Home Sweet Home

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Look I know it is short but I haven't updated in forever I have been super busy and been grounded constantly. Still that's no excuse and I am sorry. So don't kill me I'm trying my best.

Lou's POV

We put our bags in the back of Aguros' van and all of us got in.

He little scene with Travis was still happening every once in a while. I would catch him staring at her while the girls talked.

I was with Miranda on this but Sammy said he knew when Travis gets to flirting he always can find a way to have the girl kiss him.

Pretty much girls in boys.

We were going to a high school in my hometown. It was about a four hour drive.

We would be staying at my house.

"Hey Lou do you think for the deal we can fake date at school too. I don't wanna have more Drews on me." Sammy asked.

I wanted to scream. Sammy wanted me to be his fake girlfriend at school even. We might as well be dating for real.

"Sure." I played off with a shrug.

Conner lucked up," Wait. Back up. You two are dating?"

"Fake dating Conner. You know, to keep girls away from Sammy." Miranda said like she was talking to a little kid.

He gave and 'oh' look.

The first two hours we laughed at Sammy's jokes. He never ran out but we started to hurt after two hours of laughing. Other than that we played games on our monster pro phones.

The last two was filled with sleep, and listening to the radio sing songs like Closer, It,s Everyday( Jack Paul and Team 10)who knew Katie could rap, Stitches and much more. We all sounded great together but Conner by hisself was um a little to much to ask.

We finally got to the house. It was more mansion. My house really changed like they moved changed.

We walked up and I knocked. I have a mansion with no door bell. I soon heard barking from my dogs Ava and Damian. I heard them be pulled away and my step mom opened the door.

She saw it was me and wrapped me in a hug. She loved me as if I was her own.

"Chiron said you were coming. I just didn't know when." She said pulling away.

Yes, she knows. So does my step-brother and sister. I have a little baby step sister too. We all get along, except for my step-brother. I think I'm going to call them brother a sister be cause that is what they are.

"Mom this is Katie and Miranda Gardner, you know them. The others are Travis Conner Stoll, and Sammy White. They are the ones Chiron told you about." I explained pointing to each of them.

She ushered us in," Your rooms are upstairs and Page will show you around. Dinner is in an hour." she said walking back to the kitchen I guess.

I saw my sister, Page, run down the stairs.

"Lou! I missed you." she said hugging me then punching me," Why did you leave me with Mr. Ego?!"

I laughed," Guys this is my sister Page."

"Pardon me, don't want to interrupt the lovely family reunion but is that Mr. Ego." Sammy said pointing at my brother who was looking down at us.

Page rolled her eyes," Yes, but please ladies if he try's to flirt with you knee him in the baby maker. It will prove my theory if he really has one."

Katie and Miranda looked at each other with straight faces and nodded," We love you already." Then they hugged her.

We all laughed and walked up a different flight of stairs that I guess lead right to our rooms. I got my room with all my stuff from my old room. As I looked around in my new room Page showed everyone else to their rooms to unpack. That was a lot of rooms.

Blake's POV

Great Lou is coming back today. She's my age sadly so I got do go school with her and her freak friends.

I heard a knock on the door and went to go see the freaks.

I saw Katie and Miranda. Wow Katie looks better better then ever. You see we all used to be neighbors but their there dad died and they went to that camp.

I saw this guy too close to Katie for my liking. I think Lou said his name was Travis.

Once they left I went back to my room to think of a plan to win Katie's heart again and if Travis got in my way, freak or not, I'll make him disappear.

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