My Characters!

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Name~ Linwood

Age~ ???

Gender~ Female..?

Grade~ None ( Demon rank )

Weapon~ Wooden strings she uses to strangle people.

Personality~ Heartless, murderous, insane, lonely, loyal to the people who are stronger than her, persuasive.


Family~ Unknown

Bf/Gf~ Open

Backstory~ Once Linwood was owned by a young girl, but as she grew and the pupett became less and less used she was eventually thrown into the attic. She then came back to life as a demon out of pure anger and genocide.

Name~ Talin (TAY-LIN) Franko

Age~ 16

Gender~ Female

Grade~ 11


Personality~ Quiet, has a short temper, caring, loving of people who are important to her, leader.

Weapon~ Coffee mug that can turn into a giant black cat that rips through almost anything, also it can change into a sword as well.( It's a cat because, welp, look at the mug that she is holding )

Family~ Lark Franko


Backstory~ ???

Name~ Lark Franko

Age~ 17

Grade~ 12

Gender~ Male


Weapon~ Butchers knife

Family~ Talin Franko

Personality~ Tricky, sly, brave, curious, careful, feisty.

Backstory~ ???


There you go! These are all of my current characters. If you would like you can make a teacher character as well for yourself.

Until next time, where I make the classroom,


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