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[Third Person Point of View]

The girl he loves is long gone by now.

The boy frantically looks around the massive room, but there are too many people obscuring his vision. The other girl, the one he has been trying to avoid for years, comes into his view again.

"Taeyoung, stop this." Her hands grab his arms, forcing him to give up and look at her again.

Yerin. The girl who broke his heart.

"What's going on?" She asks, genuinely confused about what just happened.

"What do you mean what's going on, why are you here?"

"The same reason you are, it's New Years. I saw you and I wanted to say something," Yerin pauses as she nervously pushes her lips together. She looks different than Taeyoung remembers. She isn't as bright, as loud and outgoing. Instead, she seems more mature, maybe even sad.

"I want to apologize."

These words cut through Taeyoung like a knife. His attention is solely on her now as he realizes what's going on.

"For what," he asks, despite knowing all too well.

"I was so bad to you," Yerin's voice begins to break up as her regret causes her to cry. This doesn't phase Taeyoung one bit, in fact, her face does not seem as beautiful as it once did to him.

"I've grown up, and I realize now how shitty I was, I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me, but I keep thinking about you lately. I even saw your face on a billboard, and I just—I needed to say sorry."

Taeyoung pauses, considering her words as she looks at him with glossy eyes. It's hard to believe that she has changed so much in the past two years, but by looking into her eyes he can tell something bad happened to her.

"It's okay, I'm fine now," he merely says, unsure of how to console the girl he once loved.

"I'm glad," she sniffles. "You look really good."

Taeyoung nods his head awkwardly and begins to look around the room again, remembering the sweet face of the girl he loves now. He curses under his breath as he realizes that he ruined her night, remembering the hateful tone of voice that possessed him and the harsh yank of his arm. If only Yerin didn't show up like a ghost in the crowd at that moment, if only.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

Taeyoung looks back at Yerin with an unsure gaze before replying to her with a "yes."

"She's pretty. In all honesty, I was hoping you were single," she smiles at Taeyoung, but it's a broken smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "But I'm too late, it's my fault. You should go find her." The last sentence is all Taeyoung needs to hear before nodding his head enthusiastically and leaving Yerin to watch him walk away from her. The ice that rapidly froze him when she appeared finally breaks.

Taeyoung immediately leaves the club, knowing that Sohee likely headed out of the loud building. Once he's faced with the frigid cold midnight air, he grows even more worried.

She's going to freeze out here, he thinks.

He searches everywhere around the club, but her small stature can't be found. He can't recognize the back of her small head, which is blanketed by dark wavy hair that he loves to run his fingers through. He can't see anyone who walks in the same way she does, with her head slightly turned down and hands buried in her pockets.

Despite being an independent girl, there's something so vulnerable about her that makes him feel obliged to take care of her, to make sure she doesn't get hurt, like a small but capable animal you can't help but feel protective of. But turns out he would be the one to hurt her.

He ends up searching all night, eventually checking back home to see if she somehow lead herself to his room, but all he finds are cold sheets and an empty room. He can't check the dorm, because only residents with a keycard can get in.

Once the sun begins to rise he calls Koko, asking if Sohee is with her.

He can feel his heart freeze over when she says no.

I lost her, I can't lose her.

His thoughts contradict each other as he continues to search until six in the morning. Even though he knows she's probably in her room, safe, he can't help but search and search. It takes the power of his two housemates to drag him back home for him to finally stop. They tell him that she's in her dorm room and Taeyoung's heartbeat begins to finally drop in pace. His frantic breathing and anxious state that has been pumping adrenaline for six hours finally crash, and as a result, his body crashes as well.

. . .


Here's a bonus chapter. I didn't want to leave the story with you guys hating Taeyoung (since you can't see what he does after she leaves), so I added this. It's different, and third person is weird, but I hope it's alright

xx Sooaura

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