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Ezra and Sabine were on top of a hillside looking down at the citadel looking for a way in. "Okay if we sneak past the two guards on the east, carefully walked past that turret tower, past the hangar bay we should it to the dish without being spotted for the time being." Sabine explained. "Alright lets get it done." Ezra replied and got up, They were about to walk down the hill but Sabine stopped Ezra. He turned around and faced Sabine, she then took off her helmet and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "For luck." She said. As she was about to put her helmet back on Ezra gave her a quick kiss back. "Same goes for you." He stated and the pair slide down the hill to put their plan into action.

Sabine and Ezra were almost to the dish they just needed to get past the gun tower and the hangar bay. They were about to make a run to the hangar but then extra droids came out of the citadel near the hangar. The two teens quickly jumped back into hiding. "Great we can't get past them without being spotted we need a distraction." Sabine whispered to Ezra. Ezra sighed and grabbed his lightsaber, "i guest I'll do it." He said "Ezra no their too many of them for you." Sabine protested. Ezra then placed his hands on her shoulders and made her face him, "Sabine, look at me, i know you're worried but I'll be fine, while they're coming after me you make a run for that dish and do not stop. Plant the bombs and meet me at the Phantom." Ezra explained. Sabine nodded and hugged Ezra tight, "just be careful okay?" Sabine said breaking the hug. "Okay i wilk." Ezra said and stood up and walked out in the open. "HEY, TIN HEADS, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!" Ezra yelled and ran in the other direction, Ezra's plan was working so far and battle droids started to chase after him giving Sabine the chance to make a run for the dish.

Sabine made it to the dish and began planting the explossives on the weak spots of the dish. Sabine could hear blaster fire not far. She was worried and scared for Ezra, but she had to focus on what Ezra said, 'plant bombs and meet Ezra at the Phantom' Sabine said in her mind and finished placing the last bombs on the dish.

Ezra was in a fight for his life, he had his lightsaber in one hand and his blaster in the other taking on the growing numbers of battle droids heading for him. Suddenly, Ezra was backed into a corner and surrounded, he had nowhere to go then he saw Kalani walking up to him and he said "Now Jedi tell me where the Mandilorian is and i will spare you both a long and painful death."

Suddenly, the dish exploded and came crashing down. "Now you know where she is." Ezra said smiling at the smoke. Then half of the droids started to power down and fall to the ground.

Kalani looked at Ezra with what looked like an angry expression on his metal face. He then order the remaining droids to kill Ezra.

The battle droids shot at Ezra, but he was quick to dodge and deflect the shots. He use the force to push down the droids infront and ran to the landing platform where the Phantom was.

Sabine was running past shut down battle droids as she made her way to the Phantom. Sabine was at the Phantom, she turned around and saw Ezra running towards her. Her had joy inside as she saw that Ezra was okay. "Nice work Sabine, as always." Ezra said.

Suddenly baster bolts came rushing at them, it was Kalani and the rest of his battle droids coming to finish them off. Ezra and Sabine looked at each other and smiled. "Well we sure did tick him off." Sabine said blasting droids. "Yeah and he's about to be more ticked off." Ezra replied deflecting shots with his lightsaber. More droids just kept coming. And it was getting harder now that one of the droids was firing at the teens from the gun tower. "Well Sabine, looks we're fighting to the end i guest." Ezra said. "I'm glad i get to go down fighting, especially with you, Ez." Sabine replied.

Suddenly the gun tower exploded. Ezra and Sabine looked at each other confused. Then they looked up and saw The Ghost. The ramp lowered and revealed Kannan and Zeb. Sabine and Ezra smiled at the site of their crew members. The Ghost landed next to the Phantom and Kannan and Zeb started shooting at the battle droids and gestured to the teens to get on board. "Go Sabine I'll be right behind you." Ezra said and deflected shots. Sabine nodded and ran to the Ghost with Ezra behind her. Sabine was on the ramp with Kannan and Zeb and Ezra was the last one to get on the ramp. "Hera their on board, grab the Phantom and lets get out of here!" Kannan said through the comlink. "I'm on it!" Hera replied. The ramp closed and the Ghost lifted off. Hera used the magnetic locks to grab the Phantom. The Ghost flew at max speed off the planet and jumped into hyperspace.

The Ghost was in hyperspace on its way back to Yavin 4. Ezra, Sabine, Kannan, Zeb, and Chopper were in the common room talking. "Hehe, nice to have you two back safe and sound." Zeb said rubbing his hand on Ezra's head and putting his arm around Sabine's shoulder. Chopper was beeping cheerfully at the teens and Kannan placed his hand on Ezra's shoulder and said "you guys must have done a number on them because once we saw the explosion we knew it was you." "Yeah because you two can't go anywhere without blowing something up." Zeb finished. Ezra and Sabine just shrugged their shoulders at what Zeb said. Then Hera entered the room and stared at the teens. "Hey Hera." They said in union. Hera said nothing, she ran up to them and hugged both Ezra and Sabine at the same time tightly. They were suprised at what she did but eventually hugged her back. "You guys have no idea how worried i was for you" Hera said still hugging them. "Things took a turn while we were their but we managed to pull through." Ezra said. Hera broke the hug and ask "What happened?" Their was silence from Ezra as he looked down, Sabine noticed this and spoke up for Ezra. "We were about done collecting the supplies when we were ambushed by battle droids, the droid in charge was General Kalani the super tactical droid Ezra Kannan and Zeb found, They through me in a cell but Ezra......" Sabine paused because thinking about what they did to Ezra made tears fill her eyes. Hera noticed this and gestured both of them to follow her to the med-bay.

All three of them her in the med-bay Hera gestured Ezra to sit on the bed, Ezra sat on the bed and Sabine sat next to him. "Alright go on." Hera said standing infront of the two. "They.......tortured Ezra, scared his by with multiple cuts. Then when we escaped we were attacked by multiple wolf like creatures......." Sabine paused again. Hera was shocked at what she heard, and she saw sabine was about to cry, she never thought she ever see her cry. "Ezra was injured bad trying to protect me" Sabine continued wiping her eyes. Hera then turned to Ezra and kneeled down to him. She was about to grab his jacket zipper when he grabbed her hand. "Please, i need to see." Hera said. Ezra nodded and unzipped his jacket to reveal his scars. Hera gasped and placed her hand on his chest and tears went down her cheeks. She got and hugged Ezra and he hugged her back and smiled. "I'll be okay, Hera you know that right?" Ezra asked, Hera broke the hug and said "I know you will, even though I'm not you guy's real mother, i still count you two as my children and family." Hera said, "we count you as family too." Sabine said. Hera got up and walked out of the med-bay leaving Ezra and Sabine to themselves.

"You think we should've told her about us?" Sabine asked. "No, she was already worried about us, telling her that we are together will just worry her even more." Ezra answered. "So we're keeping this a secret?" Sabine asked grabbing Ezra's hand. Ezra stood up and said "for the time being, at least until the Empire is defeated. And besides, it'll be fun having some alone time with you." "Oh really and what do you mean by 'alone time'." Sabine while she stood up putting her forehead on Ezra's forehead. Ezra grabbed Sabine's other and and said "alone time for this....." And they started to kiss. They broke the kiss and stared into each others eyes. "Love you, Sabine" Ezra said. "Love you too, Ez" sabine said back and walked out of the med-bay holding hands.

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