Surprisingly No

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Jeno used to like carpools, especially since he doesn't have a car and isn't planning on having one in the future. It's not like he's not allowed to, but he simply doesn't want to.

Being in charge of where you're going and in the road is terrifying, so he left that responsibility to Mark or Renjun.

But now he's starting to hate it, he really wants to open the door and jumps out not caring if he'll get injured or not. As long as he doesn't have to witness Jaemin's girlfriend trying to flirt over said boy.

He doesn't really remember the girl's name, actually, let me rephrase that. He doesn't really remember majority of Jaemin's girlfriends' names. He only went up to Yeri, but that was the 4th one, and he has an average memory.

The girl was really talkative, Jeno doesn't really mind on having company but her voice is starting to get annoying.

Her voice was a bit high pitched and it doesn't help if she's trying to act cute to Jaemin because apparently the boy wasn't even paying attention to her.

He was just humming along and glancing at the rear-view mirror, though Jeno tries to ignore it as he watches the houses passing by and blocking the girl's voice out.

They arrived at Jeno's house first, simply because Jaemin said he has some stuff to do with his girlfriend, and Jeno already knew what he meant so he just nodded.

Jeno took his bag and opened the door, it was about to rain soon so he was relieved that Jaemin decided to drive him home first than the girl.

He steps out and turns to them, "thanks for the ride," he smiles genuinely.

The girl scoffed and muttered, "whatever ugly ass," earning a not so subtle glare from Jaemin as he nodded to Jeno.

The brunet rolled his eyes and turned to slam the door shut, making the vehicle shake a bit and the girl shrieking, he chuckled before quickly going inside his house and taking off his shoes.

He did watch Jaemin's car drive away and goes to the living room to see Amber sitting on the couch, "noona, aren't you supposed to help Krystal in the garden?" He asked.

He has three maids, used to be five but the two left when they were offered a new job. They were all nice and loving, they treated Jeno like he was their son.

Krystal was usually in charge of the garden, Luna was mostly at the kitchen or somewhere else while Amber was, well, anywhere.

Amber looked up with a chip in her hand, "she told me to fuck off," she shrugs as Jeno chuckled and sat beside her.

He took out his homework which is just only two subjects and places them on the table to start working, "what about you? How was your day?" Amber asked munching on her Pringles.

Jeno started to write the answers as he replied, "it was so-so," he shrugs as well and quickly erasing the mistake.

Amber raised a brow and swallowing her food before taking another one, "elaborate for me, I'm bored," she said as she handed Jeno the chips.

Jeno gladly took some thanking her, he then proceeds, "Well, Mark and Renjun were debating on when to start the tutoring sessions and I figured that out," he then sighs, "after that, everything was okay until I had to carpool with an annoying couple."

Amber laughed and patted his back with her cheese powdered fingers staining his uniform, "I guess we had an equal day," she shrugs.

Krystal then came into view with Donghae, "Amber, why weren't you helping Krystal at the garden?" The elder asked calmly and sitting on the single couch.

Amber glared at Krystal, "she told me to fuck off," trying her best innocent pout.

Krystal rolled her eyes, "because you weren't listening and kept throwing mud everywhere." Amber sheepishly smiled at them as Jeno finally finished.


A few hours later, they had finished dinner and Donghae was with his old friend's house, Heechul, and will be back at eleven.

Jeno is in his room, trying to find a good video to watch until a message popped up.


Open your door

Class nerd:



Can you fucking read? Open the damn door, I'm outside.

Class nerd:


Jeno quickly stood up from his window seat area, almost tripping on the blanket and rushing downstairs.

The maids were at the basement, Krystal watching Amber clean the room and trying to kill a rat for a good few minutes as Luna was reading an old book.

Jeno opens the door to see Jaemin a bit soaked from the rain, "what the fuck are you doing here?" He hissed as he looks around to see nobody else.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "dumped her, she was really annoying," he clicks his tongue, "now let me in, hurry up," Jeno scoffed before opening the door wide and letting the boy in as he closed the door shut.

"Room, now," Jaemin said while taking off his shoes, Jeno widens his eyes and grabs the shoes as he grabs Jaemin's bicep with his free hand, "Hey!"

Jeno shushes him and hears a voice from the basement, "Jeno? Who's at the door?" Luna asked.

Jeno panics and leads Jaemin to the stairs, "uhm, just a prank from some kids," he replies nervously. He's panicking right now since he has someone over without telling his grandpa.

He's not allowed to bring someone over without permission from the elder and also most likely a boy. Donghae is an overprotective grandpa and doesn't want Jeno in trouble.

Jaemin at his house without anyone else knowing is one of the big risks, they could get caught and in trouble, especially if they have to do that.

Sure they've done it before, but that was when Donghae was really busy and the maids were also busy somewhere else, sometimes out of the house.

"Okay, just making sure, goodnight Sweetie," Luna replied back followed by a scream and some insults.

Jeno pushes Jaemin up the stairs almost stumbling, "night noona," he yells back and goes straight to his room shutting the door and locking it.

Jeno puts the shoes down and turns to Jaemin, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?!" He glares.

Jaemin shrugged and pulling his shirt off, "I did," he paused, "I messaged you," he adds as he steps closer.

Jeno raised a brow and grabs his phone, "oh," he then realized the boy did leave a message, and he surprisingly didn't notice even when they just texted a few minutes ago.

Jeno sighed and placed the phone on the nearby table, "let's get this over with," he said with a sigh as Jaemin instinctively picked him up, holding his thighs as he leads them to the bed.


They pant as Jaemin pulls out to lay beside him, after a good minute, he stands up to grab some tissues and cleans them both up, throwing the tissues in the trash bin soon after.

Jeno expected Jaemin to dress up and leave like he usually does, but surprisingly he doesn't.

Jaemin instead goes to Jeno's closet and grabs two pairs of boxers, a t-shirt and sweatpants, he then walks over to the bed and gives Jeno the shirt and boxers, "dress up."

Jeno took it hesitantly before doing as told, after they both dressed up, he then realized Jaemin was shirtless and he himself didn't have pants on.

He watches as Jaemin lays back down beside him and turns the lamp off, the boy brings the covers over to their bodies as he pulled the brunet by the waist towards him.

Jeno gasped and looked up from his chest, "aren't you supposed to be home right now?" He raised a brow as Jaemin just pulled him even more closer.

"Nah, too tired and it's raining," he replied as Jeno shoots up with wide eyes.

"We're going to get caught!" He whisper-yells, he panics and begins to think of the possibilities of getting in trouble, he was about to stand up and grab Jaemin's clothes before the boy pulled him back to bed.

The elder pulls him and keeps him in place, he tightens his grip as Jeno squirms, "behave will you?" He growls.

Jeno immediately stops and sinks down a bit frightened by the tone, Jaemin sighed and tapped his fingers on the younger's side.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning with you or something, I didn't bring my car over so I'll just jump off the window," he pushes Jeno's head towards his chest, "we won't get caught, now sleep," he reassures.

Jeno yawns and doesn't want Jaemin to get in a bad mood than he was before, the elder was usually moody when he dumps another fling or girlfriend if you will.

He often gets annoyed by just thinking of them, and it really doesn't help when some of those had to cry and all. Jaemin had no control of his hormones and had somewhat anger issues, he bosses some people around with a tone.

He was usually scary and uses this tone of voice in basketball practice, especially when nobody fucking listens to him.

Jeno unconsciously nuzzles closer searching for warmth, Jaemin noticing and wraps the blanket more to the brunet and places his chin on top of his head.

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