered.

"Sorry..." I mumble.

"I didn't know it was that time—are, are you okay? I would never make you go too far when you're drunk anyway, but does anything hurt? Did I hurt you?"

"What?" All of these questions muddle in my mind. He totally didn't understand what I was trying to say. I really don't want to say it bluntly, but he is leaving me no choice.

"Taeyoung, I'm—I'm, well, not experienced I guess you could say," I start to ramble, avoiding the word. I avoid eye contact, all too aware of the fact that I am still on his lap.

"You're still a virgin?" The blunt words flow out of his mouth as if they mean nothing. I stare at him in embarrassment, biting my lip. "Sohee, I'm sorry." He lifts me up and sits me beside him. I stare at the floor. "I didn't know, I just assumed. I shouldn't have."

"Yeah, I haven't actually officially dated anyone before." Might as well let it all out.

"Really? This is all new to you?"

"Pretty much." I can feel the alcohol starting to bring on a headache. Or maybe this whole situation is.

It's silent for a bit, I can almost hear him think. Then his arms come around me, head nuzzling into my neck.

"I'm sorry. Let me know if I ever push too far," he speaks against my neck. Then he lightly pecks the sensitive mark he left on my nape before looking at me.

"I'm honoured to be the first." He gives me the sweet smile that I'm getting more and more familiar with. I sigh in relief, finally letting a smile come across my own face.

"Now if you excuse me," he gets off of the bed and walks to his clothing drawers. "I need to run some cold water over me."

"Oh..." My face flushes with heat. I immediately look away from him, wanting to hide under the covers in embarrassment."Sorry," I mumble with my face in my hands.

He laughs at me, "It's my own fault. I'll be back soon."

Then I'm left in his dark room, trying my best to calm down my heart.

Trying to not think about what he just said.

. . .


To anyone annoyed that Taeyoung assumed she wasn't a virgin, I know where you're coming from and agree, assumptions aren't a good thing, but let's be realistic here, these days it's much more likely for a 20-21 year old WESTERN girl to have lost her virginity than to not have. He assumed, since she's western and western values surrounding sex are very different than in the East, that she may have lost her virginity already. Again, I'm not saying it's good to assume these things, but if this was a real situation 9/10 times the guy would assume the girl isn't a virgin anymore. Also side note Koreans are going through a sex craze right now. That's all lol.

xx Sooaura

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