24- POV Mitch

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I stare at the bottom of the bunk above me as I hum Can't Sleep Love for probably the hundreth time tonight. I haven't checked the time, but I know it's almost morning. I haven't gotten a second of rest, thinking about how much I love Scott.

That's why it breaks my heart when I hear him yelling in his sleep across the hall from me. The second I hear my name, I shoot out past the curtains of my bunk and am standing next to Scott's within moments.

"Scott?" I ask through the curtain, not wanting to intrude. He just continues yelling, letting me know that he's still alseep, in some nightmare.

I can hear from his voice that his cries are out of pain and fear. Something is hurting him.

I just want to open up Scott's curtain and hug him tight and make whatever is hurting him go away. Yet, I don't want to open his curtain, since we haven't talked in days. He probably would hate me if I intrudes on him while he was sleeping. I just decide to wait outside his bunk, my heart ripping into millions of pieces as he continues to yell and occasionally say my name.

After a couple minutes of this, the rest of the bus is surrounding me as we wait outside. Scott's yells are becoming much softer now, more like whimpers and sobs. Next to me, Kirstie softly says his name over and over, to calm him through the curtain.

Finally, the curtain slowly opens and we see him crouched over in his bed, still sobbing (I mean, it's not like he can sit upright in his bed anyway, but still). As he looks up to scan the crowd outside his bunk, I notice the tear stains on his cheeks and the emptyness in his eyes.

I get up the courage to quietly ask him, "Are you okay?"

When he looks over at me his face turns red and he quickly looks away, shutting the curtain again within seconds. I jump, startled at his response.

I look over at the group, brows furrowed. I mouth to Kirstie, "What did I do?"

She shrugs and shakes her head, just as confused as I am.

Let's just leave him to himself for a little while until he's ready to come out," She whispers. We all nod and the group disperses throughout the bus. It is too late to go back to sleep, so most of us just go back to our bunks or the couch on our phones.

I walk over and sit down in my bunk to think over what just happened. Scott clearly did not want to talk to me. It was like just the sight of me triggered some horrible memory.

Was the kiss that bad?

I mean it's not like he has stayed that far away from me the past couple days. It's like his nightmare triggered fear of me.

Thinking about it, I start to realize that Scott was yelling while screaming my name in pain during his dream. I had thought maybe he was frightened and wanted me. Appearently not.

Appearently, Scott had a nightmare about me hurting him. He doesn't know that I would never hurt him, but now I can see he doesn't even want to look at me.

I'm not getting over Scott anytime soon, and it seems like he's not going to look at me anytime soon.

I look down and pick at my nails, realizing that Scott is my entire life. My world revolves around him.

If Scott doesn't even want to look at me, then really, what is the point?

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