.My Dream Makes Me Wanna Die-.

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I had a dream about a place called "HappyLand" I guess. It was a crazy park with lots of slides, confetti, balloons, and water.

I was with these two people:

I don't remember their names but I remember their colors. They are kids but more like teenagers.

And there was this bich—
She's was purple.

She works with the guy who runs HappyLand. At first, I thought she was nice but she was only nice to Blue And Pink But not me for some reason but she acted like she has respect for me too—

The guy who runs the place was kinda a a$$—
Because for some reason, I was depressed and sad and wanted to talk to someone about it so I told the owner I was being depressed but he brushed it off and keep saying "I have no time for this." I was so mad and Felt even worse. Of course this is HappyLand and there was no unhappy people here except for me. So I acted like a salty brat to everyone except for Blue and Pink. I now regret acting like a salty brat now because unlucky stuff are happening to me and everyone in the place hates me except for Blue and Pink. I was so upset that I wanted to leave and go hide somewhere to cry my eyeballs out but I had no where to go so I stayed. I was trying to think of my girlfriend so I can forget it but it didn't work so it was more like HellLand to me. The Purple bish was with us the whole time, she bought food for Blue and Pink but of course not any for me so I kinda starved. I was in pain but I knew if I told them, they won't care and thinking I'm trying to get attention and just gonna brush it off again... so I acted like I was alright but really I was slowly dying. So I was still acting like a salty brat.

Here's what the owner looks like:

Yes, this what he actually looks like in my dream but I was lazy to put effort and hard work into the drawing—

Purple bish then took us to a private giant pool and it has a lot of movements and splashes. They got a floating thingy and ride on, I was scared and I knew I wasn't allowed to go in but I went anyway just for Blue and Pink. When I got a floating thing too, nothing happened. Blue and Pink were confused why nothing is moving. I already know the reason why so I finally got off. Then Everything is moving again...
I was so done with life and just looked at them. I then said "I hope you guys have fun..."

i then slowly walked away. But then I saw Blue and Pink got off the floating thingy and went after me. I was so confused and keep telling them to go back and have fun without me but they didn't. They told me "if you're leaving, then we're leaving." They knew that I was having a hard time and How I felt, they didn't want me to feel guilty and it wasn't my fault. I then saw Purple got off the floating thing too not because she felt guilty and bad for me—
We then left and decided to sue HappyLand and now the place shut down lmao.

There was also this—
Blue boy was acting weird around me and I asked him "do you like me?" And then Blue boy replied "U-uh no..?"
I then respond "oh good! Cause I'm taken." He then gave me a shocked face and said "oh—"

I was thinking of dreaming about me playing as Marple, but my mind gave me this shet instead—
Lmao. Doe I still wanted to cry my eyeballs out—
So that was my dream.

I Dunno—

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



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