Chapter 16: Presently

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A coffin can only hold oxygen for so little time.

Laying under layers of dirt.

Suffocation would be a painful way to go.

The first thing that would kill someone buried underground is lack of oxygen, that is.

If they were not buried in a type of wood that can be broken by a desperate closed fist.

Sweet, delicious oxygen entered through the man's throat and his lungs brimmed back to life. His heart started to pump once more. When consciousness is achieved, the first thing McCoy sees is darkness. He feels something on his shoulder. Hard, firm keeping him down. It's on his left shoulder. Has he gone numb? Then his mind wondered off to something on his lips. It was familiar. Familiar green tinted lips that had a taste that McCoy couldn't pinpoint. His hand grasped onto the back of the Vulcan's neck exploring in to Spock's mouth like a old friend. Spock reached back making the Vulcan's hand slide off his neck. McCoy saw stars out there. The bright, full moon casting over the Vulcan's head making it seem like he had a crown no his head. It made his hair look shade of blue from blue.

McCoy was breath taken.

His throat felt dry.

And he had a major headache.

"He needs water!" Spock shouted over a large structure. A large bottle flew toward the Vulcan's direction. Spock caught it into his hand. For some reason, it felt like a dream. It felt so alien to him. Like he was living a real science fiction movie that had come life. It was probably the most surreal event to occur. McCoy could hear voices over the large, brown mound. One of which was strikingly familiar. And it didn't sound too happy. "Doctor, you have been underground for approximately twenty-four hours and thirty-three minutes." He opened the lid. "Drink."

Spock placed his hand under the man's head bending it up forward.

McCoy felt numb from his other arm and his legs weren't able to move as he gulped it down.

The Vulcan lowered the bottle screwing the cap back on then tossed it back up to the top.

"I am not a dursell in distress," McCoy said.

"Can you walk?" Spock raised an eyebrow.

"No," McCoy said.

"Then you are," Spock said, moving to the side. "your mother has been awaiting word. We were unable to come sooner as Ohalis had been evasive, it only took inner searching, and . . ." his eyes gazed to the man's bare neck as he knelt down. "your necklace to find you."

"Mmmmhm," McCoy said. "it had Vokaya. Didn't it?"

"Yes," Spock said, picking the man up. He stood up. "we had some distractions and difficulties during the dig."

"Ya are beautiful in the moonlight," McCoy said, clenching the man's uniform as he snuggled in.

Then was the sound of a transporter surrounding him as his eyes returned to a close feeling his head aching.


"Are you still sleeping with Leonard?" M'Benga approached the Vulcan off duty.

Spock's hair was disheveled. His hair bangs were longer than they had been. Almost as though the Vulcan let them grown out during the complete chaotic day. There were bags under the Vulcan's brown eyes. He seemed to be slowly growing a beard on his once soft, smooth face with baby like skin. It looked as though he were a young man in his mid twenties untouched by time. His other uniform was folded neatly on a stool covered in layers of dirt. The only thing he wore was a collar less and sleeveless light gray shirt that matched the gray shorts. His light blue eyeliner wasn't there anymore staying in tact. His eyebrows less fleek perhaps a little more bushy than they had been before arriving to Fa-tuk. The Vulcan's hands were going under the sink rubbing alongside each other staring at the human with laziness that wouldn't be seen normally on a Vulcan.

"We have yet to determine that aspect of our relationship," Spock said, calmly, yet cooly enough to make one think that he wasn't emotionally compromised.

"He is going to need skin contact to calm down at nights," M'Benga said. "at least in the beginning. After this surgery . . ." he folded his arms. "I can't believe. . ." he shook his head. "how they did that to connect to his lungs is beyond me with limited time it had to be quite advanced than what star fleet has been lead me to believe," the man sighed. "Mr Spock, he'll be able to walk after the operation. You must help him with the nightmares."

"Not my first rodeo with Leonard's nightmares," Spock said.

"And. . ." M'Benga said. "get some rest."

M'Benga went past the Vulcan who straightened himself up.

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