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"Lee Jeno to the principal's office, I repeat Lee Jeno you are called into the principal's office," the loud speaker echoed through the rooms.

The brunet stands up pushing his glasses back up to his nose ignoring the 'ooooo's' coming out from his classmates as he takes his leave.

He walks towards the principal's office with nervousness rushing through his veins as he knocks on the door hearing a granted permission for him to go in.

He opens the door and gulps seeing four guys sitting on his Grandpa's left and Jaemin on his right all alone in a chair glaring at the four boys.

"Please take a seat, sweetie," Donghae gestures kindly with a reassuring look that he's not in trouble but instead involved in the mess, whom he's the victim of.

"So, I've heard there has been rumors going around with my grandson and Jaemin over here," Donghae starts folding his hands together.

The four boys shrugged as Jaemin rolled his eyes, "there has, and all of them are bullcrap," he hissed.

Donghae gives Jeno a look as the brunet immediately tries to calm his boyfriend down by patting his arm gently and scooting closer despite the arm chair distancing them like a barrier.

"I see," Donghae nodded and looks back to the four boys, "I've also heard from the report of a few students including the class officers that you four have showed explicit images and videos about them."

The four boys kept quiet as Jaemin was losing his patience gripping on the seat as Jeno was whispering in his ear calming words, "calm down, honey, I'm here," he said

The pink haired grunts in response as Donghae took out some files, "there is no need to deny your doings as there were tons of proof and reports from other students." He adds.

"Baekhyun, has actually added more information about this situation," the elder said as the boys looked up with the three glaring at their friend.

"Baekhyun has confirmed that you four indeed caused the commotion, but," Donghae paused looking back up at them, "he has also said only two of you were the ones who wanted to do it while the other two didn't."

The two boys were glaring at Baekhyun who was looking away giving Jeno and Jaemin an apologetic look as the brunet nodded accepting his apology silently while the older refused.

"So may I ask, Kyungsoo and Suho,". Donghae starts, "why did you boys wanted to embarrass Jeno and Jaemin while forcing your two other friends to join with?" He asked sternly.

The two boys were silent as Donghae tsked and shook his head with disappointment, "I see," he sighed, "it's clear what your intentions are boys."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun scooted away as Suho and Kyungsoo were just silent, "I do not accept bullying, harassment, assault or any type that could ruin a person's life in my school." Donghae said.

He takes out a few papers and sighed folding his hands together on the table, "your parents will pick you up, Kyungsoo and Suho will be suspended, as for Chanyeol and Baekhyun," he paused.

He gives a pitiful smile at the two, "even though you two didn't want to be involved in the first place, you still need a punishment. You boys will have detention for a week and help clean up the cafeteria."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded obediently as the other two friends did too a few minutes later in a slow pace.

The principal pursed his lips, "I would like for you four to apologize to Jeno and Jaemin over here, stand up please," he said.

They all stood up as Baekhyun and Chanyeol apologized first, bowing and wanting to be friends with the couple instead.

Jeno gave them a smile and nodded before hugging them quickly as Jaemin just rolled his eyes crossing his arms.

The brunet sighed as he chuckled seeing his grandpa's face as well as Chanyeol and Baekhyun looking sad mixed with nervousness.

He nudges his boyfriend's shoulder and hugs him by the shoulders, "c'mon babe, you can forgive them even if it's just a tiny bit," he ushered.

Jaemin didn't budge and glared at them, "no way am I accepting that," he retorts.

Jeno pouts kissing his cheek hearing Baekhyun and Chanyeol cooing at them as he whined, "please honey? For me?" He begs.

The pink haired was almost giving in, Jeno could tell. He smirks cheekily and pouts again, "if you won't forgive them then I guess you forgive the other two," he said.

Jaemin groaned and wrapped an arm around Jeno's waist looking at the four boys and nodded stiffly, "whatever, I accept your damn apology," he glared.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun sighed in relief thanking them as the other two were just ashamed keeping quiet.

"You boys are excused, take your bags since there's only a minute left before the bell rings and school's over." Donghae instructs.

He then sighed looking at Kyungsoo and Suho with disappointment, "you two will stay here, your parents are on their way." He informed.

They all bowed and took their leave as Donghae calls Jaemin making the boy stop and turn back around, "do come join us for dinner tomorrow, I would like to get to know you more," the elder smiled.

Jaemin nodded with a bow, "of course sir," he said respectfully as Donghae laughed and patted his back.

The elder gestures for him to take his leave as the pink haired did bidding his goodbye and walks around the hallway to look for Jeno.

He spots the brunet talking to Baekhyun with Chanyeol just a few steps ahead of them. He sees Jeno giggling and nudging the older who blushed in return.

Jaemin being a possessive boyfriend who was once a fuckboy and quite the opposite of the role, got a feeling in his stomach as he already knew what it was.

He mentally greets his good ol pal jealousy jokingly as he approached the boys who were on their way to another hallway.

The pink haired watches his lover bid his goodbye at the two new friends of his– because Jaemin is that bitter and holding a grudge– before walking back towards him.

Jeno waves at Baekhyun who mouths something to him before grabbing his boyfriend by the bicep and leading them out.

The brunet informs the older that Donghyuck and Renjun will grab their bags for them as Mark was absent after staying in the fucking rain because he saw an ice cream truck passing by.

"What were you and that dude giggling about huh?" Jaemin asked with an obvious tone of irritation as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

Jeno giggled and shook his head, "relax hubby, I was only teasing him about Chanyeol hyung because there's some obvious tension around them," he shrugged.

Jaemin hummed still holding not only one but two grudges as they stood by the gate, "you know I only love you, babe," Jeno whispered pecking his jaw.

The pink haired huffed as he shrugs his shoulders, "how about you hm? What did pops told you?" Jeno asked looking around.

Jaemin, wanting to get his revenge, teased back at the poor innocent boy, "he told me you were a loud little thing when you have a dick up your ass and even your throat," he whispered.

The brunet widened his eyes smacking his chest, "shut up!" He hissed and looked at their surroundings if someone heard them with blush on his cheeks.

Jaemin laughed putting his hands up in surrender mockingly, "my bad, sweetheart," he snorts.

Jeno lets out a 'hmph' cutely making Jaemin coo and pecks his forehead, "I'm kidding, sort of," he said earning a pout.

He kissed the pout away as the boy smiled shyly and continued, "He invited me for dinner tomorrow and stuff," he said as their friends approached them.

"That's fun! Can't wait to see you, handsome, yay!" Jeno cheered with a giggle.

Jaemin laughed along as he took their bags from Donghyuck and Renjun, the former smirked draping an arm around his lover's shoulders, "so hoes, what happened in the office? Any tea?"

Renjun scrunched his nose, "ew," he grimaced, "don't say tea ever again, please," he cringed.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and leads Jeno away from their annoying friends, "only if you assholes tell us what happened in the clinic yesterday," he yells with a smirk.

The couple walked away leaving the other two friends blushing and blaming each other that they got caught and who's fault it was.

"Wait," Jeno said, "what did happen at the clinic yesterday?" He asked innocently and oblivious.

Jaemin just drawls a sigh and pulls Jeno closer pecking his temple, "nothing you need to know until they tell us," he grins.

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