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The story begins in New York City, seeing the sides of buildings, cars going by and people walking. And then seeing a house at upstate New York where there's a nice yard, cool neighbors and a pool.

Seeing a mom getting a table together

Then seeing a dad get done with the food.

Dad: Boys! It's time to eat!

???: Coming dad!

The two boys that shouted were the two brothers named Carlos and Lucas. Carlos was 17-year-old teenager with brownish blonde hair

And Lucas was a 12-year-old kid with brown hair and with blue glasses.

And both of them were playing in their game room.

Finally they were playing their favorite game in the world the Spider-Man 2 game.

They were playing in the middle of the game and then they paused it. Then they went upstairs to see what they were going to eat and then they found out that they were going to eat lasagna.

( 2 minutes )

After getting done with their dinner. Carlos and his dad washed dishes while Lucas and Mom cleaned the table.

Dad: So, how was school today?

Carlos: It was okay. Me and Lucas met some new friends there.

Dad: Really? What are their names?

Carlos: Their names are Kate and Peter.

Dad: They sound great, but there's something that I have to tell you you and your mom are going to take a flight to Mississippi to visit your aunt and uncle. So, that means you're in charge when we're gone.

Lucas: WHAT!

Carlos: You heard him.

Mom: Okay, you too. Let's clean up so me and your dad can pack up.

They start cleaning up and straightening up the kitchen and then once they are done, the Mom and Dad start packing up and getting dressed and they meet their kids at the door.

Mom: Lucas, make sure you get all your homework done and make sure to watch over your big brother okay?

Lucas: Of course mom.

They hugged and said they goodbyes. And Carlos and his dad were talking.

Dad: Take care of anything while we're gone, take care of the house and finally, take care of each other.

Carlos: We will.

The dad smiled and hugged his son.

Dad: I love you, son.

Carlos: I love you too, Dad.

The mom and dad left, and knowing Carlos and Lucas will see them again for 10 days.

(Day 9)

Carlos and Lucas we're counting the days of their parents return and one more day until they return. Did they go by when Carlos were just sitting in the living room and Lucas was outside in the pool. Then he heard a knock on the door and it was our grandparents.

Carlos: Aunt Mary and Uncle George, what are you guys doing here?

He saw the sadness on their faces and he was confused why?

Aunt Mary: It's your mom and dad.

Carlos: What happened?

Uncle George: they died of a plane crash.

Carlos's heart dropped when he heard that his parents died. And tears were about to come out of his eyes.

Carlos: that can't be true.

Aunt Mary: It is true, we are so sorry.

Carlos was crying about losing his parents and then Lucas came into the house while drying off.

Lucas: Aunt, uncle hey. How was your day go--

She was caught off by seeing Carlos crying.

Lucas: What's wrong?

Carlos: Mom and dad.

When Lucas put the pieces together he figured out why his aunt and his uncle were here and why his brother was crying.

Lucas: No.

Then tears came out of Lucas's eyes and they hugged and cried together knowing the fact that parents are dead. The next day it was the funeral and everyone came to the funeral. Everyone that they do know and everyone that they don't know. And then once the funeral was over everyone went back to the house. Everyone was inside enjoying the food then Lucas looked outside and saw Carlos sitting alone, so it was best to leave him alone which he got because he lost his parents too. Carlos was sitting outside rethinking the last words that he said to him. Then a man walked up to him and put his hands on Carlos's shoulders.

???: You okay kid?

Carlos: yeah I'm fine, I just want to be alo--

He was cut off and he look up one of his greatest heroes Steve Rogers AKA Captain America.

Carlos: Oh my God, your Captain America! I'm a big fan of your work.

Steve: I know, your brother told me.

Carlos: I am so going to punch him for that

Steve chuckles.

Carlos: Hey don't take this the wrong way, but why is the leader of the Avengers here. Did you know my parents?

Steve: Actually I did, both of them were shield agents at the time.

Carlos: Really?

Steve: Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't tell you.

Carlos: me either, but I bet they had their reasons so I'm not mad at them.

Steve: Yeah I guess you're right. So, you and your brother have custody of the house.

Carlos: Yeah, the judge we want to move and live with our aunt and uncle or we would stay and keep the house. And we chose to stay here and keep the house.

Steve: That's good.

Then Steve had an idea in his head that will make both Carlos and his brother happy.

Steve: how about you and your brother come to the Avengers compound.

Carlos: What?

Steve: Yeah, you bring your brother, you too can come see the compound and then we'll you don't give y'all some training and some outfits if you want?

Carlos was both shocked and excited that his hero gave him and his brother an opportunity to see The Avengers compound.

Carlos: well I would say... YES!

Carlos and Steve shook hands. And it was in that moment that Carlos and Lucas's lives would change forever.

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