•22• Feelings Can't Hide Forever

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Chapter 22:

Feelings Can't Hide Forever

Blake leads the pack as all 8 of us head for the front door of Amelia's house.

He takes long strides as he walks, determination pulsating through him. Sophie stands by his side, hand in hand. Her ringlets of curls bounce as she places one high heel in front of the other. The way she struts means that she's easy to read; she is not going to be taking any attitude from Amelia.

George and Zara walk to the left of Blake and Sophie, also hand in hand. George pushes a hand through his wild hair, he is ready to watch the drama unfold and join in. Zara acts as George's calming mechanism. Her aura seems relaxed and tranquil, ready to calm us all down if the party inevitably explodes.

Kieran and Steven walk behind the group, their height towering over everyone. They look like the body guards with their stern faces yet excitement to get involved and play a part in the drama riddles them. They will protect us all from the hell on earth that will undoubtedly be sent our way from Amelia.

Zac and I walk to the left of Blake and Sophie, his arm around my waist. He's reluctant as the last party of Amelia's left him with a broken heart and his fear induced by my overwhelming anger means that he knows that I am just as big of a ticking time bomb as Amelia is. I feel everyone's emotions but mostly I am the angriest. My cheeks still feel warm and red from my irritation and I know it'll only be a matter of time before I can't contain myself anymore.

Amelia's house sits on the suburbs of the town. It's even bigger than Sophie's, with acres of land and multiple buildings coming off from the main house. The music can be heard from miles away and the party has drawn in lots of people, evident from the rowdiness of crowds. The door's wide open suggesting that anyone is welcome.

Anyone but us.

On the way here the adrenaline bounced from person to person. Something has changed within all of us. We've relaxed the grip on Blake's plan and are ready to go into this battle, head to head with Amelia.

Each person plays a different role and the dark horses come from the new people in the group; Zara and I. Yet I am the risky dark horse, I have my own vendetta.

No one cares anymore which is dangerous but thrilling.

As we march through the house into the humongous living room, heads turn in all directions. We are like Santa Claus, fulfilling the people's wishes that they'd voiced on the school feed.

The living room is crowded, most of Junior and Senior year are here. Multi coloured lights flash around the room as people dance in the middle, beneath the chandelier. The drinks table in the corner of the room is mobbed. Amelia has supplied her guests with more than enough alcohol which is rather risky considering this is her first party since the one at the start of Junior year. It's funny what people do when they're desperate to gain popularity.

We all stand together scanning the room yet Amelia is nowhere to be seen.

"What are you doing here?" She scowls as she enters the room, closing the french doors which lead to the garden behind her.

She looks the most beautiful out of everyone. She's wearing a knee length, beige tight dress with a scalloped neckline. Rose gold sequins cover the hem of the dress and create beautiful patterns across the dress as a whole. She has her hair curled, in a high ponytail. This girl knows how to clearly make herself the centre of attention.

"Well, considering we're birthday twins, I thought we could share this special day together." Blake beams.

"How sweet but you weren't invited." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"But Amelia, we know how amazing your parties are and I was personally heartbroken when I found out that I wasn't invited. You know how much I loved your last party." George exaggerates, sarcastically.

"Oh George, but unfortunately there's no drugs here this time buddy." She replies, her bottom lip protruding.

Her comeback hits George harder than he anticipated and in annoyance he huffs, rolling his eyes before walking off to get a drink.

"Amelia I'm so sorry. I wanted to come, especially after you invited me and said it'd mean a lot to you, but I didn't want to go against my friends. We're all here to have a good time. I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." I lie, stepping forward to hug her.

"Happy birthday by the way."

The hug shocks her and for a brief moment I'm unsure if I am just going to hug her or drag her to the ground by her pretty auburn hair. Steven smiles at me, knowing that my deceitfulness is exactly the right move. I act in the same way that I'm sure Sophie used to which adds to my frustration.

"Lola's right. We're all just here to enjoy your birthday and party. Give you the warm welcome back that you deserve. At least this way both birthdays can be celebrated! Don't you find these parties make you reminisce about the wild parties that the group used to throw?" Sophie says looking around the room, playing the character of the old Sophie who would suck up to Amelia.

"Exactly, we're all back together like the good old days." Blake innocently smiles at Amelia.

"Plus, we're people pleasers and if you care to check the school feed, you'll see that everyone wants us here. Isn't that right?" Blake shouts.

Cheers erupt from around the room. Amelia looks around her, gritting her teeth. I can see her blood beginning to boil as the realisation that she's lost this battle, at her own birthday party, hits her.


Following our entrance, the initial hype has died down but tension hangs in the air and it feels like it's rising by the minute as my efforts to keep calm become increasingly more challenging.

Blake and Sophie mingle with the guests. It is as if they are royalty, everyone queuing to talk to them as a pair, wishing Blake a happy birthday. My favourite part about watching them is knowing that Amelia had created them. She introduced them to each other, setting the foundations for their unbreakable relationship. They have completely stolen her spotlight tonight and it's evident that Sophie is far ahead of her to be the most popular girl at Oakmore. Something that makes me proud but I'm sure it makes Amelia jealous.

The boys had gone to play beer pong in the dining room leaving myself and Zara to entertain ourselves. We also went around chatting to others from school, much like I had done at my welcome party. Zara is a great person to have at a party, she can easily talk to anyone, she's sensible and more importantly she is helping me to stay calm.

Amelia doesn't speak to any of us. She still tries to keep the party going, entertaining guests with silly games and the volume of the music gradually gets louder as the night goes on. She is trying to keep a cool exterior yet on the inside she looks as if she could scream. Everytime she makes eye contact with any of us, she throws a dirty look our way. We have ruined her largest attempt to win over the people of Oakmore again.

"I'm going to grab a drink, do you want one?" I shout to Zara.

"Yes please." She replies.

"Okay, wait here, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

I give her a smile and stand up from the couch. Weaving my way through the group of girls that are surrounding us, I cross the living room to the table of drinks.

I know that Zara doesn't drink and it isn't often that I have a drink anymore, especially after what had happened in England and even more so after my welcome party but tonight I need a little something to take the edge off.

Grabbing a red cup, I pour myself a small amount of the alcoholic, purple coloured punch from the tap attached to the large glass container. It smells strong but fruity, it definitely has coconut flavoured rum in it.

I grab another cup to pour Zara some lemonade. Searching the table for the bottle, it seems hidden amongst the sea of alcoholic drinks. I rummage through the table until the blue bottle cap catches my eye, I pluck it from the others but it's empty.

Groaning, I pick up the cups ready to search for some more lemonade. I leave the living room into the large hallway. It is much quieter as it's more hidden from the music but it looks just as crowded.

Just like Sophie's party the hallway is where the peak of the party is most evident. Some people stand talking, other's stand making out against the stairs.

Laughing to myself, I walk into the kitchen. It's modern with marble top counters and pristine kitchen equipment litters the surfaces. The framed pictures that hang above the family sized dining table show Amelia standing next to her parents. She is an only child and by the looks of it, very spoilt.

One picture catches my attention in particular. It's Amelia standing outside of a huge, stone building. She's wearing a grey and purple uniform and she looks miserable. Underneath there is something written.

'Amelia's first day at boarding school.'

"I bet boarding school was very different to Oakmore." A voice calls out, interrupting the silence of the kitchen.

I turn around, startled and meet his icy blue eyes. He looks exactly the same as he did before, perfect dark blonde hair, tight fitted shirt. He stands a few inches away from me, looking down at me as if I am a meal. I can feel his breath hitting my skin as his lips curl up into a smirk. My hands begin to shake as I realise who is standing in front of me.

It's Liam.

"Long time no see Lola." He says as I take a few steps back away from him.

"Get away from me." I say in disgust.

"Now that's not very nice. Last time I saw you, all you wanted to do was be around me." He laughs.

"You disgust me!"

"I highly doubt that." His arrogance is sickening.

I walk to the other side of the kitchen, trying to ignore his presence. My head starts spinning, reminding me of moments from that night. His hand creeping up my thigh, the taste of alcohol on his tongue, the weight of his body on mine. I shake my head, attempting to get rid of the thoughts. I place my hands on the counter, taking deep breaths.

"Come on Lola, there was no harm done. It was just an innocent kiss." He says, standing beside me at the counter.

"Get away from me Liam, I'm warning you." I mutter.

"What was that?" He says, leaning into my face.

"I said get away from me!" I shout.

"Wow you have turned into one fiery girl. Zac must have a thing for girls with an attitude."

"Leave Zac out of this and I am nothing like Amelia." I protest.

"I'm guessing Zac has told you why him and I aren't exactly friends. Poor little Zac, couldn't keep hold of his girlfriend. It's a shame I never got to claim you, that really would've broken his heart." He laughs.

"I am not some trophy that you can win. The way you treat women is shameful. You are a vile person. You will never feel love Liam, you will never have anything like Zac and I have. You are not capable of love. Enjoy telling people that Amelia was your biggest achievement, you are just as horrible as she is. You deserve each other."

"Listen here you little slut." He says aggressively, grabbing me by the neck, pinning me against the counter.

"You may think that you're little miss perfect, with the perfect life, popularity and a boyfriend. But I'm on to you. There's something about you that I just can't put my finger on. I will make it my mission to find out what that is and I'm telling you right now, I will destroy you Lola Haywell."

"Get off her you creep!" Zara shouts, hitting his back as hard as she can so that he releases his grip from my throat.

I gasp for air, collapsing to the ground. Zara rushes to my side, picking me up from the ground.

"You wait for the group to hear about this Liam, you will be done for." She says.

"I mean what I said Lola, just you wait and see." He points his finger at me as he walks out of the kitchen.

"Oh my god, are you okay? What the hell just happened?" Zara says, hugging me.

"I need to find Zac." My panicky voice is lost for words.

I run out of the kitchen, frantically searching each room for Zac. Zara runs after me, trying to help me whilst also checking to make sure I am okay. I've never seen her look so worried about me.

I'm still gasping for air and the pain from Liam's crushing fingers on my neck starts throbbing and begins to bruise.

"Steven, have you seen Zac?" I ask, my eyes still darting around the room.

My voice is shaky and I am all over the place.

"Not for a while. Are you okay? Something seems wrong?"

"I just need Zac!" I cry.

"Lola what's wrong?" Sophie asks, worried, as her and Blake spot me.

"Where's Zac." I ask in desperation, my voice getting more unsteady as my body trembles.

"It's okay, we'll find him." Sophie says, wrapping her arms around me.

She looks up at Steven, wondering what has caused this, he shrugs back just as clueless as she is.

"Come on, we'll go look for him." Blake says, leading us out of the room.

We continue to search for Zac. I need his comfort. I need to sob into his arms as he tells me it's all going to be okay. The worst part is, I don't even know what scares me more; Liam's rage or the idea of him finding out the truth about me.

I check the hallway again, looking amongst the people for Zac until I find him. He's leaning against the stairs, shuffling uncomfortably, but he isn't alone.

"Zac you don't need to be with someone like that. Think of what we used to have. That was real love. We could have that again." Amelia says, pushing her body up against Zac's.

"No Amelia, I actually love Lola." He replies, trying to dodge her efforts to kiss him.

"Feelings can't hide forever." She says, grabbing his face, leaning in to kiss him.


The anger overwhelms me as I see red. I run up to Amelia, shoving her off of Zac. She stumbles back, shocked, before she launches towards me too.

Zac quickly grabs me, picking me up around my waist. He pulls me back as I scream, flailing about, trying to grab hold of her.

Steven grabs hold of Amelia, making sure that she can't touch me.

"You're crazy!" She screams.

"Says the girl that is so desperate to make friends again, she throws this awful party and then hits on her ex who is in a new relationship. Newsflash for you Amelia, no matter how hard you try, you will never be who you used to be. Can't you see it? Everyone hates you." I shout, still trying to break free from Zac's grip.

"Lola baby, I need you to calm down." Zac calmly whispers into my ear.

"It's not my fault that your boyfriend was coming on to me." Amelia says.

"That's not true Amelia and you know it. All you ever do is cause trouble." Zac shouts this time, letting go of me but keeping me behind his arm by his side.

"Just shut up Amelia!" Sophie says in disgust.

"Sophie look at you, acting like you're above everyone else. You'd be nothing without me and you know it. You're pathetic." Amelia spits.

This time it's Blake who has to catch Sophie as she throws herself at Amelia. George stands laughing at Amelia, causing her to look at him angrily but he doesn't care. She is finally getting what she deserves.

"Amelia you are the worst person I have ever met. For a brief moment I thought people had you wrong, I thought there was some kindness in that cold heart of yours. But I was so wrong. The way you treat people is inhumane. The way you've treated George and Sophie and god knows how many other people over the years is despicable. Who do you think you are?" I growl.

"Who do I think I am? What about you Lola. Who even are you? You come to America out of nowhere, not telling anybody why. You become one of the most popular girls in school but most people don't even know who you truly are. You're hiding something, something big and it's been obvious to me since the moment I returned." She laughs.

"What are you on about now?" Zac moans.

"You've got secrets that you are guarding with your life and your own friends and boyfriend are too dumb to see it. I saw right through you the minute I met you Lola. You can't hide anything from me."

"Woah, what's going on here?" Liam says as he walks towards the group, arrogance glowing from his skin.

"Just go away Liam. How dare you show your face here after what you did to Lola in the kitchen." Zara hisses.

"What?" Zac says in disbelief.

He looks down at me, his eyes drawn to my neck. The redness and bruising of fingermarks stands out and I see the rage fill Zac's eyes.

"You did that to her?" Zac shouts.

He grabs hold of Liam by the collar, pinning him against the wall. He clenches his fist, ready to throw the first punch. Liam is lost for words, stuttering.

"DID YOU DO THAT TO HER?" Zac shouts this time, he is the angriest he's ever been.

Liam fails to answer and Zac has grown impatient. He throws his arm back, ready to put all the force he has into his punch but Blake grabs hold of his arm, pulling him away before he causes too much damage.

"That's it, we're leaving!" Blake shouts, grabbing each of us, throwing us out of the door.

Blake and Steven have to put all of their strength into pulling both Zac and I out. We try to wriggle out of their grips, to finish what Liam and Amelia have started but they refuse to let us go.

"You will regret this Lola. I will make sure of it." Amelia shouts after me.

And with that, she slams the door in our faces.

It is at this moment I realise, this is no longer just a battle, it's a full blown war.

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