Chapter 1: Bridgewald's High.

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"Ellieeeee Hurry Up!"

"You are already late..." yelled my mom from downstairs.

"I will be there in five minutes mother!" I replied.

I wasn't in good relations with my parents we were kind of in a dysfunctional relationship so it wasn't up to the mark at my house.

Packing my bag lethargically and gobbling the crunchy grilled cheese sandwich I rush down the stairs. As I was heading towards the shoe stand my mom asked: "When is the Prom?" With all the food stuffed in my mouth, I start mumbling "Se-ven days later."

Stepping out of the house "Bye Mom! Bye, Dad!" I shout. Grabbing my bicycle, pedaling as rapidly as I can to the school. Oof I was relieved as the classes didn't begin yet. While I was arranging my locker a felt a gentle pat on my shoulder. "Why so late weirdo?" whispered my bestie, Alyssa.

Smiling at her fair and softly we both catch hands and walk towards our classroom.

People usually gave me that uncivil looks as I am shy, an introvert who literally has only two best friends (Alyssa and her twin brother- Jeff) in this huge mansion. I was never bothered by any such toxic gossips though as I spent half of the time in sketching along with Alyssa. The first period was History and as you know time flies by, soon it was the last class before lunch. Turns out it was Mrs.Grundy's class which is one of the most boring classes throughout the day.

Well, Mrs.Grundy was continuing her class and as I was sitting in the corner of the room just beside the window I was peeping out the window looking at the cute kitten in the ground. Abruptly I hear "Ellie Miller!" glancing around I realize it was Mrs.Grundy looking at me in a vexed way. I slowly stoop up nervously looking at Mrs.Grundy.

Everyone in the class was glimpsing at me. Oof I felt butterflies in my stomach, oh wait not because the whole class was looking at me it was because Harry was looking at me. He is the cutest and the most popular guy in our school moreover he was in the band and the basketball team.

"Ellie, do you understand?" questioned Mrs.Grundy.

"Umm...I didn't hear that, could you please repeat it miss?"

"Seriously? It would be appreciated if you pay attention to my class," she yelled.

I nodded my head settling down. Alyssa and Jeff grinning and as soon as I wink at Alyssa I hear a sharp voice "Argh! Not again" I felt.

"Ellie, could you repeat the paragraph I just read out?"

Biting my lower lip I stood up. I started scanning the textbook trying hard to find the paragraph. Alyssa pointed out the page number and hence I figured out the para. I start stammering staring at Mr.Grundy's incensed look. "If you repeat this next time...." she began and "Zzzz zzz" the bell rang.

Lunchtime it was so everyone rushed out the classroom pushing each other. Alyssa and Jeff walking towards me, "You did a great job wasting time in Mrs.Grundy's class!"Al said. We three laugh out loud walking towards the cafeteria. Oh My God! Harry sitting right opposite to me. "Ellie if you could excuse me for a minute.." Al uttered.


"Yeah, so I was planning for a sleepover today! Well, only we three..."

"Well...I wish the decision was in my hands" I responded sadly.

"But I don't know you will have to," said Al angrily.

"Okay, I'll try"

So now the most difficult task was convincing my parents as I said before I was in unhealthy relations with them. The school routine was done I was cycled back to home it was around five. I went up had snacks, completed my homework, binged a Netflix show and went towards my mom.

"Mom I wanted to ask you something.."

"Yeah what it is?"

"Can I go to Smith's place tonight? we are planning a sleepover."

"Yeah, you can!"

I was stunned as my mom never answered this quickly. I was heading up to my room, she continued "El, your dad and I are going out tonight too for some work issues we'll return by noon tomorrow."

"Oh okay but where are you heading to?" I asked.

"Just the town 50 miles away- Shadowville" she responded.


Anyways, the best thing was that I could go to Smith's. I wish my brother John lived with us here he could have dropped me as now I have to ride my bicycle again. I head towards Al's house which wasn't too far. For us, a great sleepover meant lots of food and of course Netflix. After a while, we began to prank people by calling them late at night.

"Jeff could you make popcorn for us?" Al said.

"Why always me?" he replied.

"Whatever bro just go and make it!" she said.

"Well...Ellie who are you planning to ask out this prom?" Al asked.

I chuckle and reply "I don't know it yet."

"But I know who" Al replies and snatches my phone.

"What-What are you doing?" I screamed.

"Nothing, just asking out Harry" she replied.

"What? Have you lost your mind?" I said.

Meanwhile, she already texts Harry for prom.

"Now just wait," she said.

Jeff returns to the room with popcorn and Al screams "Ohh My God"

Jeff and I question here "What Happened?" Alyssa responded "Harry texted you back!"

"You don't have to get that excited," I said

"What? What is going on?" Jeff asked.

I continued "Anyways he is going to send a big 'NO'" ignoring the question Jeff asked.

"Figures Crossed" Al said.

"Can someone explain what is going on?" Jeff asked again.

"Duh! Elle asked Harry from prom! Actually I did from her phone." Al said.

"Whatttt?" Jeff responded.

Jeff rolls eyes at Alyssa. They both start whispering something I couldn't hear I was scared as well as happy that he replied.

Meanwhile Jeff and Alyssa:

"You know right that I like Ellie since ninth grade" said Jeff.

"Yeah so?"

"So? I was going to ask her to prom this year!"


"Yes you idiot."

"But I can't do anything now I already sent the text"

"What's going on you two?" I asked

"Nothing Hehe" both responded acting weirdly.

Jeff starts explaining "Ellie, Harry isn't good for you. He has already dated like around hundreds of girls"

"Whatever" I replied.

"You shouldn't ask him from prom" he replied stealing my phone

"I think you should agree that you are jealous because he is better than you" I responded angrily pulling my phone back.

"Okay so what did he text you?" Al asked.

Looking at his message I responded "Al, he said...."

(Okay guys basically this first chapter is kind of like the description of the characters and I thought it would be better if I mention a little backstory so the actual story begins from the next chapter!)

Thank You


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