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[???'s POV]

Twigs snapped behind me, the debut of my pursuer, chasing me tirelessly through these woods. They must have very high stamina, and a determination stronger than god. In most cases, I'm able to outrun most people who run at me with weapons. I guess this isn't my lucky day.

"GET OVER HERE, YOU ABOMINATION!" I heard one of the hunter's shout out, their anger very clear in their tone.

"No thanks! I don't particularly like to go with people who tried to shoot me!" I call out, trying to ignore the exhaustion flooding my senses, black dots swimming throughout my vision.

Don't pass out now, come on, at least get to safety-

Right as I started to feel like I was about to collapse, I noticed a forest looming in front of me.

Finally, somewhere to hide.

I dove into the forest, using the many branches and trees as a distraction as I hid in a bush. I covered myself with my black wing, trying to blend into the shadows.

To my surprise, the guards had no idea where I had gone, only that I was in the forest.

"Let's split up. We'll find her faster that way."


I stayed hidden, keeping my wing over myself, sinking further into the shadows. I froze when I heard footsteps walking near my location.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, please don't check here, there's nothing in this bush, please-

The guard moved some of the branches in the bush, uncovering my spot.

Before he could grab his walkie-talkie to alert the others, I lunged at him, clawing at his eyes, not really thinking, just trying to defend myself. Once I snapped back into reality, my hands were covered in blood, causing me to freeze in fear, my mind racing.

What have I done-?

I'm snapped back into reality once more by a gunshot ringing through the air, and an overwhelming pain burning up my leg, finally causing me to pass out.

When I woke up, I found myself in some kind of cell, grey walls surrounding me. I notice with a jolt that someone is standing over me, their expression curious and a bit worried. I quickly sit up, eyes panickingly darting around the room.

"Where the hell am i?" I asked, my eyes fixating on the new person. They looked like they're closely related to some kind of demon. Three red horns sat on top of their head, a bright yellow tag hung from one of them, with the number 303 etched onto it. Red wings sat tucked behind their back, some kind of clasp digging into the top joint, preventing them from spreading their wings. I noticed a weird weight pulling down one of my ears, and noticed a tag, similar to the one on the demon-like creature in front of me.

"You're in the facility. I don't know exactly what they call it but it seems to be where they catch 'abominations'. Like the three of us." The orange demon responds.

I sit up, eyes darting around. "What do you mean the three of us?"

After a few seconds I notice a blue colored demon-angel looking hybrid lying down on the bunk bed.

"Who's-" I start, the orange demon jumping in before I could finish my sentence,

"That's Akik." 

Akik gave us an absent wave.

"Oh! Ok, and you are?"

"Dusk. What's your name?"

"My name's Quicklight."


Chapter written by Quicklight8945. Edited by me.

560 words

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