Report #1: First Encounter

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Visual Report: He enters the room with a surprising amount of compliance for what he is charged with. He slouches in the chair heavily, and sits down like lead. He has very noticeable eye bags. He breathes heavily, seemingly out of breath for some reason. A button is missing from his worn polo shirt. He puts his arms on the table, his hands noticeably red, shaking. It could be too much iron in his blood. His blood pressure could be high, and I have reason to believe he has Scoliosis. His nails are very short. Shorter than an average man. They look as though they have been bitten. Bad habit. He seems to be having trouble making eye contact. He is focusing on a single point on the table, nervous and wide eyed. He seems tired, but yet his eyes are wide. This seems to have been traumatic for him. Maybe it could lead to a confession.

Mr. Grey: Hello, sir. May I ask your name?

He sharply looks up, seemingly surprised. I suppose he hasn't been treated well during his stay in that cell. It takes him a couple seconds to answer.

Mr. Hanes: M-Marin Hanes...

Mr. Grey: You have no need to be nervous, Mr. Hanes. Not while you're with me. Do you wish to know my task here?

Mr. Hanes: I guess so...

He looks away.

Mr. Grey: First, you should know by being here, that most of your human rights have been... terminated. This conversation is being recorded. You have no say on the matter. You see; you are basically already on your deathbed, Mr. Hanes. But... We've done a little work to get you out of that sentence. At least for now.

Mr. Hanes: W-What's going on here? This... I never heard about this part of the justice system in school...

Mr. Grey: That's because it's not, Mr. Hanes. But if you can answer my next questions honestly, then I can answer that question. We clear?

He seems noticeably confused. It might effect the report.

Mr. Hanes: I... No, but I will answer your questions.

Mr. Grey: Then you have started phase one of your judgement. If you lie, then you're dead. Do you comply?

It seems that his heart rate increases. He has finally realized the stakes of the situation he's in.

Mr. Hanes: I... do.

Mr. Grey: Very good, Mr. Hanes. First question. What is your name?

He looks more bewildered. He is sharp, I'll give him that. I've already asked this question.

Mr. Hanes: My name is Marin Hanes... But you've already asked.

Mr. Grey: If I asked them before is irrelevant. Answer the questions honestly. That is your goal.

He nods quietly.

Mr. Grey: Second question. What is your age?

Mr. Hanes: I'm twenty-eight...

Mr. Grey: True. Sadly true. You really are too young for this kind of mortal danger.

The words mortal danger strikes more fear.

Mr. Grey: Question three. What is your favorite color?

Mr. Hanes: Um... green.

Odd. I expected a different color. But I don't have a way to read if he's lying.

Mr. Grey: Question four. What were you charged with, Marin?

It suddenly feels much quieter. He feels the tonal shift.

Mr. Hanes: I... I believe it was double homicide.

He gets more nervous. Quite an easy person to read.

Mr. Grey: Final question. Was it double homicide... or justice?

There is a long pause. I told him to answer honestly, and he's deep in thought. This is the pause of a liar, or a person who questions his own morality. He finally answers.

Mr. Hanes: In my eyes... It was justice...

Mr. Grey: Congradulations, Mr. Hanes. You survive the first day. Our next session will be tomorrow, at four. You will be staying in our personal cells. Do not worry, your needs will be provided for.

One of the guards escorts him out of the room, and he continues to be in deep thought, seemingly worried. Good. Things are going well.

Provided by:
Eyes Incorperation
Copyright of the Eternal Association

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