It isn't easy being who i am

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~Laurence's P.O.V~
" Hey Malichi and Levin where is your mother she is usually looking around the village at this time" i asked both of them as they were coming my way. " Mommy wasn't really feeling well so she stayed in we are in charge for today" Levin said holding a proud pose. " Yeah now if you excuse us...we have to bother someone" Malichi said. Both of them ran towards Garroth's direction. Hmph some things never really change but Aphmau isn't feeling good? I should really go check on her.
~Time skip because i can X3~
I knocked on Aphmau's door only to get a silent reply. " Aphmau? Are you home?" i asked. Maybe she left to get something or was just outside. I guess she wasn't going to answer when all of the sudden her door slightly opened. It wasn't locked? I stepped in and was met with a cold breeze. I looked around and saw ice shards near the kitchen. The whole wall was frozen and even more ice started to get even farther and the shards were getting longer. " Aphmau?" i asked around here but nothing so i went up to her room. The handle of the door was frozen over along with the door. " it's just not fair i don't want to be alone!" i heard Aphmau's voice as the ice around the door started to make a thick layer. " Aphmau?!" i screamed across the door trying to get in but the ice was to thick. " IT'S JUST NOT FAIR THAT YOU TRAP IT INSIDE WHEN YOU KNOW YOU NEED IT" i heard her scream but in a deeper voice as if she was someone else. " No i don't want to as much as it hurts me being alone i cant let this happen i have things to do" she said in a calmer tone while the ice took over most of the hallways and was going towards Malichi's and Levin's room. " Aphmau please open the door" i said, i didn't want to go to my other form not here not now. But no response The ice just got thicker. I had no choice. I turned and slammed in the door. Aphmau was sitting there her hair covering her eyes but she didn't face me she was just looking at her mirror. I looked over and saw her reflection was different. In this reflection was Aphmau but her hair was slightly on fire and instead of ice there was fire. Around the Aphmau in front of me Aphmau was covered in ice. Ice crystals surrounded her keeping her in place. Her cheeks had tear trails and her skin was covered in little snow flakes. " It's not fair...its not FAIR" she yelled. Laurence you cant just do that. " Aphmau" i said shaking her but my arm was frozen over. " NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT YOU LOVE HIM YOU CARE FOR HIM YET YOU DENY IT AND TRAP IT" the reflection yelled. " I don't care i can't let it take over IT IS HOW IT IS" she yelled and more ice covered the room. I had to do this. " Sorry M'lady" i said and kissed her.

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