Share and Kiss

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For the past few weeks, Jaemin and Jeno had been spending their time together very well, in secret.

Jaemin and Donghyuck still acted like it was the norm while Jeno and his two friends, Renjun and Mark, did as well going back to their usual routine.

The only differences is, Jaemin and Jeno are dating. And, the former isn't "dating" any girls or actually anyone anymore.

Rumors were spreading about the weird thing of Jaemin not having a girl beside him wrapped around his arm everyday.

Of course Jeno gets insecure and worried about it all the time, especially when he's walking around trying to do his job as class president and role model.

Like for example, the teacher tells him to pass these papers to the other section. Of course, as class president, he'll do it.

Walking there is already full of whispers and words about them. Getting inside a room full of people is deafening to his ears and hurtful to his heart.

He didn't say anything though, not even his problem with the situation to Jaemin. Not yet atleast.

But it looks like God really wants him to spill his beans and rant shit to his boyfriend while he thinks he's being dramatic.

Because here he is, with Jaemin at the library. They sat on a table at the very corner of the room and hidden away from the bookshelves.

Not many people were at the library today, they were either already going home or doing after school activities.

The basketball team had no practice today, so Vernon and Dokyeom went home telling Jeno the information and all beforehand.

So why was Jaemin here? Well he was complaining how the coach told him to get his grade in French up or else he'll be benched.

Of course, him having a wonderful and an adorable nerdy boyfriend who's the class president in their class and grandson of the principal was lucky.

Even though if Jeno wouldn't be all this and that, Jaemin would still consider himself to be lucky to have Lee Jeno as his.

"Can we take a break? I barely understand anything!" Jaemin whined rubbing his temples.

Jeno pushed his glasses up to his nose and patted his boyfriend's hair as if he's comforting him. "You still need to learn the basics, you're getting there.  Be patient Jaeminnie."

The pink haired sighed as he sat up with his shoulders slumped. "I don't know how you shove these shit in your cute brain, I barely even remember what I ate for breakfast today."

Jeno stifled his giggle behind his palm and lifts his legs on to Jaemin's lap as the boy places his hands on Jeno's thighs.

Jaemin rubs his thumbs in circles, "I really don't like this," seeing Jeno got shook and raised a brow, he patted his thigh reassuringly. "The studying I mean, of course I love you and our relationship, the studying is what I meant." He rephrased.

Jeno hummed and flipped to another page, the mention about their relationship was getting through his head again as he just stared at the single word for a moment.

Noticing how the brunet froze unconsciously as he stared down the paper, Jaemin taps his thigh getting his attention.

Jeno blinked furiously before leaning back and arching his back as Jaemin looked at him, "is there something bothering you sweetheart?" He asked.

The brunet shook his head and whispers, "no," he pursed his lips. "'M fine," he said.

The pink haired frowned and brushed Jeno's bangs away from his face, "hey, look at me." The brunet obeys and looks at him, gaze down to Jaemin's shirt instead.

"My eyes, darling," Jaemin said tapping his chin. The brunet sighed and looked at his eyes as they made eye contact. "What's wrong?" Jaemin asked again with a tone.

Jeno kept quiet as Jaemin tapped his thigh in a rhythm, "hey, you can tell me anything right? I'm your boyfriend and I love you, I wanna know what you're feeling baby," he said.

The brunet bit his lip, "this might sound ridiculous and all, but the rumors are just getting to me. I don't know why but I just get upset whenever they talk about you like that."

"You're jealous hm?" Jeno nodded hesitantly. Jaemin wasn't wrong, but the guess still lacked.

Jaemin notices and hummed, "baby, are you insecure?" He asked gently lowering his head to look at Jeno's face who lowered his head down to cover his tears.

Jeno sniffled and nodded once, twice, continuously until he hiccupped. "Aww no-yah," Jaemin sighed and pulled the boy into his chest as he cradled his head.

Jeno silently cried in his boyfriend's chest until he looked up with tear stained cheeks, "I just– the words are getting to me you know? I– I just don't want it to ruin us," he croaks.

Jaemin's heart break at the sight of Jeno crying, he really doesn't like it when the brunet is bawling his eyes out, it breaks both of them.

The pink haired whispers sweet nothings into his ear until he calms down and leaves a kiss on top of his head.

"We won't let them or anyone ruin us alright? They're no match for us. Just promise me to tell everything and no keeping secrets, mkay?" Jaemin mumbles to him.

Jeno nodded and smiled again, he plays with Jaemin's hair and brings his hand down to his nape as he could smell the boy's minty breath.

"Okay, I promise," he said. "You too alright babe?" He smirked knowing so well Jaemin preens at the petname.

As if on cue, Jaemin chokes on his saliva and his face turned red, "I'll never get used to your pet names, especially on how you say them."

He paused and cupped Jeno's cheek rubbing his thumb on the skin under the boy's eye as he felt his long lashes brush against him.

"But I'm not complaining," he chuckled as Jeno rolled his eyes at him.

He leans in and connects their lips as they kissed for a while before breaking apart, "still in public honey," Jeno giggled.

Jaemin grumbles, "it's okay, we can kiss and do anything we want when you're ready to come out. Be patient with that by the way okay bub?" Jeno brushed his hair back kissing his cheek.

The brunet had a cheeky grin as Jaemin placed his fingers on his cheek where Jeno kissed him and felt something sticky, "yah! You have lipgloss on don't you?" He hissed.

Jeno laughed and wipes his cheek with his sleeve pecking Jaemin on the lips as an apology, "you know I always do." He winked.

Jaemin sighed, "you're lucky je t'aime," he said groaning and laughed when he saw Jeno's face appalled.

"You did learn!" The brunet cheered as he smiled brightly. "je t'aime aussi," he said back as the pink haired pushed his glasses back up to his nose again for him.

Jaemin grinned proudly, "all thanks to you sweetheart, my lil baby, my angel, darling, beautiful boy, baby boy, kitten, pup–"

"Okay that's enough studying for today," Jeno cuts him off blushing and shutting the books closed.

Jaemin smirked, "I win," he shrugs helping his lover clean up and holding his hand as they walk down the sidewalk not worried since school is over and nobody will see them.

Jeno hums at him, "well congratulations babe, honey, love, handsome, my sexy man, my bubba, hubby, master, daddy–" Jaemin widens his eyes and slams his palm against the brunet's mouth.

"Okay we get it, you're so proud. Thanks love, now please be quiet and keep most of those shit in the bedroom." He sighed exaggerated.

Jeno giggled and unlocked his house door, "well you're lucky you're sleeping over tonight. Grandpa's out and the maids are back in their homes for family reasons," he winks.

Jaemin just clicked his tongue and smacks his ass playfully as Jeno yelped, "you're so nasty, save them for later. I'm hungry, as in food."

He walks ahead to the kitchen and rolls his eyes with a smile when he heard Jeno grumbling at the back, "why search for dinner when I'm a whole ass buffet, you douchebag."

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