Chapter 3: A House?

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"Holyy Crapp" It was a huge three floored vintage house. "Wait a house? In between these dark woods? Isn't that strange?" I thought as I moving forward.

Heading towards the house I could smell rich earth, rotten leaves, fresh air and a slight scent of flowers. The house was tall, built with grey stones also the climbers grew up the house winding the drainpipes with the little sunlight that reached this isolated place. I opened the gate and stood by the door. I rang the bell and waited for a response but there wasn't any. I try to open the door it was unlocked but completely jammed so I walk to the backyard. It was 11pm I realised looking at my watch. Thinking that maybe my parents or Jeff and Al come looking for me I try to scan the backyard by my eyes.

I felt something running over my feet and I scream and jump. Oh how silly of me it was just a rat! However, the backyard was surrounded by woods again there was no route ahead. There were bushes all over the broken fences and no network connection yet. The backyard had some weird flowers which were greenish-black! And there were four benches that were rusted moreover there was a dead crow.

There was a door probably it was the back door. I tried to open it, it didn't. After three to four tries "Alas!" the door opened. I slowly walked inside, tried to figure out the switch to on the lights."That is a huge hall" I said. The house was kind of dusty but the furniture were brand new. "Strange isn't it?" I thought. were rats squeaking, dead plants, fungus on the walls, even the windows were broken.

Walking through the hall I realised "Oh shit I have to hurry up and find a shovel"
I opened the room door which was cracked already. Oh! That was a store room and hence I start searching for a shovel. After ten minutes of my search I finally find it. I off the lights and come out of the house into the backyard, I returned back to the gate I entered. "Jeeezzzzz" I scream looking ahead at the route that I walked all the way here had disappeared! The house was surrounded by woods and the routes vanished. "How am I going to get back to Harry" I thought.

I tried to look around to find a route but nope. I head inside the house through the backdoor again. This time I put my sling bag and Harry's bag in the kitchen. The backyard was completely visible from the kitchen window. I try to figure out the things I have. "Two packets of chips, three cans of juice and my water bottle" I ate of the chocolates I mean I didn't know I would get stuck in something like this.
"Should I check in Harry's bag? I need food until I find out a way to get out of here" I thought. I open his bag, it had three packets of chips, a water bottle and also beer. Oops there's more... nevermind nothing edible just his laptop.

Well I first look around the hall there weren't many rooms here just a store room, kitchen and a bathroom. I went to the bathroom washed my face, my hands and legs which were scratched by those thorny plants. I headed upstairs, straightly to the terrace wondering maybe I could find a way out but all I could see was the woods literally in all the directions. Walking downstairs I was pondering "What's up with this house though? Who would live here? in between the woods?" Okay I got down at the third floor it had basically nothing but a bedroom. The wallpaper was filled with newspaper prints. Anyways that didn't give me an answer for these questions. There was a huge bed, a small study table and a bookshelf. On the study table there were recent murder reports. I was puzzled, why would someone who is living away from our town Bridgewald interested in the town murders?

I move towards the bookshelf, it had books only in the genre thriller and crime. "Is this a criminal's house?" I wondered. Looking at the backside of the door I saw a bag like an office bag but all of a sudden a hear a sound from the kitchen. I rush down the stairs and peep through the hinges of the kitchen door. "Ah just a dog" I thought "but wait how did a dog reach here?" I slowly pat the dog. He was tired and hungry. To be honest it wasn't just him who was hungry. I open a packet of chips I fed the dog as well. "Maybe it's lost like me as well that's why he looks tired" I thought. I slowly pat the dog and put it gently on the couch.

I was exhausted, it was the end of that day and I have been through lots of shit. I grab one of those drink and yeah again headed upstairs to the third floor to look at the bag hanging there. I slowly opened the bag it just had a iPad, a book and a packet of tablets. I open the book but there was nothing I could understand. The matter wasn't in English of course and I didn't know any other language other than that. So I leave the bag and it's contents and go down the stairs.

It was the second floor, it had a hall, two rooms and a balcony. I firstly go to the balcony, I could see nothing but the woods again and that was obvious. I turned around and put a step forward. I felt like there was something right under my foot I look down, it was a dead rat. "Gross" I said and moved towards the hall.

The hall had some vintage pieces like art pieces and statues. There was also a TV exactly in the front and a small book stand but this time it didn't have any books in the first two racks rather there were trophies and medals which were completely dusty so neither could I read anything nor did I want to touch them as there were spider webs all over them. In the last rack there was a gun. "What the heck?" I shouted "I think that my guess is right, this is a criminal's house" I said to myself.

I thought to discover the two rooms. I entered in the first room it had no dust at all. "Maybe the criminal spends more time in this room" I said and laughed. I slowly move towards the table. There was a cupboard right beside the table, I tried to open it but it was locked. I quickly glance at the table there wasn't anything except a typewriter. "What does a murderer have to do with a typewriter?" I chuckle moving to the next room. This room wasn't dusty too. So probably the person spent more time on the second floor, Nah!actually these two rooms. Well I slowly open the creaking door and "Whattt?"
"My Parents....?"

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