Chapter Five

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Even though it was warm, one glance at the island gave me a dreaded and cold feeling. I soon heard the sound of Silver's crutch hitting the deck of the boat, and a chill went up my spine as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, now there's a pretty island for a young lad like you to explore, eh Jim?" he asked. "Although, I wonder why we're here. Do you know why, lad?"

"N-No," I stammered. "I-I don't, Long John."

His eyes seemed to narrow, but Smollett's voice grabbed our attention.

"I have a proposition for all!" Smollett announced. "It's been a hot and tiring day, and I know you are all eager to investigate the island, and I give you permission to, as long as you all return by sunset!"

Cheers rang out as everyone began preparing the longboats. Smollett smiled before retiring into his cabin.

"A trip to shore sure sounds fun," Silver mused out loud. "What do you say, Jim?"

"I wouldn't mind going, Long John," I began. "But, I think Dr. Livesey needs me."

I tried to leave but inwardly flinched as Silver's grip on my shoulder tightened.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I hesitantly nodded, and he let go. Rubbing my shoulder, I began to walk away, but I heard Silver say one last thing.

"Too bad. The island does look pretty."

I turned to him, a bit confused, before turning around again. The relief that had quickly washed over me faded away just as fast when I ran into Tate. I stepped back in surprise, backing right up into Edward. He soon grabbed my arms, pinning them behind my back.

"Wh-" I began, but was silenced by Tate sticking a cloth into my mouth.

"I'm sure I never gave you a choice, lad," Silver smirked. "Besides, we can't have you squealing like a pig to the Captain now, can we?"

My eyes widened in fear as I realized that they knew I heard their plans. I tried to break free, but my struggling only tightened Edward's grip.

"It looks like he already did," Tate chuckled, taking away my pistol. "Oh well, I'm pretty sure that they won't leave without their precious cabin boy now, will they?"

"No, I believe not," Silver replied. "Tate, grab his legs. We're taking a trip to the island."

I tried to kick at Tate, but he merely picked up my legs, and both he and Edward carried me to one of the boats. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the faithful hands, Smith, watching the whole thing. He soon vanished from sight as I was carried onto the boat. Silver soon came after, and they placed me beside him. He kept an arm around me to prevent me from escaping, but once the boat hit the water, I knew that my chances of escaping were gone. I sagged my shoulders as the Hispaniola became smaller and smaller as we rowed away.


I sat there, tied to a tree, as the pirates laughed and drank around a large fire. The cloth was still in my mouth, making it hard to breathe.

How did I get myself into this mess? I asked myself, anger in my eyes. That map! That's how! I wish we never found it! I sighed as my head drooped. I'm sorry, mother. I won't make it home safely.

I soon heard someone approach me and I suppressed the urge to growl at the newcomer as I raised my head. Silver kneeled in front of me, using his crutch for support. He grinned at me and tried to place a hand on my shoulder. I moved aside as far as I could, but Silver grabbed my head and glared at me.

"Now, Jim," he muttered. "Is this any way to treat a friend?"

"M nt yr frnd," I tried to reply but was muffled by the cloth.

He simply grinned and stood back up, folding his arms.

"Too bad, lad," he chuckled. "If only you would have handed the map over to us willingly, we could have been great friends."

My eyes widened as Silver took out the map Smollett had made me responsible of. I cried out and struggled with protest as Silver just laughed.

"I'll ask this now and again tomorrow," he began as he put the map away. "Will you join us? If you do, I promise to let you and the others live."

I just glared at him in response, and he merely chuckled again.

"Maybe tomorrow morning you'll change your mind," he said as he moved away.

I watched him go before hanging my head again. I stayed like this until I heard snores, and looked up to see the pirates all asleep, and the fire shrinking into almost nothing. I tried to loosen the rope some, but it didn't work at all. I inwardly sighed, but then I heard some rustling in the trees nearby. I began to panic as a shadow approached me, but visibly relaxed when it was Smith who emerged. He took out a knife and cut me free, and I gladly took the cloth out of my mouth.

"Smith?" I whispered. "Why are you here?"

"I saw what happened on the ship and told the others," Smith replied. "They sent me after you. Here."

Smith handed me another pistol, and I took it with gratitude. I put it away and nodded at Smith that I was ready. We began to quietly make our way to the trees, but a yell made us freeze.

"The boy's gone!" Tate yelled.

"No he isn't!" Silver yelled, taking out his pistol and pointing it at us. "He's right there!"

"Go Jim!" Smith ordered. "Run! Keep running until you find my boat!"

My mind told me to stay and help, but my legs made me run into the trees. A shot soon rang through the air, and so did the pained yell of Smith. I felt tears form, and I let them fall. The shouting of the pirates became softer and softer as I ran on and on. Finally, no sound was heard, and I slowed to a stop. I was out of breath, and the top of my shirt was wet with my tears and sweat. I looked around before realizing that I was lost. I shook my head and began to walk forward. A new sound was heard, and, before I could investigate, a man emerged from the trees. He was wearing clothes made from sheepskin, and he pointed a sword at my throat. I raised my arms into the air, shaking with fear.

"Who are you?" the man asked. "A pirate?"

"I-I'm a cabin boy for the boat the Hispaniola," I replied with terror in my voice. "M-My name is Jim Hawkins."

"Is that your boat?" the man asked, pointing to something through the trees.

I peered through the trees to see the boat still there, and I visibly sighed in relief.

"Yes," I answered. "But may I ask, who are you and can you please lower the sword?"

"Not until I know you're not working with Flint," the man glared.

"Flint?" I asked. "Flint's dead. However, there are some of Flint's men who snuck onto our boat disguising themselves as honest men. They even forcefully brought me onto this island as a hostage, and killed one of the honest hands who saved me."

"Is one of the men named 'Silver'?" he asked.

I nodded, and he lowered his sword. I sighed with relief once again as the man placed his sword in his self-made belt. He stuck out his hand and I hesitantly shook it.

"My name is Ben Gunn," the man introduced. "But you can call me Ben. Tell me, Jim, how do you plan on getting back to your ship?"

"The man who saved me, Smith, has a boat on the other side of the island," I replied. "Hopefully, I can find it and row back to safety."

"Come along, then," Ben began to walk to the other side of the island. "I can lead you to it. I know this island like the back of my hand."

"How do you know that?" I asked, trying to keep up with the surprisingly agile man.

"I've been marooned here for the past three years," Ben replied. "I've been fighting for my survival, hopeful that someone would come by and rescue me. However, I do not trust so easily anymore."

I was just about to ask why, but the sound of a cannon being fired made us silent. My eyes widened as I saw the Hispaniola firing at a small boat that was rowing towards the shore.

"But how?" I asked, fear in my voice. "I thought that all of the pirates were already on the island!"

"Don't worry about that now, boy!" Ben yelled at me. "If those are your friends in that boat and they row to the wrong side of the island, they'll be killed!"

Fear gripped me like a vice and I increased my speed. Soon, the two of us reached the other side of the island, where the Hispaniola lay.

"We-we made it!" I grinned. "Hurry! We must warn the others!" I began to wave my arms in the air. "Doctor! Captain! Squire!"

The boat seemed to halt for a moment before rowing toward Ben and I. Each cannon fire came closer and closer to the boat, but eventually, the three of them reached the shore. I waved at them to follow us into the woods, and they did, the rest of the honest hands following behind as well carrying supplies. We made our way deep into the woods, and stood there, sitting down from exhaustion.

"Jim!" Livesey exclaimed, hugging me. "Thank the heavens you're okay! When Smith told us that Silver got you, we feared the worst!"

"D-Dr..." I stammered, pushing him off of me. "H-He took it."

"What?" Livesey asked. "Took what? And dear Lord, you're shaking like a leaf."

His words made me realize that I was shaking. From fear or adrenaline, I did not know.

"Heh," I chuckled a bit. "I-I guess I am shaking."

Suddenly, everything became blurry, and I fell to the ground, shouts of my name ringing in my ears.


"Jim, lad, are you alright?"

Trelawney's voice made me cautiously open my eyes, but I quickly closed them again when the bright light hit them. After a bit, I finally got the courage to open them again and blinked them a few times to get used to the light. I groaned a bit as I sat up, trying to take in my surroundings. I was in a cave, laying on the ground and covered with a sheepskin blanket. Trelawney was sitting next to me, a relieved smile on his face, while Livesey and Smollett were trying to talk to a quiet Ben. The honest hands that came with them; Joyce, Redruth, and Hunter, stood as lookouts in the cave's entrance.

"Ah!" Trelawney exclaimed. "You're awake!'

His excited voice made Livesey and Smollett turn and make their way over to us.

"W-Where am I?" I asked in confusion.

"After you collapsed, the man over there carried you all the way here," Smollett explained, pointing at Ben. "It took us a long time to convince him to let us in here. That man seems to be incredibly hostile to everyone except you."

I looked at Ben in confusion. He just smiled at me before turning his head to the men who stood in the entrance of the cave. I sighed before looking at my hands.

"I'm sorry sir," I apologized. "Silver stole the map from me and killed Smith, who helped me escape. I failed in my duty to protect the map."

Smollett gave me a small smile before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Do not worry about it," he said. "Our first priority was to get you out of trouble."

"But what happened to you?" I asked, looking up. "I thought that you had control of the ship?"

"Ah, Silver left some of his men aboard, and they took over," Trelawney sighed. "We were lucky to get away just in time."

"So, Silver has the Hispaniola," I muttered to myself.

"First ship I ever lost," Smollett sighed as he sat down next to Livesey. "We were lucky that we were able to find shelter in Ben's cave."

"Actually," Ben began, walking towards us. "There is a stockade not far from here that I doubt Silver remembers. I can lead you to it, quickly and quietly to avoid the prying eyes of those pirates."

All of us looked at each other before silently agreeing to follow Ben. 

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