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"Sir, the intruders have escaped and are headed north-east." One droid said to Kalani. "They will not get far without their ship. Bring out the Anoobas they will track them." Kalani ordered. "And captain, take no prisoners." He added

An hour later

Sabine and Ezra were still on the run on the outskirts of the planet trying to find a different way back and coming up with a plan. "Everything looks the same here, i don't how we're supposed to get back." Ezra said looking around. "Don't worry before we left, Rex gave me a holomap of these type of terrains." Sabine said and she opened the holomap to show Ezra. "Okay first we need to find this pipeline we'll use it to find our way back." Ezra nodded and they continue to walk.

After a few moments of silence until Sabine spoke up "Ezra what plan are we gonna have when we get back?" "Well know that if we try to call for help they'll be jamming our transmission. I guess the only thing we can do is hold out until someone arrives." Ezra answered. "How do you know someone will show?" Sabine asked thinking that they will be trapped hear. "Well if i know Hera, notice that we've Been gone too long and will get worried and race across the galaxy to come get us." Sabine gave a small chuckle at that thought. "Yeah she can very overprotective when it came to us..... But the two of us all of them droids i don't know." She said worried. Ezra noticed this and put his hand on her shoulder, "Sabine, your a Mandilorian and I'm a jedi, i think we can handle a few old droids." He said and smiled at her and she smiled back. Their smiles faded when heard a strange howling in the distance behind them. "What was that?" Sabine asked. "I don't know but lets not stay here and find out. C'mon lets find the pipeline." Ezra said. Sabine nodded and continue their search.

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