•17• Senior Year

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Chapter 17:

Senior Year

Clearing the steam from my shower, off of the bathroom mirror to get a better look at myself, I wipe the water away from my face. Yet again the dark circles have reappeared but I know it is a sight I will have to get used to as this is about to be the most tiring year yet.

The final year of High School.

Getting up at the early time of 6am this morning had been a struggle, I'd forgotten what that time had felt like over the summer. But even the tiredness cannot ruin the excited feeling I have.

For the first time in forever, I feel excited to return to school. I have so many things to look forward to. The whole idea of it being my last ever year in school is exciting enough but another year with the group and the first time returning to school as Zac's girlfriend makes me uncontrollably happy.

At this moment, I have everything I could've ever wished for. This is going to be the best year yet, I can just feel it.

Walking into my room, leaving wet foot marks on the wooden floor, I open my closet. For the second time since joining Oakmore, I have the tough decision of deciding what to wear on my first day back. The weather is still warm, but as it's nearing September, some leaves are beginning to turn their autumn brown colour.

I settle with a cream, cropped, knitted jumper paired with denim, high waisted, ripped jeans. I straighten my hair before applying natural make up. Although I still aim to make good impressions, there's less pressure than there was on my first ever day.

"Wow, my first baby, all grown up." My mum says, leaning against the door frame.

She walks towards me as I kneel in front of my mirror, hugging me from behind. I give her a warm smile, melting into her hug.

"I'm so glad you're finally happy Lola. There was a minute where I didn't think I'd see this day, I'm so proud of you." She says as I turn to face her.

"I really am happy now. Things are so much better here mum- for the both of us."

The sound of a car horn interrupts the moment; Zac is outside to pick me up.

Standing up, breaking the hug, I place the remaining items that I need into my bag before flinging it over my shoulder.

"Have a great first day honey!" My mum says as I head towards the door.

"Thank you, I'm sure I will!" I reply, closing the front door quietly in an attempt to not wake up Lily.

Zac leans against the bonnet of his car as I walk down the drive towards him. His tight, fitted, dark green top hangs loosely from his body yet sits snug around his arms, making him look effortlessly attractive.

"Ready for the best year of your life?" Zac says, throwing his arms into the air.

"Most definitely." I reply, placing myself in front of him as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in to kiss him.

This summer has been our summer and it has been perfect in every way.

I am completely in love with him and just as in love with the fact that he loves me back.


I roar with laughter at Zac's continuous attempts to sing as he fixes his eyes on the country roads leading to school.

"What's so funny?" He says, acting as if he's offended.

"Oh nothing, your voice is so beautiful." I sarcastically joke.

"Maybe we should duet sometime? We could be one of those cute, singing couples!"

"Certainly!" I reply, pouting.

He turns to look at me, smirking, causing me to let out a smaller giggle. He laughs back, placing one hand on my thigh, keeping the other tight on the wheel.

The lines of yellow buses trail off to the bus stops as Zac signals into the parking lot.

Outside of the entrance, banners, balloons and stalls for our class schedules are set up with waves of students buzzing around them.

Zac turns down the radio.

"Look, everyone's already here!" Zac says, pointing at the group, they stand around their cars which are parked next to each other.

Pulling into the free parking space next to Blake's car, the group waves as we get out to join them.

"Hey girl!" Sophie says, pulling me into a hug.

Sophie and Blake have gone all out for the first day this year, whilst also attempting to maintain their power couple status, wearing matching colours. Despite the cringey aspect of it, it sums their relationship up perfectly.

Steven runs up behind me, picking me up whilst spinning me around, causing me to squeal.

"My favourite British girl!" He shouts as I laugh.

"And if it isn't my favourite American boy!" I joke back, gaining a shocked look from Zac.

"Fine, my favourite American boy that isn't my boyfriend." I laugh.

"That's more like it." Zac says, winking at Steven who is laughing.

Although we've all seen each other a fair amount of times over the summer, I still missed seeing them daily in the same way we do at school. They are the best group of people I have ever met, they never fail to ensure I am included and there's never any bitterness to anyone else, everyone has mutual love and respect for each other.

I look at everyone as we stand in a circle by our cars. Everyone is smiling and joking around. We all look so happy which adds to that same exciting feeling that reassures me about just how good this year is going to be.

Zara and George stand hand in hand, Blake and Kieran stand talking about football whilst Sophie reapplies her lip gloss, Steven speaks to Zac who had his arm over my shoulder. Lots has changed since I first joined the group, but it has all changed for the better.

"Okay, listen up, as it's the first day back, that means it's time for our usual first day traditions!" Blake announces.

"First day traditions?" I ask.

"So our overall rule is to stick together as much as possible to assert our authority as the popular group to everyone." Zac says, rather arrogantly but I understood why this is something that the group does.

"Yeah so that's the aim and then we also have a tradition of giving all of our phones to Steven." Blake says.

"Why would we do that?" Zara asks, surprised, also clueless towards these traditions.

"It's because the school feed blows up on the first day back! So much gossip goes around. Therefore to avoid any bad feelings and to stop anything ruining our moods, we don't have our phones on us until the end of the day." Steven says, slowly walking around the group, collecting everyone's phones.

Reluctantly, I hand him my phone.

"And the last tradition is the lunch table one. Basically, we all meet before any of us step foot in the cafeteria and once everyone is there, we walk in at the same time and claim our table. It's another tradition to help maintain our status." Blake finally says.

"That one's the best! We look so badass and everyone watches us. It puts everyone in their place." George tells Zara.

"Okay, sounds good." I laugh because although these traditions seem silly, they are obviously important to everyone else.

"Lets go!" Zac says, instigating the idea for the group to head into the building.

Taking my hand, the group walk together, heading up the stairs towards the entrance doors.

Above the entrance doors a giant sign says: "Welcome Back to Oakmore High School"

The hallway is packed but very quickly, our arrival gains us attention and it becomes clear how the impact of the tradition of sticking together works. We really do look like that stereotypical popular group.

New freshmen stand in awe, whilst others look on and smile. As we walk, we smile back and for many students, this is the first time seeing the group in the way it currently is.

Zac takes my hand in his, causing whispers and shocked looks from many girls but that causes him to pull me into him closer, kissing the side of my head.

Blake and Sophie lead the group, standing in the middle, he throws his arm around her, cracking jokes with Kieran. George also takes Zara's hand, who looks fairly sheepish from this newfound attention. Steven walks stylishly with his hands in his pockets, occasionally smiling and talking to girls, causing them to excitedly gossip and squeal with their friends.

Each person is showing off their characteristics to the rest of the school, marking their territory within the group. I can't help but wonder how different this was at the start of Junior year. The only couple would've been Zac and Amelia...

"Good Morning students, this is your daily morning announcement. Welcome back! Enjoy your first day and attend all classes." The voice calls on the tannoy.

"And to our Senior students- welcome to Senior Year!"


"Hey gorgeous." Zac says, kissing me quickly as he waits for me so that he can walk with me to French class.

"Hi!" I say excitedly.

"How's your day been so far?" He asks, taking my hand as we walk through the hallways.

"It's been really great! I thought it'd be good but this is even better. Is it always like this?"

"Yes I suppose so, there's something about the first day back that is one of the biggest events of the year here. It's the day that everyone tries to establish themselves on the social ladder, also a lot changes over the summer as well as a lot of drama, so today is the first time that becomes noticeable. Like Steven said, the feed goes crazy with new gossip and all the freshmen gain access to it, that's why we find it's better to avoid it all day, because our names will be everywhere." He replies.

As his words sink it, I start noticing people staring at us as we walk as a couple, grabbing their phones to post about it. In my classes it's been the same, everyone was so much more friendly, asking me everything about Zac and I. On my first day the main focus was on me but today the focus is on everyone which is why it feels crazier.

Luckily, both Zac and Steven are in my French class again this year with Madame Rosilet as our teacher. Steven approaches the door to the classroom at the same time as us.

"Well would you look who it is, Zac Enderly outside French class and actually on time." Steven jokes.

"Get used to it, I have a reason to be here on time now." He jokes back, shooting a look at me.

As we are about to walk into the french room, my attention is drawn to two girls as they walk past us.

"Do you reckon they know?" One whispers whilst the other gives a worried look.

"Lola?" Steven asks, snapping me out of my moment, clearly noticing the concern on my face.


"Everything okay?"

I nod, adding a smile, closing the classroom door behind me.

All of a sudden, the excited feeling I've been feeling all day is replaced with another, uncomfortable one.

People begin to fill the room, giving all three of us strange looks, whispering again.

"Wow, everyone's acting strange in here today!" Zac exclaimes.

"I know right, something interesting about the group must've been put on the feed, which is exactly why we have the no phone tradition. But remember, it's just harmless gossip!" Steven reassures me.

I'm sure he's right. The group have nothing to hide that would've caused some major drama. It's just people being typical teenagers.


The bell rings, signalling that it is time for lunch! My second favourite part of the day, first being going home of course.

But today I'm more excited than usual because of this tradition, if it's anything like walking through the hallway together this morning then it is going to be great.

Zac, Steven and I make our way towards the cafeteria, where we will meet the rest of the group before entering.

People continue to give us funny looks the whole way there, causing me to grip Zac's hand tighter as the anxiety fills me. I just wish that I could see what is being said on the feed or know what this is all about.

"It's fine, I'm sure they're being weird over nothing." He whispers, squeezing my hand.

"Hey Lola!" Zara says as we reach her and George, just outside of the cafeteria.

"Hi, how's your day been?" I ask back, grateful to know that I wasn't the only new person in the group on a day like today.

"Good thanks, I kind of can't wait for it to be over though."

"I'm just hungry." George says, his voice impatient.

"Dude, why are people acting so crazy?" Kieran shouts to us, a few metres away.

"God knows!" Zac says back, clueless.

"Who's ready for the big entrance!" Blake enthusiastically says, Sophie by his side.

Kieran whoops, fist bumping him.

Just like this morning, Blake leads the way, taking Sophie to be by his side. We all get back into formation as though we are in the wings of a stage, waiting for the curtain to go up, for the show to begin.

The cafeteria is eerily quiet and the minute everyone sees us, the room becomes silent.

I look up at Steven, confused, who scrunches his eyebrows together before shrugging. This clearly wasn't what usually happens.

As we walk along the smaller aisles, towards the main aisle, the popular table is out of eyesight. All eyes are on us.

Reaching the main aisle, we turn the corner, our table directly in front of us. I can't help but focus on the looks we are receiving from everyone else. They look scared.

The group stop dead in their tracks.

I glance up to look at their faces, confused as to the sudden halt in movement. Everyone has the same wide-eyed, emotionless expression, staring at the table. A hint of anger flickers in George's eyes. Even Steven doesn't dare to look back down at me.

I look at Zara, she is the only person looking at the rest of the group, the same confused look sitting on her face.

I squeeze Zac's hand, waiting for him to react, but he doesn't. His face is blank.

Snapping my head to stare at whatever the rest of the group is staring at, the familiar shocked, wide-eyed look takes a hold of me.

She flicks her auburn hair behind her, clasping her hands together whilst pouting her lips. She looks amused yet smugness is all over her face as she sits on the middle seat of the table, staring all of us up and down. Her eyes linger on me as her smirk widens.

"Who's that?" I whisper, my heart racing, pumping the anxiety around my body.

"Amelia." Zac replies.

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