Dear reader,

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Dear reader,

Current Year: 2049

I'd like to start out this letter with simple words. Stay alive.

My name is Branley Franko, son of  John Franko, the famous professor.
As a child I never understood why my father was away from home almost all the time. But when I snuck out to investigate what my Dad was doing, everything went horrifically wrong.

Demons came out of the pipes, and all I could do was hide. My father cursed and muttered calming words under his breath. Then he yelled, " Every fifty years John! Now, Every fifty- " his voice faded out with a grunt and splurt of.. blood. The demons got him.

As of now our town is cursed. I am laying on my death bed writing this.
Please, a year from now, it will happen agian. Hide! Tell the media! Please!

*The ink faded out*

( Hai! This will turn into a RP very shortly. The next chapter will be sign up and rules followed by a list of my characters and there forms. I am really hoping that people will enjoy this RP and RP in it often )

Until next time~

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