Chapter Two

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"Well, now this is an interesting series of events," Livesey mumbled after I explained what had happened to him. "I would never believe that Mr. Bones was a pirate."

"He seemed like such a nice fellow," Trelawney muttered under his breath. "Such a shame."

"He was a nice man!" I quickly defended Captain. "He was not like the other pirates who threatened my life and burned down my house!"

"Calm down, Jim," Livesey tried to make me relax. "Your mother is sleeping. Yes, Mr. Bones was a gentleman, but still a pirate no matter how you defend him." He sighed before continuing. "You told me that he gave you something, am I correct?"

I folded my arms before reluctantly reaching into my jacket pocket and taking out the oilskin pouch. The three of us crowded around the table as I placed the pouch down and slowly opened it. Our eyes widened at the now revealed treasure map, Trelawney almost sputtering in surprise.

"Good Lord!" he exclaimed, startling both Livesey and I. "Five hundred thousand pounds! This has got to be Flint's treasure!"

Both Livesey and I shuddered at that name. Captain Flint was the most notorious pirate of the seas, up until the day he buried his treasure, killed half his crew, and then, just vanished. Suddenly, I remembered what Captain told me before he died. 

"Of course it's Flint's map!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Captain was part of Flint's crew, along with the other pirates who attacked me and my mother!"

"That would explain why the pirates that did attack you were after Mr. Bones," Livesey thought out loud. "They were after their previous captain's treasure." He then turned to Trelwaney. "What do you suppose we do with this map, Trelawney?"

"I propose that we should get ready!" Trelawney exclaimed eagerly. 

Livesey and I gave Trelawney a look which made him continue talking as if he didn't acknowledge us. 

"I'll first begin with the crew," Trelawney muttered to himself as he began to pace. "Then, we need a cook, a captain..." He trailed off before he suddenly spoke up again. "Livesey, you can be the doctor! I can be admiral! And young Jim here can be the cabin boy! In ten days we'll be off!"

"Off to where?" I asked, thinking that I knew the answer.

"Treasure, my boy!" Trelawney exclaimed, excitedly grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me. "Flint's trove!" 

"Trelawney, I will go with you and so will Jim," Livesey sighed, ignoring my wide eyes. "However, there is one person I'm afraid of."

"Well then, speak your mind, Livesey," Trelawney grinned as he let me go. "Name the dog!"

"You, sir," Livesey replied, frowning. "For you can not hold your tongue."

Trelawney frowned at the comment before growling out his next words.

"Livesey, I shall be as silent as the grave."


As Trelawney declared, nine days had passed and almost all was ready for the trip to the island. Trelawney, Livesey and I had left my mother at Livesey's house after saying goodbye to her, and we had made our way to the docks. Livesey had appointed me the task of informing the cook of the ship that we would be departing tomorrow. I now stood in front of a building staring up at the hanging sign. It was in the shape of a spyglass and had plain letters that spelled out The Spyglass Inn. I could hear laughter from inside, and I mustered up all of my courage before walking through the door. All conversation stopped as the men inside turned to look at me.

"Uh...does anyone know where I can find a man named Silver?" I finally managed to ask.

"Aye, that man be me," a voice from a ways away spoke up. "Come towards the kitchen, lad."

Trying to avoid the eyes of the others around me, I quickly made my way to the kitchen, but stopped in the doorway, my face going pale. The man that sat before me had a kind smile, but he had only one leg. What Captain said to me rang in my ears at the man stood up with the help of his crutch. He stuck out his hand towards me, still keeping the same smile. I hesitantly smiled back and shook his hand, still keeping Captain's warnings in my mind.

"Name's Silver, but my friends call me Long John, or even Barbecue," Silver greeted. "I take it you're the new cabin boy?"

"Yes sir," I nodded. "My name is Jim Hawkins sir. Nice to meet you. Livesey told me to give you the news that we'll be setting sail tomorrow."

"That fast huh?" Silver let out a laugh. "Hopefully I still have my sea legs, well, leg."

"'Still'?" I repeated, confused. 

"Aye lad," Silver replied, still smiling. "I used to be first mate on a ship for the Royal Navy, a long time ago. However, an accident left me with only my lone leg. So now, I run this lovely inn. I guess I'll have to leave it in the hands of my wife since I'm coming along with you."

With a little struggle, Silver rose to his full height before laughing and ruffling my hair. I could feel a smile form on my face, but I still kept a feeling of suspicion in my mind. That feeling only grew when we stepped out of the kitchen and into the main room and I saw Black Dog. My knees began to shake and my mouth became dry. There was no way that I could ever forget that face. That scar. I finally willed myself to speak up.

"That man over there!" I finally screamed. "That's Black Dog! He's one of the pirates!"

At the sound of my voice, Black Dog rushed out of the inn. I tried to rush after him, but was stopped by Silver's hand on my shoulder. He nodded at me before commanding two other patrons to run after Black Dog.

"A shame, really," Silver sighed. "He was one of my best paying customers." He suddenly chuckled before looking at me. "You know lad, not anyone would notice that he was a pirate. You're smart as paint you are, and I don't say that to everyone."

My heart swelled with a bit of pride at those words, and Captain's warnings vanished to the back of my head. Maybe this one-legged man wasn't a pirate after all. 

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