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On Yavin 4

"Okay now I'm worried." Kannan said referring to Ezra and Sabine who have been gone for almost two days. He along with Hera Zeb and Chopper in the copit of the ghost. "I told you they would've contacted us if they were late. Something must have happened on that planet we have to go get them." Hera said even more worried than ever before. "Try contacting them through the Phantom's transmitter." Zeb suggested worried as well. Hera turned on the transmitter to contact them. "Ghost to Phantom do you copy" static "spector 2 to spector 5 do you copy" static "spector 2 to spector 6 do you copy" static "Ezra, Sabine, please come in!" Still static. "This doesn't make sense they always respond." Hera said now way more worried than before. "What see if you can contact Ezra through the force, will that work?" Hera ask Kannan. "I'll give it a try." Kannan answered and began to dig deep in the force to contact his padawan. He could feel Ezra but something was wrong he could feel that Ezra was in a lot of pain. Kannan could feel that his life was in danger, he went deeper into Ezra's mind and saw everything that happened at the citadel. "NO!" Kannan yelled and jumped out of his seat. "Kannan what's wrong?" Hera asked in a worried voice. "Hera you were right, they're in trouble. Their are reactivated battle droids their that captured them and tortured Ezra. I saw they escaped but it led to more trouble that they are in. They need are help." Hera wasted no time and hop into the pilot seat and began to take off.

Back on Lola Sayu

Ezra was starting to wake he had a headache, he could still feel the pain but only a little. He was about to sit up when he saw Sabine next to him asleep and holding his hand tight. Ezra smiled at the sight of sleeping so peacefully.

As Ezra sat up and laid back on the rock Sabine also started to wake up As well. "Ezra?" "Hey Sabine" Sabine got up in a flash and hugged him while tears fell from her eyes. Ezra hugged her back and stroking the back of her head. Sabine eventually broke the hug and wiped away her tears and blushing, "Sorry." "Don't be i liked it." Ezra said. "Come on we better keep moving." Ezra said trying to stand up but couldn't because he was still in pain. "Ezra no your hurt, we'll rest here for a little bit until your heal enough." Ezra sighed and said "okay then, it's not like i can say no to you." With that they sat their in silence.

There was still silence for another while between the two until Ezra spoke up, "thanks for fixing up my wounds i probably wouldn't have made it without you." "You've Been their for me for years it was time i returned the favor, you mean alot to me, Ez." Ezra smiled at what she said, it made him relize that this would be the best moment to tell her how he felt.

"Sabine, remember when you decided to stay with your family to help them?" He asked. "Yeah why?" Sabine asked confused. "Well you know that everyone was sad to see you go but i was sad the most. And when i said want to help you free your people after you help the rebellion escaped Atollon, i didn't come with because i owed you i came because......." "Because what?" Sabine asked. "Because i have feelings for you." Sabine eyes widened, she didn't know he cared about her that much. "But if you didn't then i understand." He said facing the other way. Sabine grabbed chin and made him face her. "Ezra it's not like that at all. Because over the past few years I've also had feelings for you as well." Ezra was almost in disbelief with what Sabine said to him. "You really mean that?" He asked. Sabine nodded and smiled while Ezra smiled back their faces moved closer to each other and they kissed. Both teens were happy, they had confessed their feelings. When they broke the kiss Ezra got up and said "C'mon lets find that pipeline." "You sure you're ready to walk?" Sabine asked. "Hey after what just happened i feel brand new." Ezra said and he winked at her. Sabine rolled her eyes and got up as well and they started to walked and holding hands.

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