BONUS: Junwoo

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[Junwoo's POV]

Chapters One and Two

Taeyoung and I are walking to class when I start to pick on him. He doesn't like it when I tease him, so soon enough he is scowling and shouting at me. I can't help but find it amusing.

We are so caught up that we don't notice the small, quiet girl sitting on a bench by herself.

A stack of paper falls onto the ground on top of Taeyoung's feet. We both stare at her for longer than we should. She looks Korean at first, but something about her seems different.

"Sorry," I say to her. The blank look on her face leads me to believe that she is in fact not Korean—or not quite.

I awkwardly chuckle a bit. "Sorry," I say in English.

She bends down to pick up the papers when a gust of wind starts to carry them away. I frantically chase after an escaping page.

"Come here," I scuttle after it ruthlessly, a smile breaking out on my face when I catch it.

I turn around and my smile falls. I see Taeyoung and the girl crouched over the papers, all but one of which are held in their hands. But they just stare at one another.

Huh? Taeyoung doesn't usually waste one second on staring at girls in such a thoughtful way. He only uses them for one thing.

A small gasp leaves my mouth when the girl nervously gets up and bangs her head on Taeyoung's forehead. I can't help but snort in laughter at Taeyoung's exclamation of pain.

My smile widens when the girl says sorry in English but bows as if she is Korean. Cute.

Then it happens again, they just gawk at each other, clearly checking each other out as their eyes slowly graze over each other's features. And I'm frozen in complete shock because I have never seen Taeyoung look at a girl like this; with such curiosity and interest.

Finally, I walk up to them. "Hyung!"

All of a sudden the girl frantically leaves before I have a chance to ask for her name. I notice Taeyoung watching her leave with the same stoic look of interest.


"I'm telling you!" I yell at Minjun hyung as we stand in the kitchen. He looks at me in utter disbelief as he continues eating his food.

I continue, "He stared at her, like actually stared."

"A stare means nothing, you naive child."

"Hey!" I frown at a chuckling Minjun. We've been friends ever since we both lived in Busan, and he loves to tease me just as much as we were kids.

So because Minjun refused to help, I have to take matters into my own hands. I brought the mystery girl up to Taeyoung a few times, but he never answered with anything interesting.

Luckily we ended up seeing her a few days later.

"Hey!" I call out in English when I see her.

It's okay Junwoo, you can do this. Do this for hyung.

I lightly tap her arm and she turns around. She really is pretty, I think as she looks at me hesitantly.

"I have something," I stumble over my English words, growing more and more nervous with each second her big brown eyes peer at my own.

"Schedule?" That's the same word in Korean and English, right? I make the shape of a paper too, just in case. All the while, hyung watches us from afar in confusion.

"Yeah. It's okay, I don't need it," she replies.

"It's okay..." I didn't understand all of what she said. Instead, I just look at her with an open mouth as the words scramble in my mind

Deep breath.

"Come, come with me."

"Yah, Junwoo!" Hyung yells at me and I grow incredibly nervous again, sweat building on my nape.

"I'll see you later hyung, I need to help her find a building!" I yell back a lie.

He nods at me, but his face still looks perplexed. I don't talk to girls often, he knows that, and what I'm doing is incredibly suspicious.

We walk off of campus. My brain clouds over as I try to think of what to say. This poor girl does not know who I am, and yet is following me.

"What is your name?" I ask tentatively, hoping that my English is correct.

"Uh, Summer," she replies.

I must look confused because she adds, "Or, I guess, Sohee."


"Oh, you are Korean?"

She does kind of look it. Her skin, her hair, her nose. But her eyes are different.

"No, no, half? But I don't speak it."

Half. Does she mean she's half Korean?

I turn my gaze forward again

"Um, where are we going," she hesitantly asks.

"My home. Uh, sharehouse," I simply say since I don't know how to form complex sentences.

"What?" She says in surprise.

The girl must be terrified. I grow anxious again and feel the sweat bead on my neck. I quickly try to explain that it's where some students live, then I try to lighten the mood by asking easy questions.

She asks me my name and I tell her, but she seems just as lost as I was. I can't help but laugh when she asks me to repeat myself. She is cute in an endearing way, a way where she doesn't even try to be cute. She's Taeyoung's type.

I gain more confidence from this. I have to succeed in befriending her, I have to be her friend so that Taeyoung can get to know her too.

When we reach the sharehouse I take my time getting the schedule. I don't know why I came up with this plan, it seems really stupid now after going through with it. But at least I learned her name and that she's half Korean. And now she knows my name and where I live. That's something right?

I head back to the entrance and hand her the schedule. My enthusiasm grows tenfold when she tries to say thank you in Korean. Her pronunciation is surprisingly good, like a native's. I even shoot up two thumbs up like a complete idiot. I wince in spite of myself once the air gets awkward again.

What are you doing? Why are you so awkward around girls?

But she is different, less terrifying. She's soft, hesitant, maybe even scared. But most of all she is cute and comfortable to be around. I can't help but wonder how old she is—she seems younger than me, but she's already in university. Perhaps she's my age?

The walk to campus is quieter as I message Minjun on Kakaotalk the whole time.

JW: Hyung, she's perfect

MJ: what?

JW: for Tae. She's cute and shy and seems really nice too

MJ: Okay?

JW: Hyung, you don't get it.

MJ: Yeah yeah he stared at her I remember

JW: I'm telling you, she's the right match for him

"Yah!" Taeyoung's yell wakes me up from my conversation with Minjun. I quickly put my phone away.

"Ah hyung!"

Look at Sohee, talk to her.

I put my arm around her and something I didn't expect to happen does. Taeyoung frowns at the contact and motions for me to move my arm.

He's interested. He must be or he wouldn't care. In fact, he'd probably smile at me like a proud hyung from my confidence. But instead he's upset.

Sohee is in a trance, staring at Taeyoung as I try to grab her attention. Taeyoung also continues to look at her in curiosity. My electric excitement returns as she says her name to him, eyes locked onto his.

It's so obvious that they're attracted to each other, anyone could see it but apparently them. Is love always this blind?

Just then my phone rings as Minjun calls me. "Oh, it's Minjun hyung," I say to Taeyoung. I wave at Sohee and turn to walk away.

Unfortunately, Taeyoung follows me and doesn't stay to talk to her more.

But it's a start.

. . .


Hello again! Junwoo's so cute I just—

I hope you liked this bonus POV chapter. A Minjun POV will come next!

xx Sooaura

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