BONUS: Koko & Max

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[Koko's POV]

Chapter Nine + Extra

Summer and I parted somehow, but I catch her resting on a bar stool with a cute intoxicated smile on her face. Content and undeniably wasted for the first time in a long time, I shout out in pure ecstasy and dance my heart out as the DJ plays an actually good song.

Man, usually I have to pretend to enjoy myself as DJs play lame 2010 hits, but this guy actually knows what he's doing.

I make my way to the front of the room to cheer on the DJ as he talks to the crowd. It's hard to see him behind the equipment and dark lights, but it's not hard to miss his eyes when they lock onto mine. I give him a suggestive smirk as I continue to dance freely. Some guy comes behind me to hold my hips, but one stomp on his foot with my heel and he's long gone.

The DJ begins to laugh as he sees this happen and I can't help but smile back at him.

"Now, unfortunately guys, I'm off in five minutes," the room breaks out into boos. "Hey hey now, don't be too upset. Here's one final song for you."

A sonorous bass beat begins to shake the dance floor as he takes off his headphones and talks to some other staff. Upset that the good music will soon end but pleased with the final song choice, I move my way across the room, dancing with random strangers as I move along.

When the song's over, just like I expected, a song from six years ago starts to play. My dancing immediately seizes.

"Really? Starships? That's all you got?!" I shout out to the new DJ.

Just then someone catches my eye in the crowd. He's the only one not dancing, and he seems to be walking towards me with a drink in hand.

I blink in surprise when I recognize the eyes of the DJ.

"Sucks that your shift's finished," I say to him in English. "Looks like my nights over."

"Aw that's too bad, I was hoping to spend the rest of my night getting to know you."

I stare at him with a goofy grin, pleasantly surprised by his fluent English.

"That's all you got?"

He smiles at me and shakes his head. "But I'm serious. What's your name?"

"Vanessa," I say without falter.

"Nice to meet you Vanessa, I'm Max."

Then, somehow, we end up talking for another half hour. And then eventually, I end up with my lips on his.

I don't usually do this, as much as I pretend that I do. While I love guys and guys often love me, I was not into entertaining them past a flirty and suggestive conversation.

However, we get carried away before I know it.

"Shit," I breathe out after his lips leave mine.

"What's wrong?" He asks, just as winded as me.

"I don't usually kiss random guys and actually enjoy it."

"Me neither. But girls I mean," he laughs.

We stare at each other for a while longer, and it's strange. It's like we already know each other, as if we're communicating simply through our eyes. For some reason, I feel connected to this guy.

At the same time, we say, "let's call a cab."

And soon enough I end up at his place, which is huge.

We're making out and simultaneously walking through the residence when my eyes catch on a few art pieces I recognize.

I pull my mouth away from him.

"Is that Takashi Murakami?" I ask while his lips devour my neck.

He looks up, his breaths heavy.


"And, is that Riusuke Fukahori?"


We stare at each other in curiosity for a moment as cognizance sets in. We're both contemporary art freaks.

"No way," I say aloud.

Yet again, the night takes a turn from the presumed as we end up lazing on his bed, fully clothed, talking about Demian, a book that sits on his massive awe-inspiring bookcase.

And then we both gush over Haruki Murakami's books. I end up becoming captivated by this man's clearly expansive knowledge of, well, everything.

"I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a meaningful conversation with someone before. Meaningful as in beyond our own mundane lives."

"I feel the same," he smiles with those dimples I'm growing all too fond of.

We somehow end up kissing each other again as the excitement and intense chemistry take over us. I chuckle through every kiss and his smile doesn't disappear for a moment. I crawl on top of him as he holds onto my jaw. I giggle again, which is very unlike myself, as I stare at this man's face; a stranger's face that already seems so familiar.

"This doesn't feel real. It's like I'm dreaming," I softly say while stroking the soft tanned skin of his cheeks.

"It's no dream," he moves my hair away from my face. "But we can make it one."

While usually, I'd scoff at such corny words, I end up melting on top of him.

We're both topless and laughing while we devour each other's skin when I sit up abruptly.

"Oh shit. Oh shit no no no," I frantically get off the bed and pull my dress straps back over my shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"My friend," I cry in fear, "my little friend, I totally forgot about her. I'm such a bad human being."

I scuttle through the massive, much too clean house with its marble flooring and impeccable decor.

He follows me with his torso still bare. Man this sucks. We were so close to sleeping together.

I bite my lip as I stare at him, my eyebrows furrowing.

No, you left a poor naive girl at a club. You need to go back.

"I'm sure your friend is okay, she's an adult after all."

"You know those adults that just really don't look or act like adults?"

He cocks his head to the side.

"Well, that's her. She's naive, she's small enough to stuff in your goddamn pocket, she's adorable as hell, and she doesn't know how to say no. Her in a club alone is such a bad situation."

"Well here, I'll call a taxi for you."

"Oh thank you so much."

I pace back and forth as he calls a taxi, biting my nails frantically as I try to call her and text her.

"It should be outside in five minutes."

I quickly walk over to him and kiss his lips one last time before slipping on my heels and securing the door behind me.

What could have been the greatest night ended terribly.

I never found Summer.


My fingers skim across the covers of the big art books that line the table until they pause over a specific one. Another hand also falls on top of it at the same time. When I look up to meet the owner of this hand, I'm met with familiar eyes.

"Oh what a coincidence," I say with a small smirk.

"Well hello Vanessa."


"I believe you told me your name was Vanessa that night," he raises an eyebrow at me, but his eyes tell me that he always knew it was a fake name.

"Ah, yes. I don't reveal my real name to a guy until I'm interested," I cooly say.

"Is that so?"

"And you are?"

He smirks, "you've forgotten."

"Don't look so disappointed, Max."

Our smiles speak all the words we need them to.

"My name's Koko."

"Does this mean you're interested?"

I simply raise my eyebrows questioningly with a smile and walk away.

We ended up seeing each other again at the same bookstore a week later. That time, he asked for my number.

. . .

Instagram: @sooaura
Twitter: @_sooaura



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