BONUS: Living Together

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[Sohee's POV]

Taeyoung and I have moved into our own place together. It's only been two weeks, but the giddy feelings brought on by him always being around—sleeping in his arms every night, eating together all the time, his excited face when I get home from work—all of these fresh feelings have still not subdued.

"Can we visit Junwoo today?" I ask.

"No." He says while chewing on a snack.


"Because I said so." I know he's playing around with me, the small smile on his mouth gives it away. But I can't help the frustration that builds inside of me.

Taeyoung, this is the wrong time to play with me.

"Taeyoung," I whine and grab his arm.

He shakes his head with a smile.

"Fine! I'll go by myself." I move to get up but he grabs my arm and pulls me back down.

"You're not going anywhere."

Noises of annoyance leave my mouth as tears of frustration build. I do my best to blink them away before he notices. While I know it's irrational to cry, it's just my hormones, my eyes just won't stop leaking. Then my body shakes. I cast my head down to try and hide this while I desperately try to take control of my emotions.

How embarrassing. Taeyoung hasn't witnessed me pmsing while living together yet.

"Sohee?" His teasing tone vanished and concern replaces it. He tries to look at my face but I move away.

"Sohee," he holds onto my face and moves it so then I have no choice but to look at him.

In all of my teary pms glory. I begin to cry out as the tears just collapse.

"Sohee, what's wrong?"

My words aren't coherent, but I try to tell him that I'm fine and it's just my hormones acting up.

"Baby, I can't understand you." His thumbs try to catch every tear but it's useless.

I give up and wrap my body around him like a koala to a branch.

"Baby girl, did I say something?" He laughs nervously.

"N-no. I-it's n-nothing," I manage to say.

"Don't lie to me." His hands rub my back.

"N-nothing. P-period."


"PMS!" I shout at him.

His eyes widen in shock.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"Do you need anything?"

I shake my head against him.

"Are you sure?"

"Just cuddle," I say against his shirt.

He chuckles and squeezes his arms around me. "I can do that."

After a while of being held, a new sensation washes over me.

"Taeyoung?" I muffle into his chest. "Do we have chocolate?"

"Chocolate? Uh, no."

"Can you get me some chocolate?"

He begins to chuckle and he grabs my face. His eyes peer down at my own. "My little girl wants chocolate?"

My face blushes and I laugh in embarrassment. "Don't call me that."

"Call you what?"

I stare back sat him, refusing to repeat it.

"Little girl?" He smirks and I hide my face in his chest again. "What's so wrong with that?"

"It sounds strange."



"Dirty?" He bursts into laughter.

I grimace at him while he makes fun of me.

"Sohee, you're my girl and you're a tiny little thing."

"I'm your girl?" A silly smile covers my face.

"My girl." He leans down so that his nose touches mine. I begin giggling when his lips tickle my skin.

"I'm serious!" I shout through the giggles.

"About what?"

"I want chocolate," I bring my bottom lip into my mouth as I look up at him with wide eyes, hoping that he won't be annoyed. "The kind with the fruit in it."

"Ah!" He shouts out and shakes his whole body. "You're so adorable, it hurts Sohee. It hurts how cute you are and you don't even realize it."

"So," I bring my hands up to his face to hold it. Then I bring out my weapon. "Does that mean oppa will get me some chocolate?" I cock my head to the side and he squeezes his eyes shut with a smile.

"How could I ever say no to you," he says painfully.

I squeeze his face, content with his reaction to my request.

"I'm going to go to the store now okay? Will my little girl be okay?"

"Yah!" I furrow my eyebrows. "I'm not a baby," I pout in annoyance.

He laughs at me, "whatever you say baby girl."

He lifts me up and off of his lap, placing me back on the couch and moves to the front door.

"I'll ask Junwoo to come over too, okay? Will that make you feel better?"

I nod my head enthusiastically.

He gives me a final smile before leaving. I curl up in a ball on the couch and flip through some random tv channels. The cramps are already starting.

"I should have told him to buy painkillers," I say to myself. I quickly text him this, hoping he responds.

After a while the door opens.

"Oppa!" I shout out excitedly. When I turn around, the stricken face of Junwoo causes me to cover my mouth.

"Junwoo?" I say behind my hand.

"Noona, don't ever call me that again." He says before taking off his shoes.

"Yah, I wasn't expecting you. You just opened the door without ringing the bell," I frown at him.

"You gave me the passcode for a reason, didn't you?"

"Whatever," I grumble.

He sits down next to me and sighs. "So... why am I here?" He looks at me questioningly.

I smile at him and smother him in a hug.

"Hey, Noona, wh-what—" his words are muffled as I squeeze him and baby talk to him.

"My little Junwoo is here!" I gush.

"What the hell, let me breathe." I let him go but continue smiling at him brightly. It looks like this cycle is bringing out my ruthless cuddle bug.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I'm feeling sentimental," I respond seriously.


"One day you'll understand. One day," I pat his head and he begins to grumble.

"Understand what?!"

"When you get a girlfriend you'll know," I pause before changing my words. "If you ever get a girlfriend you'll know."

"Hey!" He fights back and I just giggle at his flustered face.

"Aigoo, what a cutie." I ruffle his hair like he once did long ago.

"Yah, I don't know if you've noticed but I'm much bigger than you."

"But I'm older," I stick my tongue out at him and he gives up his serious act, laughing as he tries to mess up my hair.

"Baby girl," Taeyoung sings out as soon as he walks through the door. "Oh, you're here already," he says as he watches us fight each other playfully.

"Yah, Junwoo, don't hurt her." He scolds as he carries a bag with him to the couch.

"Hurt her?! She's the one hurting me!"

I stick my tongue out at him again and attack Taeyoung with a hug once he sits down.

"I brought a bunch of chocolate, just in case. I got some ice cream too, also just in case, and chips if a salty craving kicks in. And here's the painkillers."

Junwoo watches wordlessly as Taeyoung rummages through the bag.

"How's your tummy?" Taeyoung asks me while placing a hand on my abdomen.

"It's okay," I say with a smile. "Thank you."


Junwoo's word causes us to turn our attention back to him.

"Are you? Pregnant?"

Taeyoung and I's eyes widen in shock.

"What?! No! You idiot, I'm getting my period!" I begin laughing at him hysterically and Taeyoung follows suit. The boy's face turns beet red.


"Yah, don't act like that's scarier than being pregnant." I tsk at him. "My baby Junwoo has a lot to learn, hmm?" I baby-talk to him while patting his shoulder.

"Hey, who are you calling baby?" Taeyoung asks.

"Junwoo's my baby, isn't that right?" I squeeze the boy again as he cries out in annoyance. I burst out laughing. There's nothing better than teasing this kid.

My body is pulled away abruptly.

"Fine but, you're my baby, don't forget that," Taeyoung whispers in my ear. I swallow nervously as Junwoo pretends to gag.

"If this continues, I'm out." He gestures towards the door.

"No!" I yell at him.

"Don't mess with her when it's that time of the month," Taeyoung tells Junwoo who is looking at me in fear.

The day ends up being just what I needed. A bunch of snacks shared between people I love, movies being watched one after the other. Eventually Junwoo falls asleep on the couch, and I take that opportunity to draw on him.

"He's always the trouble maker, time for a taste of his own medicine," I whisper.

When I'm done, Taeyoung arms wrap around me from behind.

"Come on little girl, it's time for bed," he whispers.

If Junwoo wasn't asleep, I'd scream at him in annoyance.

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