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I guess this is the official end of Translation of Love. It's time for me to put this book aside. It is very special to me, and will always have a special place in my heart.

I started this book around September 8th of 2017 on a whim. I was inspired by a visual novel game and thought I'd make a new Wattpad account and try it out.

I was an English major, meaning I wrote essays constantly. I also wrote for a website, which is also non-fiction work. While I wrote and wrote and wrote all of the time, I had stopped writing creatively, which is ironically the reason why I went into English.

I loved writing fiction when I was young, but all of a sudden I noticed I hadn't written one fiction sentence in over four years. That's why I started Translation of Love. It was a sort of escape from all of the objective writing I do elsewhere.

I never expected all of this. And I mean that.

I don't know if it's because I went through a phase of thinking numbers were everything, a time where I lost motivation because my book wasn't getting read, but this time around I had no care in the world for those trivial things. I wrote because I really just enjoyed it, I loved writing the fictional and sweet romance between my characters. But then people started reading it and commenting. Honestly, it's the comments that I look forward to every day. I still have no care for the number of people reading my work, my care is in the people themselves, you guys, what you guys have to say about my writing. And wow, I can't thank you all enough for the kind messages. It's really motivating and has even sparked my interest in creative writing again.

I don't know what the future holds but I'm so glad I wrote this book. It was like my little getaway from school.

Translation of Love has exceeded my expectations mostly because, well, I didn't have any. It's won numerous contests, had somehow gotten to #2 on fanfiction, something I never even dreamed of. Plus, the greatest achievement of mine thus far, it got on the Watty's 2018 Longlist. Wow.

If any of you want to support me further, I have  a Kofi account. Kinda like Patreon, Kofi lets fans of independent creators donate to them and send them a message. DON'T feel obliged to do so or feel bad if you can't. This is ONLY for people who can and sincerely want to. The website to donate is:

I can't thank you all enough for supporting me and reigniting my love of creative writing.

Sorry for this long note. Thank you again guys. And thank you for putting up with me in that time where I thought I should forget about my dreams of writing and took everything down. While it's still scary for me to have such a risky dream, what's the harm in trying?


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